
Introductory retreat in English

Every year, we offer two retreats suited to complete beginners, one in English and one in Swedish. Participants will learn everything they need to know to get started with their Zen practice. The English retreat will run from 4 to 7 July and be led by Sante Poromaa Roshi this year. Members can apply online. Please email zendoleader@zentraining.org for details.


Introductory retreat in Swedish

Every year, we offer two retreats suited to complete beginners, one in English and one in Swedish. Participants will learn everything they need to know to get started with their Zen practice. The Swedish retreat will run from 18 to 21 July and be led by Kanja Odland Roshi this year. Members can apply online. Please email zendoleader@zentraining.org for details.


August sesshin

Applications are open for this 7 day sesshin, which will be led by Kanja Roshi. Last date for applications is 20 July.


Zengården is the head temple and retreat center of the Swedish Zen Buddhist Society (Zenbuddhistiska Samfundet). We also have city Zen centres in Stockholm, Lund, Göteborg, Tampere, Cologne and Glasgow; and sitting groups in Uppsala and Helsinki. You can also visit zazen.se to read more about our organisation and order items from our webshop.

Members are welcome to apply for any of our events: see the sidebar for upcoming events, or click here for a pdf of the full calendar for the year.

Click here to see the different fees at Zengården.

If you are not a member, but are interested in Zen, you can contact any of our city centers about attending one of their regular introductions to Zen. If you live far away from any of our city centers, you can contact us to discuss how to get started.

Zengården   |   e-mail: info@zentraining.org   |   phone: +46 (0) 76 1495374   |   Plusgiro: 45 97 38-1