Thirty-five buddhas of confession
Thirty-five buddhas of confession — in the opening verses of the Sutra of the Three Heaps, homage is paid to the thirty-five buddhas of confession. Thirty-five Confession Buddhas. Used in the practice of confessing and purifying negative karmas, the group of thirty-five buddhas visualized while reciting the Sutra of the Three Heaps and performing prostrations.
They are:
- Shakyamuni, the perfect buddha, the conqueror, the holder, the transcendent one, the thus gone, the one victorious over the enemy
- The One Who Has Fully Conquered with the Diamond Essence (Skt. Vajrapramardī; Wyl. rdo rje snying pos rab tu 'joms pa)
- The Jewel Radiating Light (Skt. Ratnārśiṣ; Wyl. rin chen 'od 'phro)
- The Sovereign King of Nagas (Skt. Nāgeśvararāja; Wyl. klu dbang gi rgyal po)
- The Leader of the Warriors (Skt. Vīrasena; Wyl. dpa' bo'i sde)
- The Glorious Joy (Skt. Vīranandī; Wyl. dpa' bo dgyes)
- The Jewel Fire (Skt. Ratnāgni; Wyl. rin chen me)
- The Jewel Moonlight (Skt. Ratnacandraprabha; Wyl. rin chen zla 'od)
- The Meaningful Vision (Skt. Amoghadarśi; Wyl. mthong ba don yod)
- The Jewel Moon (Skt. Ratnacandra; Wyl. rin chen zla ba)
- The Stainless One (Skt. Vimala; Wyl. dri ma med pa)
- The Glorious Giving (Skt. Śūradatta; Wyl. dpa' sbyin)
- The Pure One (Skt. Brahma; Wyl. tshangs pa)
- The Giving of Purity (Skt. Brahmadatta; Wyl. tshangs pas sbyin)
- The Water Deity (Skt. Varuṇa; Wyl. chu lha)
- The God of Water Deities (Skt. Varuṇadeva; Wyl. chu lha'i lha)
- The Glorious Goodness (Skt. Bhadraśrī; Wyl. dpal bzang)
- The Glorious Sandalwood (Skt. Candanaśrī; Wyl. tsan dan dpal)
- Infinite Splendour (Skt. Anantaujas; Wyl. gzi brjid mtha' yas)
- The Glorious Light (Skt. Prabhāśrī; Wyl. 'od dpal)
- The Glorious One Without Sorrow (Skt. Aśokaśrī; Wyl. mya ngan med pa'i dpal)
- The Son of Non-Desire (Skt. Nārāyaṇa; Wyl. sred med kyi bu)
- The Glory of Flowers (Skt. Kusumaśrī; Wyl. me tog dpal)
- The Thus Gone Clearly Knowing Through Pure Radiance (Skt. Tathāgatabrahmajyotivikrīḍitābhijña; Wyl. de bzhin gshegs pa tshangs pa'i 'od zer rnam par rol pa mngon par mkhyen pa)
- The Thus Gone Clearly Knowing Through the Play of Lotus Radiance (Skt. Tathāgatapadmajyotirvikrīditābhijña; Wyl. de bzhin gshegs pa pad ma'i 'od zer rnam par rol pas mngon par mkhyen pa)
- The Glory of Wealth (Skt. Dhanaśrī; Wyl. nor dpal)
- The Glory of Mindfulness (Skt. Smṛtiśrī; Wyl. dran pa'i dpal)
- The Renowned Glorious Name (Skt. Suparikīrtitanāmagheyaśrī; Wyl. mtshan dpal shin tu yongs su grags pa)
- The King of the Victory Banner that Crowns the Sovereign (Skt. Indraketudhvajarāja; Wyl. dbang po'i tog gi rgyal mtshan gyi rgyal po)
- The Glorious One Who Fully Subdues (Skt. Suvikrāntaśrī; Wyl. shin tu rnam par gnon pa'i dpal)
- The Perfect Victor in Battle (Skt. Yuddhajaya; Wyl. g.yul las rnam par rgyal ba)
- The One Gone Beyond Through Complete Victory (Skt. Vikrāntagāmī; Wyl. rnam par gnon pa'i gshegs pa'i dpal)
- The Glorious Array Eternally Illuminating (Skt. Samantāvabhāsavyūhaśrī; Wyl. kun nas snang ba bkod pa'i dpal)
- The Lotus Jewel Who Fully Subdues (Skt. Ratnapadmavikramī; Wyl. rin chen padma'i rnam par gnon pa)
- The Thus Gone Conqueror of the Enemy, Perfect Buddha Who Dwells on the Lotus Jewel, King of the Sovereign Mount Meru (Skt. Ratnapadmasupraṭiṣṭhita-śailendrarāja; Wyl. de bzhin gshegs pa dgra bcom pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas rin po che dang padma la rab tu bzhugs pa'i ri dbang gi rgyal po)
The Thirty-Five Buddhas of Confession, also known as 35 Confession Buddhas, are a popular concept in Tibetan Buddhist ritual and art. A practice of confessions and prostrations to these Buddhas is described in the Sutra of the Three Heaps (Sanskrit Triskandhadharmasutra; Tibetan phung po gsum pa'i mdo), which is is part of the larger Stack of Jewels Sutra (Sanskrit Ratnakutasutra; Tib. dkon mchog brtsegs pa'i mdo).
Shakyamuni, Vajragarbhapramardin, Ratnarchis, Nageshvararaja, Viresena, Viranandin, Ratnagni, Ratnachandraprabha, Amoghadarshin, Ratnachandra, Vimala, Shuradatta, Brahman, Brahmadatta, Varuna, Varunadeva, Bharadrashri, Chandashri, Anantaujas, Prabhasashri Ashokashri, Narayana, Kusumashri Brahmajyotirvikriditabhijna, Padmamajyotirvikriditabhijna, Dhanashri, Smritishri, Suparikirtitanamashri, Indraketudhvajaraja, Suvikrantashri, Yuddhajaya, Vikrantagamishri, Samantavabhasavyuhashri, Ratnapadmavikramin, Shailendraraja