Appana samadhi
appana samadhi – fixed concentration;
When the mind becomes fixed onto the object it sinks and merges into it to become as if one.
The result is the development of a different form of consciousness called (jhana citta) absorption.
Very often people say this is like falling into a state deeper than sleep.
Yet on emerging one is aware that at that period one is in bliss and is still having metta for the person.
It has been claimed that the state is so sleep-like that one may not be aware that one has entered into it, especially when it first occurs in only very short moments.
However with frequency it should become obvious.
How long one takes to reach up to this level is very much of an individual capability.
If we go into intensive meditation, it should not take too long.
Those who have undergone vipassana meditation, whose mind is already flexible and wholesome, should be even quicker.
There are 4 types of these absorptions (in the 5-fold classification) in metta bhavana.
They are called the 1st jhana, 2nd jhana, 3rd jhana, and 4th jhana.
As for the 5th jhana, it can be attained only in the development of equanimity – upekkha bhavana.