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Wheel of Dharma

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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bka' tha ma legs pa rnam par phye ba'i chos 'khor - the last excellent teachings of the dharma wheel of fully disclosing [the 3rd final turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

bka' dang po - the 1st turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

bka' dang po bden bzhi'i chos 'khor - 1st turning of the wheel of dharma, of the four truths [IW]

bka' bar pa mtshan nyid med pa'i chos 'khor - the 2nd turning of the wheel of dharma on the absence of characteristics [IW]

khyad par gyi dus chen bzhi - the four special holy days mngon par byang chub pa'i dus chen}, {chos 'khor bskor ba'i dus chen}, {lha las bab pa'i dus chen}, {cho 'phrul chen po'i dus chen} of Buddha's birth enlightenment and parinirvana, turning the wheel of dharma, descending to be born from the god realms, displaying great miracles [IW]

'khor lnga sde bzang po - the retinue of the five excellent disciples

1) {kun shes}kaunnddinya
2) {rta thul}
3) {rlangs pa}
4) {ming chen}
5) {bzang ldan}.

the Buddha's [five first disciples when the teacher Shakyamuni in Varanasi in the chu stod month fourth day turned the wheel of dharma of the four noble truths.

Having perfected that first approach to wisdom they became retinue of the five arhats: kun shes; rta thul, rlangs pa, ming chen, and bzang ldan. [IW]


'khor lo tha ma - the last/ 3rd turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

'khor lo tha ma'i lugs - the tradition of the final/3rd turning of the third wheel of dharma [IW]

'khor lo rnam gsum - 1) three spheres (renunciation, study and work;

2) the three dharmachakras; {reading hearing and contemplation klog pa thos bsam gyi 'khor lo -
1 the study wheel of study / learning;

2) {spong ba bsam gtan gyi 'khor lo - the renunciation wheel of contemplation / meditation three {bya ba las kyi 'khor lo - the action wheel of dharmic activity / practical conduct;

3) three spheres of a teacher's activity (exegesis {bshad pa}, attainment {sgrub pa} and work {las}.
(1 klog pa thos bsam gyi 'khor lo dang, spong ba bsam gtan gyi 'khor lo, bya ba las kyi 'khor lo bcas gsum mo,...(4 the three turnings of the wheel of dharma [IW]

'khor lo bar pa - 2nd/ middle turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

'khor lo rim pa gsum - the three fold dharmachakra = three turnings of the wheel of dharma [IW]

'khor lo gsum - the three turnings of the wheel of dharma [IW]


chos kyi 'khor lo rab du bskor ba'i stobs - the power of fully turning the wheel of dharma [IW]


chos kyi 'khor lo rim pa gsum - the 3-fold dharma chakra/ turnings of the wheel of dharma by the buddha 1 bka' dang po bden of the four noble truths, bka' bar pa of marklessness, bka' tha ma well distinguishing dharmas [IW]

chos kyi 'khor lo gsum pa - three turnings of the doctrinal wheel {dbu ma'i lam gyi bden pa}, {bzhi'i chos 'khor}, - wheel of the doctrine of the middle way which abandons both extremes concerning the four truths), 3rd turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

chos kyi rgyal tsab - dharma regent/ successor tathagata regent, turning the wheel of dharma [IW]

chos bkhor bskor ba - turning of the wheel of dharma, promulgation of the doctrinal wheel [IW]

chos 'khor bskor ba'i dus chen - feast of turning the dharma [in the 6th, chu stod month's 4th day where the Buddha 1st turned the wheel of dharma in Sarnath near Varanasi to the {'khor lnga sde bzang po}, among the {khyad par can gyi dus chen bzhi} [IW]

chos 'khor bskor bar bskul ba - urge to turn the wheel of dharma [IW]


chos 'khor mchod rten - dharma chakra stupa [one of the, {mchod rten cha brgyad} in Sarnath where the Buddha 1st turned the wheel of dharma square four levelled glo 'bur dang bcas pa sgo rab 108, 'bring 56 tha ma 16 pa'i bdag nyid can [IW]

chos 'khor tha ma - the final promulgation of the wheel of dharma [in indefinite realms [IW]

chos 'khor dang po - 1st turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

chos 'khor gsum - 1) the three doctrinal centers (lha sa, bsam yas, khra 'brug); 2) three turnings of the wheel of dharma [IW]

ston pa'i bdzad pa'i dus chen bzhi - the four great occasions of the teacher:

