Two Buddhist Healing Practices

Healing in Tibetan Buddhism

Two Buddhist Healing Practices

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yoga Sanctuary, Northampton, MA   from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Advance $20, at the door $25, Five College Students and Seniors, Advance $10, at the door $12

Two Buddhist Healing Practices: Exchange of Self and Others & Offerings in Deity Yoga Practice

Khen Rinpoche will introduce the powerful systematic healing method of developing the altruistic mind of enlightenment as taught by the Indian Buddhist scholar Shantideva, (8th cent.) known as practice of Tonglen (exchange of self and others) ), with an historical and philosophical context given by Professor Gardiner.
Rinpoche will outline the benefits of making offerings of various waters, scent, light, food, and music, with particular reference to White Tara practice, and will demonstrate and teach the hand gestures (mudras) for making these offerings.

This event is presented in partnership with the Friends of Khen Rinpoche , The Yoga Sanctuary at Thornes Market, Northampton, Pema Tseyang, Thondup Tsering, Pasang Norbu and members of the WMASS Tibetan Association.