13 sanghadisesas (rules requiring a meeting)
13 sanghadisesas are rules requiring an initial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha (communal meetings). If the monk breaks any rule here he has to undergo a period of probation or displine after which, if he shows himself to be repentant, he may be reinstated by a Sangha of not less than twenty monks. Like the parajikas, the sanghadisesas can only come about through the monk's own intention and cannot be accidentally invoked. The thirteen sanghadisesas are:
1. Discharge of semen, except while dreaming, or getting someone to discharge your semen.
2. Lustful bodily contact with a woman, including kissing or holding hands.
3. Making lustful remarks to a woman alluding to her genitals or sexual intercourse.
4. Requesting sexual favors from a woman, or telling her that she would benefit (i.e., spiritually)
from having sex with the monk.
5. Arranging for a date, affair, or marriage between a man and woman.
6. Building a hut without permission from the Sangha, or building a hut that exceed 3 x 1.75
meters in size.
7. Having someone else build a hut for you without permission from the Sangha, or exceeding 3
x 1.75 meters in size.
8. Making unfounded charges about another bhikkhu in the hopes of having him disrobed.
9. Making deceitfully worded charges about another bhikkhu in the hopes of having him
10. Agitating for a schism, even after having been rebuked three times.
11. Supporting an agitator, even after he was rebuked three times. (This only applies if there are
fewer than four supporters.)
12. Rejecting well-grounded criticism, even after having been rebuked three times.
13. Criticizing the justice of one's own banishment, even after having been rebuked three times.
(from the Vinaya Pitaka)