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He Guru Yoga of the Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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The Guru Yoga of the Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin

By the Venerable Khandro Rinpoche

The verse for taking refuge is recited three times and contemplated. The second verse, for the arousing of bodhicitta is also recited three times and contemplated. As is described in the third verse, you visualize Guru Padmakara seated on a lion throne on the crown of your head. He holds a vajra in his right hand at the level of his heart. In his left hand he holds a skull cup containing a vase of amrita at the level of his waist.

A katvanga is in the crook of his left arm. He wears brocade robes and a brocade cap. His expression is peaceful. A white AH in Padmakara’s heart centre turns into the root guru, in the same form as Padmakara with the face of the Vajra Regent.

The Vajra Guru mantra, OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM, is recited twenty-one to one hundred times. During this recitation the presence of Gur-u Padmakara is emphasized more during the visualization.

The mantra LAMA KHYEN NO OM AH HUM is then recited one hundred or more times.

Twenty-one of the Vajra Guru mantra should be followed by at least a mala of the second mantra. You should recite three-hundred of LAMA KHYEN NO OM AH HUM for every one-hundred recitations of the Vajra Guru mantra. During the recitation of LAMA KHYEN NO OM AH HUM, the visualization of Padmakara is dissolved into that of the Vajra Regent. Continue the recitation with the main emphasis on the visualization of the Vajra Regent, while maintaining the inspiration of both. At the recitation of “Supplicating in this way…” at the fifth verse, white, red and blue rays of fight, respectively, come from white OM, red AH, and blue HUM in the guru’s head, throat and heart centres, and dissolve into your head, throat and heart centres.

Pause after this verse. The last two verses are recited in anjali. The final verse is recited three times. During the three recitations the Vajra Regent dissolves into a ball of light which descends into the crown of your head and down into your heart. The light then radiates outward from your heart to all beings.

End with the aspiration chant, Fulfilling the Aspirations of the Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, by the Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche. These written instructions are from notes taken by Mary Bartley of oral instructions given by Khandro Rinpoche on the same day that Rinpoche composed this Guru Yoga, September 19th 1998, at Toronto, Ontario, Canada


From this moment until all illusions dissolve Into the absolute Primordial Awareness May I and all sentient beings Take refuge in the three jewels and the three roots. (3x) May all sentient beings attain happiness And be free from suffering May all sentient beings realize innate Buddha nature And rest in the great equanimity. (3x) Without grasping to this body Visualizing on the crown of my head Amidst a cloud of many-coloured rainbows Seated on a lion throne, The sun and the moon, Skillfulness and awareness, Is seated the great guru Inseparable from Padmakara Surrounded by the retinues of Vidyadharas.

His eyes gaze downwards Taming the minds of all beings. Kye! Embodiment of the Buddhas of the three times, You who are the perfection of all knowledge and activity, I supplicate to you, Root Guru, Having no-one to turn to in this dark age but you, Continue to shower your blessings.

Through receiving these four empowerments May all my obscurations be purified. Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum Lama Khyen No Om Ah Hum. Supplicating in this way, from the body, speech and mind of the Guru radiates the white, red, and blue rays of light dissolving into oneself. Through this may my obscurations of the three doors be purified and result in the attainment of the three kayas. Root Guru, inseparable from all the refuges, Embodiment of compassion and wisdom, The great ocean of kindness, To you I supplicate from my heart.

May I never be separated from you. May your blessings remain always. May the blessings continue to manifest. May the manifestation benefit all beings. (3x) Supplication to the Root guru, a feeble attempt made upon the request of Mary Bartley, Migyur Tsondru – Unchanging Exertion, Student of the Vajra Regent, Karma Chokyi Dawa Legpai Lodro Ösel Tendzin Chogle Namgyal, the Vajra Regent of the great Vajra Vidyadhara Trungpa Rinpoche, to be used as a guru practise. May it be virtuous.
