Join with us for daily practice on Zoom

Many have found themselves interested in Buddhism and start to research the practice, listen to dharma talks, read Buddhist books and so on. Some start to have questions on how to take themselves on the path. They may have been told that the simple 3 fold path is Dana(Giving) Sila(Precepts) and Samadhi(Meditation). But they still don’t know how they can commence to walk the path. To join a Buddhist group and visit a temple is a simple step to commence on the journey with likeminded friends and Dhamma teachers to walk with you so you do not feel so alone.

The Dhammakaya Buddhist temple in Albury offers a zoom room for people to meet and practice together from their own homes. This service started due to the lockdown in the early stages of the COVID pandemic. And it has proven to be a pleasant visual experience to be with the teaching monks and friends daily or whenever they have free time for themselves.

Since Zoom is a bit like a closed group, new people can be reluctant to join. This article presents you with testimonials from people from all walks of life who regularly participate with us every day.

If you like to join us you would be most welcome, we are here every day on Zoom ID 92057107836 Passcode 072

Or link

7.30am -8.15am Morning Chanting + Parita Chanting

7.00pm-7.50pm Meditation (First 10 mins. is greeting time)

8.00pm-8.25pm Dhammachakkapawattana Sutta Chanting


I’m a farmer in Northeast of Thailand, I own a substantial small piece of land. It is a source of food for our family and the excess is sold to gain some income. I am also involved in a village traditional handmade garment group. These things I do for my living and to help others. To fulfill my happiness in life, I have found that having good friends and guidance from Buddhist monks is a blessing. I have joined the group on zoom and practice chanting and meditation with them since the pandemic began. No matter where we are we can keep this connection to the practice alive. In return we are full of energy to make our days happy and fulfilled. Meditation has transformed me to live a happier life, it is a simple way to find happiness.

Graham…Cheshunt Vic, I followed Tibetan Buddhism for several years, but Covid, distance to Melbourne, and age made it difficult.I have now found Phra Satit at Wat Dharmakaya Albury. Both types of Buddhism teach the word of our Buddha, with minor differences. I am not a scholar so I just simply follow the five precepts and eight-fold noble path the best I can. You don’t need lots of books and theories to be a good person in your heart. Each night I go on zoom for meditation and chanting and spend some time talking to my dharma friends from around the world before our meditation session starts.

Anna: I’m a nanny, before the pandemic I was depressed after finding a cancer and having to have treatment. I have realised the uncertainty of life and I have felt fear, Since I already practiced Buddhism, I tried to do more to make myself feel more at ease. I went to the temple in Sydney more regularly. But since the pandemic I could not go to the temple. I wanted to be with a group to keep the daily practice. I found joining zoom had really helped me to keep myself happier every day. Once I found the daily practice it has helped me to get back to the stillness of the mind more easily when I have a chance to get back for the meditation weekend retreat. Additionally, I feel thankful for the friendship of this zoom room that helps me to feel I’m not alone. I also feel confident that whenever I need some advice, I can ask the monk. He always gives me a direct solution to get myself back on track.

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Albury’s Vesak Celebration: A Night of Multicultural Reflection and Unity

Albury, NSW – In an unprecedented display of multicultural harmony, the local Buddhist temple, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury hosted a Vesak celebration that brought together the Thai, Sri Lankan and local Australian communities for a night filled with meditation, reflection, and joy.

Under the soft glow of candlelight and lanterns, the temple’s meditation room was filled to capacity, with an outdoor setting that was transformed into a sacred space. Participants engaged in a traditional walk, chanting ‘Iti Pi So…’ , reflecting on the qualities of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha.

The evening’s proceedings commenced with Venerable Phra Satit, the abbot of the temple, and Ms. Pitsamorn from the Thai Community extending a warm welcome to all. This was followed by chants that paid homage to the Triple Gem and a 30-minute meditation session to commemorate the enlightenment of the Buddha.

A talk on the significance of Vesak provided deeper insight into the day’s importance, after which the lay community requested the Five Precepts, reaffirming their commitment to ethical conduct. The highlight of the night was the procession led by the monks, with participants walking and chanting, culminating in the placement of candles around the Buddha image—a symbol of unity and peace.

The event concluded with a group photo that captured the essence of the celebration, leaving participants with memories of a night that was not only a first for many but also a testament to the enduring spirit of community and shared aspirations for peace across cultures.

The temple’s backyard, adorned with lanterns, shone brightly, mirroring the event’s inner beauty and transforming the natural setting into a picturesque scene.

This Vesak celebration was a simple yet meaningful program that resonated with joy, togetherness, and the wisdom of enlightenment.

