Example sentences with "yidam", translation memory
The yidam is nothing other than a particular form of enlightened Mind so what we are being given in an empowerment is an opportunity to experience that.
Ngakma Shardröl: Yes, the Lama arises in the form of the yidam, but there does not need to be ‘magic’ involved.
Yidams are all different forms of the same thing, but as forms they connect to the different forms of deluded mind.
Q Is it accurate to say that during empowerment, the Lama becomes the yidam, and the Lama / yidam magically transmits to the student the ability to do the practice?
The main internal preparation is to generate and strengthen our faith in Arya Tara, regarding her as the synthesis of all Gurus, Yidams, and Buddhas.
A creature personified in Phurba plays a major role as a yidam (divinity of meditation) of the Sakyapa and Nyingmapa schools.
These shawls are usually only worn when giving empowerment – particularly of the ‘joyous class’ of yidam.
Ngakma Shardröl: To make the direct connection with the yidam, for one thing.
It seems arbitrarily asymmetrical to say that it is necessary to visualise one’s Lama as the yidam, but prohibited to visualise the yidam as one’s Lama.
In the introduction to the recently published report by Voice of Tibet and Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy titled Banned Expression: Stifling Creativity and Dissent in Tibet, influential Tibetan poet Yidam Tsering is quoted as having once called on artists and intellectuals “to love their people by representing their joys and sorrows, hopes and despair, pain and pleasure.”
In the tradition of A-Kyong Düd’dül Dorje the wearing of a gZi on a golden chain around the neck represented the combined peaceful and wrathful yidam ornaments.
There are family lineages of Ngagpa, with the practice of a particular tantric yidam being passed down through the family, but any man may choose to become a Ngagpa and take the appropriate vows.
In the Aro gTér there are three types of empowerment shawl worn by the lineage holders – which relate to the three categories of yidam: peaceful, wrathful and joyous (Shi, Ga’, and Trö – zhi ba, dGa’ ba, and khro bo).
The yidam is a manifestation of the Mind of the Lama.
Ngakma Shardröl: Well, in the case of yidam practice, ideally the empowerment should give the student an opportunity to meet the yidam face to face and to be given the practice by the yidam.
The idea is that the student could meet the yidam, if he or she were open enough.
Q Since the aim of guru yoga is to unify oneself with the guru visualised as the yidam, and the aim of self-arising is to unify oneself with the yidam (who is actually the guru in disguise)– isn’t this distinction rather subtle?
The wearing of spectacular apparel relates with the rôle of the Lama manifesting as the yidam into whom he or she is giving empowerment. Showing page 1. Found 18 sentences matching phrase "yidam".Found in 5 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.