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Pages in category "Terma"
The following 169 pages are in this category, out of 169 total.
- A Brief Prayer to the Precious Master Padmākara for Swiftly Fulfilling Wishes
- A brief, first-hand account of the liberating life-story of the great emanated Treasure revealer
- A Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practice according to the New Treasure of Dudjom
- A figure of the past and present
- A Glimpse of the Crucial Points1 - The Vidyādhara's Manual of Concealed Instructions (Gabjang)
- A Glorious Garland of Great Bliss—the Fundamental, Female Practice of Tsogyal, the Queen of Great Bliss, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
- A Long-Life Practice and Empowerment that Unites the Oral, Treasure and Visionary Teachings
- A Means to Pacify the Fear of Natural Disasters
- A mediator and agent of the past in the present
- A Powerful Pith Instruction to Abstain from Tobacco, the Tenacious Demon Plaguing People of Degenerate Times From the Ocean of Profound Essence (Zabtik Gyatso)
- A Prayer to Guru Rinpoche That Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes From the Extremely Secret Assembly of Sugatas
- A Very Brief Prayer for Clearing Obstacles from the Path (Barché Lamsel)
- An Introduction to Terma (Treasure Teachings)
- Ancient TERMA
- Annotated Bibliography on Terma from the Tibetan Renaissance Seminar
- Authentic Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and Its Controversial Terma Tradition: A Review
- Awesome Ones’ Assembly (Palchen Düpa), the Heart Practice of the Awareness-Holders
- Daily Practice of Vajrakīla
- Daki Mengak Gabtik
- Dakini Translations and Publications མཁའ་འགྲོ་མའི་ལོ་ཙཱ་བའི་འགྱུར་དང་འགྲེམས་སྤེལ།
- Dathim
- Death in Vajrayana is About Living Consciously
- Dilgo Khysentse Rinpoche’s Treasures & Teachings
- Dorsem Nyingtik
- Dudjom Tersar
- Dzinpa Rangdröl Cycle
- Dzinpa Rangdröl Protector Practice
- Dzogchen Dé Sum
- Dzogchen Teachings - Oral Commentary on the Longsal Terma The Opening of the Gate to the State of Ati
- Early terma as found manuscripts.
- Earth terma
- Earth Treasure
- Emptying the Hells from their Very Depths: The Sovereign Practice for the Confession of all Impairments and Breakages of Vows and all Negative Actions and Obscurations
- Essence of the Profound Path - A General Visualization for Prayers to Guru Rinpoche
- Heart of Vajrasattva—The Heart of Confession, the King of Purification Practices
- Hidden Teachings of Tibet (Terma Tradition)
- Hidden Teachings of Tibet - Tsem Rinpoche
- HIDDEN TEACHINGS OF TIBET An Explanation of the Terma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
- Hidden texts
- Hidden Treasures By Paul Levy
- How Terma is Found
- Manifesting the transcendent in the temporal realm
- Material treasure
- Meeting the Buddha Face to Face A Pith Instruction on Realizing the Fortress, Ravine, and View of the Practice of Vajrakīla
- Mind terma
- Mind treasure
- Most Treasure revealers are said to be reincarnations of one of Guru Rinpoché’s twenty-five main disciples, and the prince Murub Tsenpo was particularly prominent among these
- Sacred Female Biographies in the Bon Religion: A 20th Century gTer-Ma
- Sacred Place, Perception, and the Treasure Tradition
- Seven Profound Cycles
- Shambhala Terma
- Skull Fragments: The Root Tantra of the Vidyādharas from the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse
- Summoning the Spirit of Abundance: A Rain of Flowers from the Treasury of the Symbolic Scripts of the Profound and Secret Ḍākinī
- Terchö
- Terma
- Terma (Buddhism)
- Terma (religion) - Wikipedia
- Terma (Tib. གཏེར་མ་, Wyl. gter ma)
- Terma - Rigpa Wiki
- Terma and Tertön: Revealed Teachings and Their Revealers
- Terma et Tertön
- Terma II
- Terma overview
- Terma Teaching of Urgyen Tsasum Lingpa
- Terma tradition: the hidden secret in Tibetan Buddhism
- Terma Transmission
- Terma validation in Nyingma theory
- Terma – a unique genre of instructions
- Tersar
- The Biography of the Great Orgyen that Naturally Liberates On Sight From The Profound Secret Heart Essence of the Ḍākinī
- The Brilliant Essence The Ritual Manual for the Secret Embodiment of the Guru (Lama Sangdü)
- The Dhāraṇīs That Encapsulate the Essence of the Kangyur, the Collected Words of the Buddha
- The Earth as a Treasure in Tibetan Buddhism: Visionary Revelation and its Interactions with the Environment
- THE GIFT OF A WISH-FULFILLING TREASURE - A Supplication to the Lineage of the Köncho Chidu
- The Great History
- The guide that leads the blind on a false path which ends in a precipice
- The Guidebook to the Hidden Land of Pemokö by Jatsön Nyingpo
- The Illuminating Sun of the Victorious Ones’ Teachings
- The Jewel Rosary of the Successive Incarnations of Gangteng Tulku
- The Lament of Rudra
- The Life of the 4th lHo rje drung, ‘Bri gung tulku O rgyan nus ldan rdo rje (1849-1902)
- The Lightning Bolt of Compassion - A Short Prayer that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma)
- The Lords of the Northern Treasures:The Development of the Tibetan Institution ofRule by Successive Incarnations
- The Modes of Transmission of Nyingma Teachings
- The pith instructions of sublime masters
- The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche for Attainments
- The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma)
- The Prayer Which Removes All Obstacles from the Path (Barché Lamsel)
- The Revelations of Quantum Physics Are a Treasure for Humanity
- The Single-Form Daily Practice from Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik (The Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality)
- The Sādhana and Empowerment for the Extremely Close Lineage of the Long-Life Practice that Unites the Oral, Treasure and Visionary Teachings
- The Terma Tradition of the Nyingmapa School
- The tertön as a bridge to the timeless source of tradition
- The tertön as bridge to the historical source of tradition
- The tertön as timely reviver of tradition
- The Testament Prayer to Orgyen Rinpoche
- The Tibetan Terma Tradition
- The Truthful Words of a Sage: An Aspiration Prayer from the Exceedingly Secret, Enlightened Heart-Essence of the Ḍākinī
- Three Classes of the Great Perfection
- Three Specific Lineages (of Terma)
- Three Specific Lineages of Terma
- To the sublime masters who have guided me On the path to liberation, I pay homage
- Tradition and Traditional Sources
- Tradition of “Treasure Revelation” in Tibet
- Tradition: Nyingma School 'Revealed Treasure' (Terma)
- Tradition: Terma, Revealed Treasure (Main Page)
- Translating timeless wisdom into timely advice
- Translation methodology
- Treasure Lineage Treasure Lineage
- Treasure tradition
- Treasury of Precious Termas — Rinchen Terdzo
- Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel
- Two ways of dharma transmission