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Celebrate Vesak Day with a Multicultural Twist at Albury’s Dhammakaya Meditation Centre

Albury, NSW – The Dhammakaya Meditation Centre, the heart of Theravada Buddhism in Albury, invites the community to a unique Vesak Day celebration on May 22, 2024. Recognized by the United Nations, Vesak Day is a revered time marking the Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing of Gotama Buddha over 2,600 years ago.

This year, the Centre is proud to present a multicultural Vesak celebration, incorporating the vibrant tradition of Vesak Lanterns from Sri Lanka, symbolizing the light of wisdom dispelling the darkness of ignorance. The event promises to be a warm and welcoming occasion for both the local Buddhist community and those new to Buddhist practices.

Event Program:

  • 5:30 PM: Warm greetings and an opportunity to make new friends.
  • 6:00 PM: Paritta Chanting, invoking blessings and protection.
  • 6:30 PM: Guided Meditation, a serene experience led by resident monks.
  • 6:50 PM: Dhamma Talks, reflecting on the significance of Vesak.
  • 7:00 PM: Lantern and Candle Lighting Ceremony, illuminating the path of Dharma.
  • 7:10 PM: A picturesque moment for photos with the beautiful lanterns.
  • 7:30 PM: Conclusion of the celebration, carrying the light of Vesak into the night.

The Dhammakaya Meditation Centre has been a beacon of peace and spirituality since 2011, offering services in English to embrace all who are drawn to the teachings of Buddha. This Vesak, experience the unity of diverse Buddhist cultures and the shared journey towards enlightenment.

Join us at the Dhammakaya Meditation Centre, where warmth and wisdom meet under the full moon of May. Let’s light up the night with kind, harmony, and happy Vesak Day.

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Shepparton’s Queen’s Gardens Illuminate with Peace and Reflection on Vesak Day 2024

SHEPPARTON, VIC – The serene Queen’s Gardens in Shepparton transformed into a beacon of peace and spiritual reflection as the local and neighboring communities gathered to celebrate Vesak Day on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

From 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, the gardens echoed with the harmonious blend of chants and messages of wisdom as the event unfolded in the presence of venerable Buddhist monks, civic leaders, and the community. The event commenced with a warm welcome to all participants, including special guests such as Venerable Phra Satit Thitadhammo from the Dhammakaya temple, Albury, the Mayor, Councillors, local MPs Wendy Lovell and Kim O’Keeffe, the Ethnic Council Manager, Victoria Police, and other religious and community leaders.

In keeping with the Theravada tradition, the ceremony began with paying homage to the Buddha, reciting the Three Refuges, and observing the Pancca Sila (five precepts), signifying the start of this auspicious ceremony.

At 4:25 pm, the tranquil atmosphere of the gardens was further enhanced as Venerable Phra Satit Thitadhammo led the lighting of candles, followed by the VIPs and participants, symbolizing the light of the Buddha’s teachings spreading across the world.

The highlight of the evening was the Vesak message delivered by Venerable Phra Satit Thitadhammo at 4:40 pm, accompanied by a guided meditation session that allowed attendees to reflect deeply on the teachings of the Buddha and the essence of Vesak.

The Mayor of Shepparton took the stage at 4:50 pm, offering insights and celebrating the contributions of the Buddhist community to the cultural tapestry of the region.

As the evening progressed, further Vesak messages were shared by MPs Kim O’Keeffe and Wendy Lovell, along with representatives from the Buddhist Association of Goulburn Valley, enriching the gathering with diverse perspectives and communal harmony.

The event reached its zenith at 5:30 pm when VIPs were invited to light the Vesak lanterns, followed by the resonant chanting of ‘Chayanto’ by the monk, marking a victory of light over darkness. The Buddhist songs from the Sri Lankan Association of Goulburn Valley (SLAOGV) added a melodious backdrop to the spiritual ambiance.

The celebration concluded with the serving of food, tea, and coffee by the People Supporting People group, fostering a sense of community and shared joy among all those present.

Vesak Day in Shepparton’s Queen’s Gardens stands as a testament to the city’s commitment to embracing diversity, promoting peace, and fostering a sense of unity among all walks of life.

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October Robe Offering

Albury, NSW – On October 1st, 2023, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury commemorated a significant robe offering ceremony, led by Jamie Kowitjindachai on the occasion of his 14th birthday. The event was further distinguished by the support of Kalayanamitra Phung Srihong from Sydney, who, along with other benefactors, contributed to the ceremony’s success. 

The center extends its heartfelt appreciation to all supporters, whose generosity has been pivotal in its establishment and continued service to the community. Through their efforts, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury aspires to perpetuate joy and impart wisdom to many.

In the spirit of sharing and collective merit, the center conveys its gratitude to all participants. “May the good karma generated here enrich the lives of you and your families, bringing happiness, health, and longevity. We wish everyone continued advancement in their Dhamma practice,” said a spokesperson for the center.

