Category:Tibetan Buddhist History
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This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Pages in category "Tibetan Buddhist History"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 636 total.
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- A Basic Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
- A Brief History of Buddhism in Tibet
- A Brief History of the Glorious Drukpa Kagyu Lineage
- A Brief History of Tibetan Buddhism: Beliefs, Meditation, Art, Mantras (2004)
- A Brief Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
- A Cultural History of Tibet
- A Cultural History Of Tibet by David Snellgrove and Hugh Richardson
- A Discussion of the Views of Different Schools in Tibet, in Chronological Order - The First Phase of Madhyamika
- A Discussion on Some Great Women in Tibetan History
- A Drop from the Ocean of Marvels: 'Jam mgon A mes zhabs's Discussion of sNgags 'chang Kun dga' rin chen's Spiritual Genealogy
- A Fifteenth Century Biography of Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od (947-1019/24): Part One: Its Prolegomenon and Prophecies
- A Lamp for the Enlightenment Path - Composed by Atisa
- A Modern Religion? The State, The People, and the Remaking of Buddhism in Urban China Today
- A Note on Religious History of Tibet
- A path of learning : Indo-Tibetan Buddhism as education
- A short Biography of four Tibetan Lamas and their Activities in Sikkim
- A Study and Translation of Atiśa’s Madhyamakopadésa with Indian and Tibetan Commentaries
- A Summary Of The Essential Instructions: Train In The Five Forces
- A Tibetan Book of Spells
- A Tibetan Buddhist Mission to the East: The Fifth Dalai Lama's ...
- A Turk far away from home
- Abandon All Hope For Results
- Abandon all hope of results
- Abolishment, Ambiguity, and the Abyss: Buddhists' Positions on the Death Sentence in Early Modern Tibet
- About Shambhala
- About Tibet's "first tomb
- Accept good and bad fortune with an equal mind
- Acquire The Three Principal Causes
- Actions and their results
- All Active Meditation Is Done In One Way
- All Corrections Are Made In One Way
- All Dharma Has A Single Purpose
- All Dharma Is Included In One Purpose
- All teachings have the same goal
- Alphabetum Tibetanum
- Alternately Practice Sending And Taking
- Always Have The Support Of A Joyful Mind
- Always have the support of a joyful mind
- Always Meditate On Those Who Make You Boil
- Always Meditate On Volatile Points
- Always meditate on whatever you resent
- Always observe these three points
- Always Practice The Three General Principles
- Amdo Notes III: Gold and turquoise temples
- Amdo politics and religion—Tuken Losang Choki Nyima (Thu ’u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737-1802)1
- An ethnography of memory in the secret valleys of the Himalayas: Sacred topographies of mind in two Beyul pilgrimages
- An Overview of Amdo (Northeastern Tibet) Historical Polities
- An Unhappy Mother’s Day: Tibetan Self-immolation protests and Splaining over Corpses
- Ancient Tibetan Seals
- Antiquities of Indian Tibet
- Apply these proverbs in everything you do
- Archives from Tibet and the Himalayan Borderlands: Notes on Form and Content
- Asian Influences on Tibetan Military History between the 17th and 20th Centuries
- Astrology also binds India and Tibet
- At The Beginning And The End, Two Things To Be Done
- Atisha
- Atisha and the Kadampa Masters
- Atisha's work of spreading Buddhadharma in India and Tibet
- Atisha’s Great Praise: 11th century wisdom.
- Atisha’s Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayåna
- Atißa’s Teachings on Mahåmudrå
- Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Series
- Avoid six mistakes
- Bactrian Timeline: 2500 BC - 870 AD
- Balkh & Ancient Tibet
- Barchey Kunsel
- Bashey
- Battle of Chamdo
- Be Endowed With The Three Inseparables
- Be grateful to everyone
- Be Grateful To Everyone
- Begin The Sequence Of Exchange With Yourself
- Between meditation
- Between Meditation Sessions Act As An Illusory Being
- Between meditations, treat everything as an illusion
- Bhikshu Purna
- Biographies of Ngor chen
- Biographies: Terton Chokgyur Lingpa, the Miracle Worker
- Blame Everything On One Thing
- Bon and Buddhism
- Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Women's Voices Across Generations
- Brief Political History of Tibet by Gu-ru Bkra-shis
- Bringing Buddhism to Tibet: History and Narrative in the Dba' bzhed Manuscript
- Bringing Puzzles Together: Revisiting the Records on the Relations of Tibet and the Neighbors in the 17-18th Century
- Buddhaguhya
- Buddhism and Bon IV: What is bon anyway?
