Seven Treasuries
The Seven Treasures or Treasuries (Tib. མཛོད་བདུན་, Dzö Dün; Wyl. mdzod bdun) are works by the omniscient Longchenpa which, together with the Trilogy of Natural Freedom, represent the extensive, scholarly or pandita's approach. They were not originally intended to be a collection.
- The Wish Fulfilling Treasury (Tib. ཡིད་བཞིན་མཛོད་, Yishyin Dzö; Wyl. yid bzhin mdzod)
- The Treasury of Pith Instructions (Tib. མན་ངག་མཛོད་, Mengak Dzö; Wyl. man ngag mdzod)
- The Treasury of Dharmadhatu (Tib. ཆོས་དབྱིངས་མཛོད་, Chöying Dzö; Wyl. chos dbyings mdzod)
- The Treasury of Philosophical Tenets (Tib. གྲུབ་མཐའ་མཛོད་, Drubta Dzö; Wyl. grub mtha' mdzod)
- The Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (Tib. ཐེག་མཆོག་མཛོད་, Tekchok Dzö; Wyl. theg mchog mdzod)
- The Treasury of Word and Meaning (Tib. ཚིག་དོན་མཛོད་, Tsik Dön Dzö; Wyl. tshig don mdzod)
- The Treasury of the Natural State (Tib. གནས་ལུགས་མཛོད་, Neluk Dzö; Wyl. gnas lugs mdzod)
Tibetan Texts
མཛོད་བདུན་, mdzod bdun Oddiyana Institute edition, Tarthang Tulku, 1999(?)
མཛོད་བདུན་, mdzod bdun Adzom edition
Most of the Seven Treasuries were composed at Longchenpa's hermitage at Gangri Thökar in Central Tibet.
Gangri Thökar where Longchenpa composed many of his writings, including the Seven Treasuries
The rock in Bhutan on which Longchenpa wrote some of the Dzogchen teachings
The view from the rock - Tharpaling Monastery is visible below
External Links
The Seven Treasuries are a collection of seven works, some with auto-commentaries, by the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Longchenpa.
Texts of the Seven Treasuries
- Yizhin Dzö (yid bzhin mdzod), Treasury of Wish-fulfillment , and its prose commentary, the Pema Karpo (padma dkar po) or White Lotus
- Drubta Dzö (grub mtha' mdzod), Treasury of Philosophical Tenets , belonging to the genre of tenets literature.
- Mengag Dzö (man ngag mdzod) - Treasury of Secret Instructions , classified by Longchenpa as 'path with result' (lamdre (lam bras))
- Chöying Dzö (chos dbyings mdzod), Treasury of the Dharmadhatu , with its prose commentary the Lungi Terdzö (lung gi gter mdzod)
- Nelug Dzö (gnas lugs mdzod), Treasury of the Natural State , with its prose commentary the Desum Nyingpo (sde gsum snying po)
- Tegchö Dzö (theg mchog mdzod), Treasury of the Sublime Vehicle, a commentary on the Seventeen Tantras of the Menngagde division of Atiyoga.
- Tsigdön Dzö (tshigs don mdzod), Treasury of Word and Meaning, a survey of the Dzogchen philosophy in a series of eleven topics.
Of the seven, the following have been translated into English:
- The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, (Treasury of the Natural State), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing
- The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena, (Treasury of the Dharmadhatu), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
- A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission (autocommentary on Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
- The Precious Treasury of Philosophical Systems, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2007
- The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions (Treasury of Secret Instructions), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2007
- Gangtok, Sikkim: Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, c. 1968. (The complete set of printing blocks for this edition are now held at the National Library of Bhutan and re-printed from time to time on Bhutanese paper).
- Gangtok, Sikkim: Lama Dawa & Sherab Gyaltsen, 1983. Reprod. from prints from the Sde-dge blocks belonging to Lopon Sonam Sangpo.
- Gangtok, Sikkim, 1986. Reprint of Dodrup Chen Rinpoche ed.
- Lumbini : Lumbini Internat. Research Inst., 2000. The oldest block print of Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa's Theg mchog mdzod : facsimile edition of early Tibetan block prints ; with an introduction / by Franz-Karl Ehrhard. (Vol. 2 of Early Buddhist Block Prints from Mang-yul Gung-thang.)
- Dege