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A Plead for the Blessings of Perfection from Medicine Master and King of Lapis Lazuli Light

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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 A Plead for the Blessings of Perfection from Medicine Master and King of Lapis Lazuli Light

Homage to the Medicine Master Bhaişajya guru vaidūrya prabhārāja Tathagata and Great King of Lapis Lazuli Light! (Invoke his Holy Name 3 times)

Please invoke your inconceivable great will of compassion, shine on me and hear my calls!

Please invoke your inconceivable great will of compassion, shine on me and fill my heart!

Please invoke your inconceivable great will of compassion, shine on me and protect your son (insert your name) so that he can be constantly mindful the Pureland of Lapis Lazuli Light and never to suffer from such calamities as hunger, epidemics, war, or robberies; never to suffer from such excruciating anguish as diseases, demonic possessions, fatal accidents, or poverty; never to be arrested, imprisoned, or shackled in accordance with the law of the land; exonerate him from all offences, and free him from all hindrances; shower him with perfect blessings and wisdom; so that his Bodhicitta may grow and have peace and happiness in this life.

Homage to the Medicine Master Bhaişajyaguru vaidūrya prabhārāja Tathagata and Great King of Lapis Lazuli Light! (Invoke his Holy Name 3 times)

I feel deeply ashamed and regret that because I covet worldly fame, fortune and financial gains I have incurred various evil karma, or harm various sentient beings, which have troubled me and made me sick, please bless me with your inconceivable Lapis Lazuli Light, free (insert your title and family name) from various grievances and restore his health.

I feel deeply ashamed and regret that because of my ignorance, I have broken the commandments set forth by the Buddha or innocently angered various demons and gods, which have troubled me and made me sick, please bless me with your inconceivable Lapis Lazuli Light, and restore (insert your title and family name)‘s health.

Homage to the Medicine Maste Bhaişajyaguru vaidūrya prabhārāja Tathagata and Great King of Lapis Lazuli Light! (Invoke his Holy Name 3 times)

I understand the reason that I suffer from the (insert you current disease or condition) is to let me be aware and honest to face the dark hidden side of my heart, to truly feel ashamed and regret and to forgive my past which I have not hitherto dared to face, accept, or forgive. I am willing to accept all that may arise due to my existing circumstances. I have understood that emptiness and selflessness are the only ways to generate healing powers. In my life I shall no longer fear, no long retreat, no long be afraid to face death, terror and pressure. Please bless my body and heart with your Lapis Lazuli Light, and please guide me to return to your Pureland of Lapis Lazuli Light.

Homage to the Medicine Master Bhaişajyaguru vaidūrya prabhārāja Tathagata and Great King of Lapis Lazuli Light! (Invoke his Holy Name 3 times)

Please invoke your inconceivable great magical powers, save and rescue all past generations of (insert your family name) who are in Samsara.

Please invoke your inconceivable great magical powers, save and rescue all passed away souls of (insert your family name) who are in Samsara.

Please invoke inconceivable great magical powers, heal the sickness of (insert your name or your family name).

Please invoke inconceivable great magical powers, safe and rescue all relatives and debtors of (insert your family name or your name) who are in grief.

If they can still remember the harm and wrongs that I have inflicted on them, and are still attached to me and not able to let go, which suffering will cause them to remain in Samsara within the six evil realms of existence, I cannot do anything about it, so here I feel deeply ashamed and regret. Please release me from the bondage that binds me and them from generations to generations, and please use your inconceivable great will of compassion, let them return to your Pureland of Lapis Lazuli Light – the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

I hereby especially plead that (insert you special request , and I offer this Blessed Perfect Medicine Master Incense to Namo Medicine Master Bhaişajya guru vaidūrya prabhārāja Tathagata and Great King of Lapis Lazuli Light, to the Bodhisattva of Sunlight, and to the Bodhisattva of Moonlight, as well as to the Twelve Malevolent Spirit Gods, and all sentient beings in the six realms of existence in Samsara.

May you keep order during the eight national holidays, may they be no calamities throughout the four seasons, may the winds be mellow and the rain be mild, may the country enjoy prosperity and the people peace.