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Heading to UN Vesak Celebration 2023 in Sydney

A particular once a year grand merit making event with over 100 Buddhist Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni from various traditions gathering together in one place to celebrate an important day, the Australian observance of the United Nations day of Vesak.

This year’s event will be held on Saturday 6th of May 2023 at Phuoc Hue Temple, 356 Victoria st Wetherill Park 2164 from 10am to 2 pm.

The organising committee would like to invite all laypeople to join this auspicious event with other Buddhist from various backgrounds.

The first program for the day is Alms giving ceremony to over 100 monks. The alms round will commence at 10am. Please prepare packaged food or items for offering from home and be at the temple by 9:30am to find a seating spot.

All Buddhist from all traditions, including representatives from the UN and the Australian government, will be jointly commemorating this year’s Australian Observance of the International VESAK Day at 1 pm.

The afternoon celebration program for international Vesak day includes candlelight offering, chanting, meditation for peace & well-being of all people and sentient beings.
All Sangha from all traditions will chant and meditate to celebrate the international Vesak day, also offer lanterns to pay homage to the Buddha.

Follow by the ceremony to offer sanghadana to the Sangha community which the organising committee have already prepared for anyone who wish to make the offering.
All donations towards the Sangha Dana could be made to:

The Buddhist Federation of Australia Inc.
BSB: 112-879
Account: 473 277 499
St. George Bank
Reference: UN Vesak2023

Let’s join in to celebrate and be part of an important day of the year, an auspicious event , an international UN Vesak day 2023, to make merit and to create beautiful memories for yourself to recall all the meritorious deeds that you have done to support Buddhism

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The Annual Robe Offering Ceremony 2022

The Annual Robe Offering Ceremony
The Biggest merit event of the year.

During the rain retreat this year, there are not enough monks at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury to obtain the Kathina Robe. However, we could still hold a robe offering ceremony.

Every year, this significant offering is eagerly anticipated by lay Buddhist. The Kathina Robe was traditionally offered alone on this day, but it is now well recognised as an annual fundraising event to support financial obligations or funding projects for the temples.

On Sunday 23rd October 2022, we are holding The Annual Robe Offering Ceremony here to contribute to the remaining repayments of this beautiful centre. The centre hosts year-round gatherings for both on-site and through Zoom to practice Dhamma. We began using Zoom during the pandemic and created various sessions to accommodate people from afar to access our service. Countless rounds of Sutta chanting and uncountable hours of meditation practice have been completed, all of which continue to provide daily support to numerous people around the world.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury uses this beautiful natural setting to help people feel relax and get their mind on the right path. The Dhammakaya meditation method was revived in Thailand almost 100 years ago by the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni, famously known as Luangpor Wat Paknam. It is one of the most popular meditation techniques practiced by Buddhists and non-Buddhists around the world. The method is simple, easy, and effective.

We are grateful to all of our supporters, past and present, who have helped the centre’s establishment and continue to serve the community. We hope that you will help us again this year in reducing this financial obligation during this period of rising interest rates. We are aware that we might not be able to reduce it to zero this year, but we hope we will succeed in doing so in a few years.

We also have good news: two additional monks from Thailand will be joining the Sangha here. Therefore, more days and hours of service as well as more variety of activities to accomplish various needs could be offered to the community.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury will continue to bring happiness and wisdom to many people. People with brighter minds would make the world better place to live. We share the merits that we make here with you. May the merit you have accumulated bring you and your family a bright future, be well, happy, healthy, live a long life, and make good progress in your Dhamma practice.

Program on the Day

9.30 am Welcoming speech and greetings
9.45 am VDO presentation
10.00 am Paying homage to the Triple Gem
10.05 am Meditation session
10.30 am Dhamma Talk
10.40 am Requesting Five Precepts
10.50 am Robe Offering
11.00 am Receive blessings
11.10 am Alms Offering (Tak Bat) for 5 Monks
11.30 am Lunch

How about the dressing?
Coming to the temple, it is best to remind ourselves that we come to practice so dressing politely in white is suggested however for coming the first time we would not mind as we know you might not have time to prepare.

*Relevant reading that may help you to understand the Dhamma talks of the day.

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The Australian Observance of the United Nations Day of Vesak this year took on a new appearance.

After the Australian Observance of the United Nations Day of Vesak commencing in 2007 at the Sydney Town Hall it then moved to different places each year being held at the Great Hall of Parliament House Canberra in 2010,  Belmore Park Sydney 2019 being the last time it was conducted as a public event. The organising committee decided in 2020 to conduct the event live on Facebook and Youtube during the lock-down, and just cancel the event in 2021 due to the uncertainty of the Covid 19 situation. Even though the situation this year had improved with no more restrictions, the general feeling was it was still not quite safe to hold the celebration in person. The organising committee decided to organise UNVESAK 2022 via Zoom with hope that people would then feel more likely to engage than a normal Facebook live.

