A Mind With a State Superior To It
Two other states. A mind with a state superior to it and a mind without a state superior to it. A mind with a state superior to it means that whenever a particular state of mind prevails, if there is a mind superior to that. Let’s take a few examples. If one or more hindrances are arising in the mind and the mind is restless or shrunken, then there are several states of mind that are superior to it. The mind that is concentrated, serene is superior to that state. Then even in the states of concentration there are various levels. When your mindfulness, concentration and equanimity gets further and further developed, then you can go up in that Path. For example the 1st Jhana, the state of mind where there is the 1st state of absorption, is great than a mind in access concentration. Then the 2nd state of absorption is greater and superior to the first. The third is superior to the second. The fourth is superior to the third. So in all such occasions there is a state of mind that is superior. Now even though the 4th Jhana, the 4th state of absorped concentration is regarded as the highest worldly state, yet there is a mind superior to it that is greater. Now what is the mind where there is no superior state to it. That is a mind that is completely in detachment. Where ever there is a mind that is filled and complete in detachment that is the highest state. Amongst all the Dhammas, be they determined or undetermined, detachment ranks the highest. Detachment counts the highest. The mind that is complete in detachment is the mind of an Arahant. Detachment means that there is not the slightest trace of clinging or the slightest trace of resentment and does not hold to anything in the world. In such a mind, detachment is complete and that is the mind without a state superior to it.