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1. Mahasubhadda. Chief wife of the Bodhisatta when he was the elephant king Chaddanta. J.v.37, 39.
2. Mahasubhadda. Eldest daughter of Anathapindika. Before her marriage she waited on the monks who came to her fathers house and became a sotapanna (DhA.i.128; J.i.93).
According to the Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.146, 148f ) she married an unbeliever, a householder of Ugganagara, and the Buddha, at her request, went to her house with five hundred monks (chief among whom was Kundadhana) to receive alms.
But see; Cula Subhadda.
3. Mahasubhadda. Chief queen of Mahasudassana (q.v.). A ii.189; S.iii.145; J.i.392, calls her Subhadda.