Saturday 14th May at 7.00pm was chosen as the best option being before the actual full moon day on Sunday when many temples would have their own VESAK celebrations. The aim was to manage all the planned activities and still condense them into one hour whilst retaining all the significant components of the UNVESAK. Despite not having been attempted before the hope was to entertain and engage the live audience.

Without the need of travelling to the venue the event was enjoyed by almost 200 participants nationally and internationally. The celebration began with the background of The Australian Observance of the United Nations Day of Vesak. The greeting from the MC to participants received a great response via zoom chat messages which verified the hoped for engagement from the audience. This was followed with three Vesak Messages from United Nations Secretary-General,The Prime Minister of Australia and the Leader of the Opposition.

The only music performance was a song most relevant for the current world situation, “You and I are One” by Mr Howard McCarry the audience could sing and wave along with the singer as if they were present in the concert hall.

The Most Ven. Sudhammo.

After the music performance the event changed tone to be Buddhist Ceremony, beginning with a message from the Buddhist Federation of Australia President, the Most Ven. Sudhammo. This was followed with Buddhist Chanting from the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions which was designed to be part of the Buddhist Practice that the participants could chant along with the Buddhist monks.

Meditation along with VESAK candle lighting was conducted to pay homage to the Buddha and with the aim to achieve World Peace was the highlight at the end of the night. The program was run from the Dhammakaya temple in Berrilee, however participants from home were also able to light candles and meditate together. This created the atmosphere all participants felt they were together located in the one place.

Well known international guest  Ven. Dr. Pornchai Palawadhammo President of World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB) who at the conclusion of events reflected that it was good way via zoom that we could all celebrate the Buddhas Day.

Another comment came from Senior Venerable Phuoc Tan Thich, Abbot of Quang Minh Temple in Melbourne who mentioned that the message from the event was very clear and that we could refresh our self to the Buddhas message that would be of benefit to all sentient beings. Even though the event ran for only one hour but not a minute was wasted.

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Meditation for Peace on Earth Day 22 April 2022 @10.00pm Sydney Time

We know there are conflicts happening around the world. Force will not truly create peace as we have learnt from our long history on earth. Unless we can remove hatred from peoples minds and replace it with love and kindness, conflicts will always continue, the tool to make this possible is meditation. If this can occur on a large enough scale it will finally bring peace to the world. Would you like to participate in this activity?

Dhammakaya Foundation has as its slogan “World Peace though Inner Peace” and has worked towards this mission for more than 52 years. They have on many occasions achieved a large group meditation, in Thailand and the Philippines people meditated together and participated in lighting of candles for Peace.

This Earth Day on Friday 22nd April 2022 they aim for another special event and have invited more than a million people around the world to meditate and light a candle via Zoom. Many hundreds of thousands of candles will be lit at the Dhammakaya Temple located in Thailand. Millions of people will participate via the Zoom room that they register with.

Dhammakaya Meditation Centre, Albury will be one of the regional centres that you can participate with. Venerable Satit our resident monk will be the co-ordinator for Alburys Zoom event. He can be contacted by Whats App +61411453946 or a simple SMS. The Zoom room for the day of the Meeting will be ID 92057107836 Pass code 072

The event will start from 10.00pm (Sydney Time)

Candles Lit to Mark Earth Day 22 April 2021

When candles are lit around the globe simultaneously in support of Earth Day, it will demonstrate that‘PEACE’ does exist. The impact of this event will showcase to the world that peace can occur as they witness thousands of people coming together in the spirit of PEACE. The real power of peace is created from each individual who creates peace in their own minds and shares this with others around them. We cannot do this alone, but when we come together collectively as millions of human beings, we can make it happen. Please tell your friends and loved ones to join this great world event.

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A morning escape on Sunday

Seeking a recreation activity in Albury for Sunday morning?

Here may be the place you might interested.

 This place has amazing uninterrupted mountain views one of the best views in Albury.

Good time to feel relax with Buddhist Chanting, Meditation then having lunch with good friends and a Buddhist Monk.

Thai menu and fresh coffee will be served for lunch. Enjoy you Dhamma conversation which you hardly find elsewhere.

If you like to join us this Sunday, please click going on this Facebook event so we can prepare the place to accommodate you.

9.30am Greeting time

10.00am  Buddhist Chanting

10.20am Guided Meditation

10.50am  Dhamma Conversation

11.00 am  Lunch

This event supported by The Good Friends Albury Inc.

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