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Attending to our mother is our filial duty

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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 Attending to our mother is our filial duty.

This is the story of Sariputta Thera how he attends to his Mother. His mother, Lady Sari, being a Brahmin, worshipped Maha Brahma and was a pious Brahmin lady.

One day, Venerable Sariputta Thera, the chief disciple of the Lord Buddha, knew that his time was near; His mortal life was drawing close to its journey’s end and the vision of Parinibbana became manifested to him. It dawned upon him his final duty to repay the many debts of gratitude lie owed to his mother, lady Sari.

Lady Sari, being a Brahmin, her belief was the worship of MahaBrahma; she spared her entire devotion to Brahma in total neglect of seeking the real refuge in the Triple Gem.

Knowing that his days are numbered, he paid his last respect to the Lord Buddha and request permission to take parinibbana. He journeyed back to his mother’s home town to pay his last respect and repay his indebtedness to his mother before taking his parinibbana.

On the seventh day, he reached the city and asked his nephew Uparevata to inform his mother of his coming and that arrangement be made for the accommodation of his five hundred followers.

Having set foot in his mother’s house, Ven. Sariputta proceeded straight to the room where he was born. He was soon laid up in bed suffering from acute diarrhea.

Lady Sari, saw the divine beings came to pay respect to her son, Sariputta

a. The devas of the Four KingsCatumaharajika Devas
The mother greatly alarmed at her son’s sudden illness, came into the room where her son was, to see what assistance she could render. A strange vision met her wondering eyes. She saw four figures with shining light radiating their whole personalities going in and out of the room.

b. Sakka, the king of Devas.
A short while after the first apparition, there appeared another figure brilliantly lit about his whole person, standing before the Ven. Sariputta and then moved away again.

c. Maha Brahma
Later, His place was taken by another figure of great bearing and with a greater array of light in glowing brilliance issuing forth from his body. He also stood for some time and left.

The Ven. Sariputta knew the time was opportune to have his mother realize the truth about the Lord Buddha’s Dhamma and calmly the Great Thera spoke to Lady Sari:-

The Ven. Sariputta explained to his mother, the presence of the four chief devas of the Catumaharajika Heaven who came to pay their homage.” They were the four guardians who with their drawn swords kept gracious guard over the Lord, the Buddha, from the very day of his confinement in His mother’s womb.”

The second visitor was Sakka, the king of Devas. Sakka was the one in attendance to our Lord, carrying his robes when He descended from the Tavatimsa Heaven.”

The third was your blessed teacher Maha Brahma. Maha Brahma was no other than the one who with outspread net received our Lord Buddha when He was born.”

Lady Sari was in complete silence, after hearing her son’s explanation. .She now learnt that her son’s teacher the Lord Buddha surpassed the greatness of her most blessed teacher, the Maha Brahma. Then Ven. Sariputta knew that her time was near to attain the truth of the Lord’s doctrine.

Sariputta Thera then said: “O! Upasika, there is no comparison to bring forth the greatness of the most Exalted One, our Lord Buddha, for this great earth tremored and quaked with tremendous force to herald the time of His birth: His great renunciation; His supreme Enlightenment and His first deliverance of the sermon on the “Turning of the Wheel of the Law.”

Throughout the expanse of the whole universe, no greater one ever lived, who can be likened unto Him, that in so far they become matchless in which He excelled, in virtue, compassion and wisdom; a gateway to eternal bliss free from the bondage of lust, hate and ignorance.”

Lady Sari saw the new vision of truth on the nobility of Buddha and she attained the fruits of the first stage of sainthood, Sotapanna... She exclaimed, “0! Dear son, Upatissa, why have I waited so long yet now only taste the bliss of truth, whereby I gain the complete freedom that is eternal.”

In parting, Sariputta Thera placed his mother on the first stage of sainthood, Sotapanna, on the path to Nibbana.

(Note: the phenomena of radiance at the time of a virtuous monk, indicates the presence of celestial beings paying their respect to a virtuous person.)
