The Jonang Shentong / Zhentong Great Madhyamaka lineage
The Jonang Shentong/Zhentong Great Madhyamaka lineage
The Jonang Order was founded by Kunpang Tukje Tsondru (1243-1313) who built a monastery in an area called "Jonang".
The core lineages of the Jonang Order are the Dro Kālacakra lineage and the Shentong Great Madhyamaka lineage.
Primarily due to the waxing political infleunce of the Jonang Order, the Order faced persecution in the 17th century from the ruling Gelugs on the grounds that the Shentung philosophy was heretical.
This persecution was so thorough within Tibet that it was beleived that the Jonang Order had no longer survived.
Only recently was it discovered that numerous Jonang monasteries on the eastern fringe of Tibet survived into the present century.
The information for the following chart was copycatted from this webpage.
Śākyamuni Buddha
|_ Bodhisattva Maitreya
|_ Asanga (ca 290-360)
|_ Vasubhandu
|_ Gangameti
|_ Gawa Drakpa
|_ Jungne Zhiwa
|_ Brahma Sajna
|_ Lotsawa Gaway Dorje
|_ Tsen Kawoche, Drimey Sherab
|_ Dharma Tsondru
|_ Yeshe Jungney
|_ Changchub Khab
|_ Changchub the younger
|_ Monlam Tsultrim
Monlam Tsultrim
|_ Chomden Ripay Raldri
|_ Kyiton Jamyang
|_ Kunkhyen Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292-1361) integrated the Zhentong Great Madhyamaka with the Kālacakra Tantra 2
|_ Nyawon Kunga Pal (1285-1379) 1 2
|_ Chopal Gonpo
|_ Lodro Zangpo
|_ Jamgon Nyipa Drag
|_ Shakya Chogden
|_ Donyod Drubpa
|_ Jamyon Drubpa
|_ Kunga Gyaltsen
Kunga Gyaltsen
|_ Dragdan Drubpa Chog
|_ Taranatha (1575-1635) 1 2
|_ Thinley Wangmo
|_ Kunga Palzan 1
|_ Dedak Kunla Gupa
|_ Kunga Yontan Gyatso
|_ Palden Namnang Dorje
|_ Kunga Odzer
|_ Palden Lama Chog
|_ Lama Kunzang