1) lha yul nas bab pa descending from the god realm;
2) turning the wheel of dharma chos 'khor bskor ba;
3) displaying miracles cho 'phrul bstan pa,
4) becoming enlightened mngon par sangs rgyas pa [IW]

tha ma nges pa don gyi chos - the final teachings on absolute truth/ the definitive meaning [= {bka' tha ma}, the 3rd turning of the wheel of dharma [IW]

dus chen bzhi - the four great times of the Buddha [2nd mo yar ngo la cho 'phrul bstan pa showed miracles, 4th mo 15th day mngon par sangs rgyas pa born/ enlightened/ parinirvana, 6th mo 6th day chos 'khor bskor ba turned wheel of dharma, 9th mo 22nd day lha las babs pa, descended from the god realms [IW]

don dam rnam par nges pa'i chos 'khor - the turning of the wheel of dharma of the true absolute *, the dharmachakra of absolute certainty/ completely ascertaining/ fully realizing the ultimate [IW]

don dam rnam par nges pa'i chos 'khor - the turning of the wheel of dharma of the true absolute (one of the chos 'khor rim pa gsum pa) [IW]

drug pa tses bzhi - 6th month 4th day feast [of turning the wheel of dharma of the four noble truths when Lhasa's mi ser customarily go to make offerings at neighboring monasteries [IW]

bden pa bzhi - the four noble truths [taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni in the 1st turning of the Wheel of Dharma. including al the causes and fruitions of samsara and nirvana and what is to be accepted and rejected:

the truth of suffering sdug bsngal bden pa dang,
the truth of the source/arising of suffering kun 'byung bden pa dang,
the truth of the cessation of suffering 'gog pa'i bden pa dang,
the truth of the path lam gyi bden pa.

Because these four dharmas, for the viewpoint of the noble ones de kho na ltar are true and not erroneous, they are called the four noble truths = of the noble ones {'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi} [IW]

bden pa bzhi'i chos 'khor - the [1st] turning of the wheel of dharma of the four noble truths [IW]

bden bzhi'i chos 'khor bskor skabs kyi bzlas ba bcu gnyis - the 12 recitations on the occasion of turning the wheel of dharma of the four noble truths [IW]

byams pa chos 'khor ma - Maitreya (?) turning the wheel of dharma [one of three marvellous statues brought be King Songtsen Gampo's Nepalese queen and put in the lha ldan gtsug lag khang a silver byams sku with two hands with the mudra of turning the wheel of dharma adored by king krikri in time of buddha kashyapa [IW]

mtshan nyid med pa'i chos kyi 'khor lo - the wheel of Dharma on the lack/absence of characteristics, the wheel of the doctrine of signlessness - note phenomena's lack of possession of any signs of true existence = second turning of the wheel of dharma) [IW]

mtshan nyid med pa'i chos 'khor - turning of the wheel of dharma of marklessness, sangs rgyas kyis bskor ba'i chos 'khor rim pa gsum gyi bar pa ste, -nature of phenomena- ma grub par ston pa'i bka' [IW]

mtshan nyid med pa'i chos 'khor - turning of the wheel of dharma of marklessness * the wheel of Dharma on the lack/ absence of characteristics/ the wheel of the doctrine of signlessness [IW]

gser gyi 'khor lo - precious wheel of dharma, golden wheel, 1 of 8 auspicious articles [JV]
