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Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia:About TBE

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Progress from the start of the project in 2012 – now

Since the project was officially launched at the ECAI conference in UC Berkeley in December 2012, the CBE project has grown to become a leading online resource about Buddhism.

When searching key Buddhist terms on the internet, the CBE often comes up as one of the top results because of the volume of content, amount of repeat visitors and the constant updating of information on the website.

Why is it currently named as the China Buddhism Encyclopedia?

The current name – The China Buddhism Encyclopedia is named so because during the early stages of the project the content was only to be in English and Chinese, however, it has become apparent that the vision of CBE now goes beyond only English and Chinese speakers and looks to the global potential of spreading and preserving Buddhism. A new name, World Buddhist Encyclopedia is being considered and might be in use soon.

Academic Approach

When compared to traditional Buddhist texts and teachings, the CBE has from the very beginning approached Buddhism from an academic/scientific perspective. Traditional and original texts (sutras, tantras, commentaries, poems, etc.) are included, however, if and where possible, academic explanations and references are given providing an invaluable resource for the majority of the population that is unaware of how to interpret Buddhist texts, in part through learning about the history and context of these valuable texts.

Academic learning is predominant in the modern era and if Buddhism wants to effectively reach out to as many engaged people as possible, its core teachings need to be adapted to match the capabilities and preferences of the majority.

By no means is CBE discouraging traditional Buddhist studies, on the contrary, the purpose of the CBE project is to provide free information for Buddhist practitioners at every level while at the same time preserving these ancient and valuable Buddhist texts for future contemplation.

Multi lingual

CBE is designed to be developed in as many languages as possible, with a primary focus on English, Chinese, and languages of traditional Buddhism (Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian, Japanese, etc.).

The software used to develop the CBE allows for effective cross-linking between concepts, terms, and definitions in multiple languages.


Chinese and English are the two most widely spoken languages in the world, thus the main focus of the CBE is to be developed in those languages.

Furthermore, by cross-linking between languages, the CBE creates a unique effect of sharing knowledge between English and Chinese speakers.

Welcoming all traditions

The CBE does not emphasize or promote any tradition of Buddhism over another. The encyclopedia includes but is not limited to the following backgrounds and disciplines:

International Collaboration

The way that the CBE is structured creates unprecedented opportunities for international collaboration, research and studies.

CBE is always open for partnerships with academic, monastic, research, and charitable organizations to achieve the goals of;

  • Spreading Buddhism throughout the World in multiple languages
  • Enhancing the world's understanding of Buddhist thought and philosophy
  • Preserving ancient Buddhist texts
  • Connecting Buddhist people, ideas, and resources

Sourcing Content for the CBE

All materials added to the CBE are rigorously screened and approved by those who have been studying and practicing Buddhism for several decades.

If there are any articles that have any grammar or other errors, it is due to the overload of work of the small team. Please send us an email pointing out which article of the CBE can be improved.

Online materials – All materials used are always referenced to the original source.

Photocopying and translating new materials – The CBE team incorporates photocopies of hardcopy materials such as books, sutras, etc. CBE keenly emphasizes expanding the digitization of all existing Buddhist materials.

CBE also does its best to provide translations of all traditional Buddhism materials into a lexicon of different languages.

Digital media & new software – The CBE is designed to incorporate all available suitable digital media/software sources about Buddhism.

Preservation Of Buddhism

The world is changing rapidly; technology, globalization, the limitation of natural resources, and a growing population all contribute to the increasingly rapid changes that influence the human race and its every aspect, including Buddhism.

One of the purposes of the CBE project is the preservation of all traditional Buddhist materials digitally. Besides being an effective online tool, the CBE also acts as an arc for the future preservation of Buddhism, collecting, categorizing, and preserving valuable contributions of the past two millenniums and beyond.

Buddhism + Youth = Future Of The Buddhism

It is a fact that people in this contemporary society increasingly use computers and IT infrastructure, therefore one of the main purposes of the CBE is to make Buddhism more easily accessible and user-friendly for the young and future generations, who mostly prefer using digitized materials when compared to hardcopy materials.
