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- See also:Cetana
'volition', will, is one of the seven Mental factors (Cetasika, q.v.) inseparably bound up with all Consciousness, namely sensorial or Mental impression (Phassa), Feeling (vedanā), Perception (saññā), volition (cetanā), Concentration (Samādhi), vitality (jīvita), advertence (Manasikāra). Cf. Tab. II, III.
With regard to karmical volition (i.e. wholesome or unwholesome Karma) it is said in A. VI, 13: "Volition is action (Karma), thus I say, o Monks; for as soon as volition arises, one does the action, be it by Body, speech or Mind." For details, s. paticca-samuppāda (10), Karma.