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Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra: Meaning and Benefits

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Om Mani Padme Hum (Tibetan: Om Mani Peme Hung) is an ancient Buddhist mantra in Sanskrit related to the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva .

In Vietnam, this mantra is known as “Lục Đại Từ Minh Chân Ngôn”.

The Origin

The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra originated in India. When it was transferred from India to Tibet, the pronunciation changed because some syllables in Indian-Sanskrit were difficult for Tibetans to pronounce. In Vietnam, Om Mani Padme Hum is also known as Luc Dai Tu Minh with 6 syllables which is read as “An Mani Bat Me Hong”.

There’s a good reason why the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra is so popular in many Buddhist traditions. That’s because each of the Buddha’s teachings is believed to be contained within this brief yet incredibly powerful mantra.

It is repeated many times to evoke the unconditional loving qualities of great compassion. Whether speaking out loud or silent to yourself, this is a mantra you’ll want to practice to connect with the compassionate nature inherent in your consciousness.

Om Mani Padme Hum is a much loved mantra in Buddhism, and is often translated as “The Pearl in the Lotus.” Reciting this mantra brings much merit and purification. Understand the profound meaning of it will bring many great blessings to you.” Dalai Lama 14.

People often use it in their meditation practice to give some sense of what they are doing. Om Mani Padme Hum is the most widely used mantra of all the mantras in Buddhism, it welcomes everyone to recite it, anyone, anywhere if you have a sincere heart, it is not requires starting first with a Lama.

Throughout Northern India, Nepal and Tibet, you will often come across this beloved mantra carved in stone. Tourists like to buy rings with the incantation engraved, because it is believed that even the simple act of staring at the mantra will have positive effects.

Prayer wheels of different sizes, also known as “Mani”, are also used for the practice of Om Mani Padme Hum meditation. Buddhist practitioners spin the large prayer wheel or the small wheel while meditating or chanting mantras, to receive many blessings.

The Meaning of 6 Syllables Om Mani Padme Hum

If you often chant Om Mani Padme Hum mantra without understanding its meaning, it is a pity. Lotus Buddha would like to explain each word in this wonderful mantra.

– Om: A very popular word evoking of spiritual strength and absolute presence. It is known throughout Asia in many religions, especially Hinduism. The syllable Om is considered to be the speech of the Buddhas, reflecting the perception of the surrounding universe, it continuously resounds against the background of everything that exists in this universe. Its sound represents the entire universe, past present and future.

– Mani: Means “jewelry” or “jewel”. These two syllables are related to the release of jealousy and attachment to fleeting pleasures, helping us to eliminate craving and cultivate patience and virtuous behavior.

Padme: Means lotus. These two syllables help us limit erroneous thoughts, develop the ability to focus towards a pure mind without impurities.

Hum: Expressing the spirit of enlightenment. We no longer hold grudges and attachments, and instead develop the good qualities, wisdom and compassion in each person.

The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra means that in all of us being a lotus, it is only covered with a lot of mud and dirt. If this mantra is repeated with the right intention, it is said to remove the negative sides until we are sparkling, pure, compassionate and wise like the lotus flower itself.

For Tibetan Buddhism, the “Pearl in the Lotus” represents bodhicitta and the wish to be freed from Samsara. Each of the six syllables in the mantra is said to point towards liberation from a different realm of asceticism of “Samsara”.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said:

“The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra is easy to read but quite powerful, because it contains the core of the entire teaching of the Buddha. When you say the first Om syllable it is blessed to help you achieve perfection. perfect in the practice of compassion, Ma helps to perfect the practice of pure morality, and Ni helps to achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience, the 4th syllable Pad, helps to achieve perseverance perfect, Me helps to achieve perfection in the practice of concentration, and the last sixth syllable, Hum helps to achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.”

The 14th Dalai Lama said:

“It is very nice to recite the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra, but while you are chanting it, you should think about its meaning, because the meaning of the six syllables is wonderful and great. First, OM statue representing the body, speech and mind of a Buddhist, it also symbolizes the body, speech and mind of a pure Buddha.The path is indicated by the next four syllables. meaning jewel, symbolizing the altruistic will to become enlightened, compassionate and loving.

Two syllables, PADME means lotus, symbolizing wisdom. Purity must be achieved by the inseparable unity of method and wisdom, denoted by the final syllable HUM, which indicates indivisible. Thus, the six syllables, Om Mani Padme Hum, are not meant to depend on the practice of a path but an inseparable combination of method and wisdom, which you can transform your body impure, your speech and mind into the body, the mind of a Buddha.”

Benefits of Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum mantra

The power of Om Mani Padme Hum mantra is limitless, even if you don’t have much knowledge of Dharma, even if the only thing you know is Om Mani Padme Hum, your life will be good.

If you live with the right attitude of not being attached to this life, all your affairs will be favorable. This mantra is the essence of all Dharma in Buddhism. The mantra looks very simple and easy to read, but its benefits are immense.

“At that time, I was young, so I didn’t know what this saying was and by whom, I just read it while walking and considered myself a superman who was not afraid of anything. Whether the effect of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra at that time was created by the visualization of my mind or by the protection of the mantra I do not know, but it awakened a spiritual force, creating a layer of protection. The guards helped me to walk calmly on the remote village roads.” Lotus Buddhas.

The mantra is also mentioned in the Tibetan Tantra that by reciting the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum you will gain the four auspicious qualities for being born in the pure land of Buddha Amitabha and the pure lands other purity. Never be born in the three bad realms of the six paths of samsara.

“At the time of death, you will see buddhas and lights appear in the sky. You are never imprisoned in the hell realm, not reborn in the preta or animal realms. You will be reborn in the pure land of Buddha or as a happy human being.”

In addition, according to folklore, the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum also has the effect of exorcising evil spirits, dissolving karma and helping practitioners eliminate diseases and accidents. The function of this mantra is inconceivable, cannot be shared in a short article like this.

It is said that seven generations of descendants of those who regularly recite this mantra will not be reborn in the lower realms. Because of the power of the mantra, the body is blessed by the person who recites the mantra and visualizes their body in the divine form of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. Thus, they became so strong, so fortunate that this affected the next seven generations.

If one regularly recites Om Mani Padme Hum with great sincerity and compassion, when going into the river all living beings there will be purified. If they go into the forest, when the wind touches them and then the animals, the animals will be blessed and will be reborn in a better realm after death.

Even if you know the teachings on how to meditate and on bodhichitta, you still need to receive the special blessings of this mantra. Therefore, reciting OM MANI PADME HUM is a way to generate Bodhicitta, transform your mind into Bodhicitta, and effectively practice Bodhicitta meditation.

Without Bodhicitta, you cannot bless all sentient beings. You cannot work perfectly for all beings, you cannot attain perfect qualities for the enlightenment of sentient beings, and even for yourself.