- Buddhism and Empire II: Portrait of a monk
- Buddhism and Empire IV: Converting Tibet
- Buddhism in Tibet by Rebecca McClen Novic
- Buddhism in Tibetan History
- Buddhist Illuminated Manuscripts
- Buddhist Renaissance: Tenpa Chidar
- Buddhist Schools and the Politics of Tibet
- Captain Bower’s adventurous journey
- Category; Sorcerer of the Iron Castle: The Life of Blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas, the First Brag dkar sngags rams pa of A mdo (c. 1647-1726)
- Category;Sorcerer of the Iron Castle
- Central Asian Muslims on Tibetan Buddhism, 16th-18th Centuries
- Change Your Attitude, But Remain Natural
- Change your attitude, but stay natural
- Changing emblems of social domination: a brief note on Tibetan aristocratic crests in the first half of the 20th century
- Chapter one ends with two important statements
- Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
- Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa - Lotsawa House
- Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa
- Chokgyur Lingpa (mchog gyur gling pa)
- Chokgyur Lingpa - Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionnary
- Christianity and Buddhism in Tibet: Shreds of Evidence
- Christianity in early Tibet
- Chronology of Buddhism by Matthieu Ricard
- Chronology of Tibetan Buddhism
- Chöd in the Time of Pandemic By Asa Hershoff
- Cittamani Rosary Spreading the Buddha's Teachings; Great Ocean of Benefit and Joy A Method for Depicting the Sacred Biography of the Great Jetsun Tsongkhapa on Painted Cloth in One Hundred and Fifty-Three Parts
- Clans And Tribes Organization Essay
- Clemente, M. (2007), "Colophons as Sources: Historical Information from some Brag dKar rta so Xylographies". Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 2, pp. 121-60
- Commitments (The commitments of training the mind)
- Compassionate Killing or Conflict Resolution? The Murder of King Langdarma according to Tibetan Buddhist Sources
- Compiled Information on the Life and Works of Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge and Bibliographical Resources
- Conclusion - Further Avenues of Research
- Conclusion – An enduring 21st Century legacy
- Conflict and the Cultural Revolution
- Consider The World As Dreamlike
- Contribution to Tibetan Studies - Redmda ba Buddhist Yogi-Scholar o the Fourteenth Century
- Contributions of the Pangtangma Catalogue to the History of the Royal Lineage
- Convention Between Great Britain, China, and Tibet, at Simla (1914)
- Conversion to Tibetan Buddhism: Some Reflections
- Could David Hume Have Known about Buddhism?
- Counteract All Withdrawal By Means Of One
- Covenants and Commandments
- Cultivate The Absence Of Three Degenerations
- Daklha Gampo
- Death & impermanence
- Death and impermanence
- Desi Tsangpa
- Developing ordinary Bodhicitta (Exchanging self and other by Tchekhawa)
- Developing Ultimate Bodhicitta
- Dharma from the Sky III: Self-Appointed Buddhas
- Dharma Kings of Tibet
- Did Vairocana have lice?
- Diplomatic activity and military threats
- Dissertation: The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-modern Tibet
- Do Not Be Boastful
- Do Not Be Contrary
- Do Not Be Devious
- Do Not Be Erratic
- Do Not Be Fickle
- Do Not Bind Yourself With Hatred
- Do Not Desire Gratitude
- Do Not Devote Yourself Kindly To The Central Object
- Do Not Direct Yourself To The Summit Of The Ascent
- Do not discuss defects
- Do Not Laugh At Malicious Jokes
- Do Not Load The Burden Of A Dzo On An Ox
- Do Not Rely On Other Conditions
- Do Not Seek Another's Misery As A Way To Your Own Happiness
- Do Not Talk About Weak Points
- Do Not Wait At The Narrow Passageway
- Don't abuse your divine power for selfish reasons
- Don't Aim To Win
- Don't Allow Three Things To Weaken
- Don't Be Caught Up In Irritations
- Don't be consistent
- Don't Be Excited By Cutting Remarks
- Don't be jealous
- Don't be sneaky
- Don't Be Temperamental
- Don't Depend On External Conditions
- Don't depend on how the rest of the world is
- Don't expect any applause
- Don't expect to profit from other people's misfortune
- Don't feel sorry for yourself
- Don't Fluctuate
- Don't indulge in malicious gossip
- Don't let your emotions distract you, but bring them to your practice
- Don't let your practice become irregula
- Don't Make A Fuss
- Don't Make Mistakes
- Don't Make Things Painful
- Don't Put The Horse's Load On A Pony
- Don't put the yak's load on the cow
- Don't Reduce A God To A Demon
- Don't Rely On Consistency
- Don't Revert To Magic
- Don't Seek Pain As A Component Of Happiness
- Don't strike at the heart
- Don't Think About The Affairs Of Others
- Don't Wait In Ambush