Welcome to the Association of Engaged Buddhists (AEB)

The Association of Engaged Buddhists offers meditation practice and Buddhist teachings at the Buddhist Library in Camperdown, Sydney and also conducts retreats at the Vejjasala Retreat Centre in the Southern Highlands of NSW.

Our purpose and goals

The Association of Engaged Buddhists is a group of lay Buddhist practitioners and ordained Sangha who are committed to putting the Dhamma into action within their own lives in order to be of benefit to the wider community.

Established in 1993, the Association runs regular evenings of Buddhist teachings and meditation at the Buddhist Library in Camperdown, as well as retreats, workshops and courses at the Association’s retreat centre Vejjasala at Wingello in the Southern Highlands. The Association’s main aim is to share in a non-sectarian way the many benefits of meditation and Dhamma teachings with those in need in the community. The Association is recognised by the Buddhist Council of NSW.

Why ‘Engaged’ Buddhists?

‘Engaged’ Buddhism seeks to address the needs of the wider community through the skilful and practical application of the teachings of the Buddha. We are committed to promoting the development of Buddhism in Australia through active social service. Suffering humanity is our concern. We welcome all who think that they might benefit from learning meditation, who wish to find a different way of looking at life or who seek a supportive community within which to practice the Dhamma.

Resident Teacher

Venerable Tejadhammo Bhikku – Bhante to his community – is the Spiritual Director of the Association of Engaged Buddhists. Bhante teaches most Thursday nights at the Buddhist Library in Camperdownand conducts regular courses and retreats which are open to the general public, and is regularly invited to teach other groups of ordained Sangha. Apart from these teaching and retreat activities, Bhante works with people who are seriously ill in various hospitals, hospices and their homes in and around Sydney, teaching healing meditation, providing spiritual support and assisting people in dealing with the end stages of life.

Venerable Tejadhammo Bhikku was ordained by Venerable Tanchaokhun Phra Visalsalmanagun, Chaokhana Changwat, Phuket, in Thailand. Bhante has a background in Western Philosophy and Theology, and has studied and taught at Silpakorn University, Thailand. Before returning to Australia he taught in Thai universities and jails. Although ordained in the Theravada tradition, he has also studied with Tibetan and Mahayana teachers and has a commitment to the Dharma that he believes encompasses all traditional expressions of it. He is a founding member of Australian Monastic Encounter which seeks to promote inter-religious and inter monastic dialogue.