Heart of the Abhidharma, The [阿毘曇心論] ( Abhidharma-hridaya-shāstra; Chin A-p’i-t’an-hsin-lun; Abidon-shin-ron): A 250-verse compendium of the abhidharma doctrine of the Sarvāstivāda school, written in the third century by Dharmashrī (also known as Dharmashreshthin) and translated into Chinese in 384 by Samghadeva. Dharmashrī, a scholar of the Sarvāstivāda school, was from the Tukhāra kingdom. The Heart of the Abhidharma is an abridgment of the doctrinal teachings contained in the massive Great Commentary on the Abhidharma, one of the basic texts of the Sarvāstivādins. The Sarvāstivāda school first compiled The Treatise on the Source of Wisdom and six other doctrinal texts to clarify its fundamental tenets, and later produced The Great Commentary on the Abhidharma as a comprehensive survey and compilation of studies concerning its doctrine. The production of The Heart of the Abhidharma followed.