New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union
New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union

Modern Kadampa Buddhism

New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union




Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

The Founder of Modern Kadampa Buddhism is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, affectionately known as Venerable Geshe-la, a world-renowned meditation master and Teacher. He inspired thousands of people around the world to apply the pure teachings of Buddha to their modern lives to solve their personal problems and discover a deep and lasting inner peace and happiness. Today, the legacy of his life's work touches the lives of people of all nationalities and cultures.

"The day will come when you will do my job."

Working for world peace


Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche devoted his entire life to making the pure teachings of Buddha available in a modern form to people throughout the world.

Now Venerable Geshe-la's followers holding him at their hearts continue his work with auspicious projects in every region of the world.

International Festivals

Post-festival retreats around the world

07 Jun 2024

Recently, Several Kadampa Meditation Centers around the world concluded their post-festival retreats. Join us as we explore the highlights and insights from these gatherings.

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Walk for World Peace – KMC New Mexico

06 Jun 2024

We recently held our Walk for World Peace, an annual event organized by KMC New Mexico. This is our annual fundraiser to raise money for the NKT International Temples Project, to contribute to building Temples for world peace. We had many volunteers from our community donate their time and energy to support the event. Through our kind sponsors, we reached our fundraising goal!

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A new look for NKT YouTube

05 Jun 2024

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new-look NKT YouTube Channel. The aim of this is to make Modern Kadampa Buddhism accessible to everyone providing people with constant inspiration and wisdom for their daily lives.

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Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day and the birthday of our Spiritual Guide

04 Jun 2024

Today, Dharmachakra Day, is the day we celebrate the birthday of our precious Spiritual Guide and Founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Venerable Geshe-la worked throughout his life to make Kadam Dharma available to people throughout the world, showing how it is the best method to solve daily problems.

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Joyful weekend retreats

03 Jun 2024

In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience in the practice of meditation. As they briefly leave behind their ordinary daily activities, people can immerse themselves in the peaceful, joyful  experience of retreat.
Here Naragarjuna KMC at IKRC Menorca (in Spain), KMC Tolouse and KMC Montepellier at KMC Barcelona in Montserrat (Spain) and KMC Trois-Rivières in Quebec.

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New Kadampa Information

What is the New Kadampa Tradition? Here we try to answer all your questions.

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Festivals & Celebrations

Post-festival retreats around the world

Recently, Several Kadampa Meditation Centers around the world concluded their post-festival retreats. Join us as we explore the highlights and insights from these gatherings.


Walk for World Peace – KMC New Mexico

We recently held our Walk for World Peace, an annual event organized by KMC New Mexico. This is our annual fundraiser to raise money for the NKT International Temples Project, to contribute to building Temples for world peace. We had many volunteers from our community donate their time and energy to support the event. Through our kind sponsors, we reached our fundraising goal!

Study & Meditation

A new look for NKT YouTube

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new-look NKT YouTube Channel. The aim of this is to make Modern Kadampa Buddhism accessible to everyone providing people with constant inspiration and wisdom for their daily lives.

Study & Meditation

Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day and the birthday of our Spiritual Guide

Today, Dharmachakra Day, is the day we celebrate the birthday of our precious Spiritual Guide and Founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Venerable Geshe-la worked throughout his life to make Kadam Dharma available to people throughout the world, showing how it is the best method to solve daily problems.


Joyful weekend retreats

In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience in the practice of meditation. As they briefly leave behind their ordinary daily activities, people can immerse themselves in the peaceful, joyful  experience of retreat.
Here Naragarjuna KMC at IKRC Menorca (in Spain), KMC Tolouse and KMC Montepellier at KMC Barcelona in Montserrat (Spain) and KMC Trois-Rivières in Quebec.

Where to start

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Words of Wisdom & Compassion

Daily quote from the collected works of Venerable Geshe-la

By relying upon Je Tsongkhapa our compassion, wisdom, and spiritual power naturally increase. In particular, because Je Tsongkhapa is an emanation of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, his faithful followers never experience difficulty in increasing their wisdom. Wherever there is a community of faithful followers sincerely practising Je Tsongkhapa's teachings, their inner wisdom naturally increases. Wisdom is very important. The more wisdom we have, the less ignorance we have; and the less ignorance we have, the less suffering we experience. If we have wisdom there is no basis for experiencing problems.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche,
Great Treasury of Merit