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The [[Reverberation of Sound]], or Drataljur ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|སྒྲ་ཐལ་འགྱུར}}, Wylie: [[sgra thal 'gyur]]), is the [[root]] [[tantra]] of the [[Seventeen Tantras]] of the [[Upadesha]]-varga.
From an historiographic [[view]] ([[relative truth]]), early [[Nyingma]] [[Dzogchen]] was formatively influenced primarily by the [[Indian]] [[Buddhist]] [[tantras]], but also by [[Wikipedia:Taoism|Taoist]] [[Ch’an]], indigenous [[Tibetan]] [[Bon]], [[Tibetan]] Nestorian [[Christianity]] and [[Kashmiri]] Shivaism ([[Namkhai Norbu]] 1984 and in Reynolds 1989; Dowman 1996)
These [[Seventeen Tantras]] are to be found in the [[Canon]] of the [[Ancient School]], the '[[Nyingma Gyubum]]' ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|རྙིང་མ་རྒྱུད་འབུམ}}, Wylie: [[rnying ma rgyud 'bum]]), volumes 9 and 10, folio numbers 143-159 of the edition edited by '[[Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche]]' commonly known as [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] (Thimpu, [[Bhutan]], 1973), reproduced from the {{Wiki|manuscript}} preserved at '[[Tingkye]] Gonpa [[Jang]]' ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|གཏིང་སྐྱེས་དགོན་པ་བྱང}}, Wylie: [[gting skyes]] dgon pa byang) [[Monastery]] in [[Tibet]].
=={{Wiki|Etymology}} of the [[name]]==
*[[ka-ti]] - a crystalline [[translucent]] {{Wiki|nerve}} or [[channel]] connecting the [[heart]] with the [[eyes]]
*[[ka-dag]] - [[primordial purity]], [[primordially pure]]
*[[ka-dag chen-po]] - the Great [[Primordial Purity]], a state of total [[primordial purity]]
*[[ka-dag gi lam]] - the [[path]] of [[primordial purity]]
*[[ka-dag rig-pa shes-rab rang-byung gi sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of self-originated discriminating [[wisdom]] which is [[primordially pure]] [[awareness]]
*[[ka nas dag-pa]] - [[primordial purity]], [[pure]] from the very beginning
*[[kun-khyab]] - all-pervading
*[[kun-mkhyen]] - [[omniscient]], all-knowing
*[[kun tu snang-ba'i ting-nge-' dzin]] - the [[samadhi]] or state of contemplation which illuminates everything
*[[Kun tu bzang-po]] - [[Samantabhadra]] ([[name]] of the [[Primordial Buddha]])
*[[Kuntu bzang-mo]] - [[Samantabhadri]] ([[name]] of the [[Primordial Wisdom]])
*[[kun brtag ma rig-pa]] - the [[ignorance]] which conceptualizes everything
*[[Kun-byed rgyal-po]] - the [[king who creates everything]]
*[[kun-rdzob]] - [[relative]]
*[[kun-rdzob bden-pa]] - [[Relative Truth]]
*[[kun-gzhi]] - the basis of everything, [[alaya]]
*[[kun-gzhi rnam-shes]] - the [[store consciousness]], alaya-vijñana
*[[kun-bzang dgongs-pa]] - the [[Primordial State]] of [[Samantabhadra]]
*[[klong]] - vast expanse, vast expanse of [[space]]
*[[klong-chen]] - the great vast expanse
*[[klong-sde]] [[Longde]] - the [[Space Series]] (a series of texts and teachings of [[Dzogchen]])
*[[dkar 'jam rtsa'i sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of the smooth white {{Wiki|nerve}}
*[[dkar-po chig-thub]] - 1. panacea, the white panacea; 2. the [[Mahamudra]] [[teaching]]
*[[bka']] - [[precept]], [[word]], command, vacana
*[[bka'-ma]] - [[tradition]], [[continuous tradition]] ([[an oral tradition whose transmission has not been interrupted and is continuous]])
*[[rkyen]] - secondary [[cause]], secondary [[condition]], [[pratyaya]]
*[[sku]] - [[Body]], [[kaya]]
*[[sku gsum]] - [[Trikaya]], the 3 [[Bodies of the Buddha]]
*[[sku gsung thugs]] - [[Body]], [[Speech]], and [[Mind]]
*[[skye 'gags med-pa]] - uncreated and unceasing
*[[skye med]] - uncreated, not produced, {{Wiki|unborn}}
*[[bskyed rdzogs]] - the generation process and the [[perfection]] process
*[[bskyed rdzogs zung-'jug]] - unification of the generation process and the [[perfection]] process
*[[bskyed-rim]] - generation process, steps of production, development stage, [[visualization]] process, [[utpattikrama]]
*[['khor-ba]] - [[Samsara]], cyclical [[existence]]
*[['khor-Io]] - 1. [[wheel]], circle, cycle; 2. [[chakra]], [[psychic]] center (a center of [[psychic]] [[energy]] in the [[body]])
*[['khor-lo bsgyur-pa'i rgyal-P]] - [[Universal Monarch]], [[Chakravartin]], a [[wheel]] turning [[universal]] [[emperor]], cakravarti-riija
*[['khrul rtog]] - delusory [[thoughts]], deluded [[thoughts]]
*[['khrul rtog gi rba-dabs 'tshub-pa]] - turbulent waves of deluded [[thoughts]]
*[['khrul snang]] - delusory [[appearances]]
*[['khrul-pa]] - [[delusion]], deluded, delusory, bhriinti
*[['khrul-pa'i las rgyun mi chod-pa]] - not interrupt the current of the delusory [[activities]] of the [[mind]]
*[['khrul 'byams]] - ordinary profusion of deluded [[thoughts]]
*[['khru l'byams tha-mal du shor-ba]] - fall into the ordinary profusion of deluded [[thoughts]]
*[['khrul med]] - without [[delusion]]
*[['khruI gzhi]] - the basis of [[delusion]] 'khrullam the [[path]] of [[delusion]]
*    '[[Reverberation of Sound]]', 'Direct Consequence of [[Sound]] [[Tantra]]', '[[Penetration]] of [[Sound]]', 'Interpenetrating Vibration', '[[Transcendental]] [[Sound]]', ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|སྒྲ་ཐལ་འགྱུར}}, Wylie: [[sgra thal 'gyur]])
*    Drataljur (sGra-thal-’gyur [[chen]] po’i rgyud); Skt., Shabda [[maha]] prasamga [[mula]] [[tantra]].
==Parsing of the [[Sanskrit]] and {{Wiki|analysis}}==
* [[khyad-chos]] - special [[teaching]]
* [[khrid]] - explanation, guiding explanation
* [[khrid-yig]] - explanatory text (a manual which gives an explanation of the [[meditation]] practice)
* [[khregs-chod]] / [[Thekchod]] - releasing tensions, [[cutting through]] rigidity (a special [[teaching]] of the [[Dzogchen]] [[Upadesha]] Series)
* [[mkha']] - sky, [[space]]
* [[mkha'-'gro-ma]] / [[Dakini]] - (a [[manifestation]] of [[energy]] in {{Wiki|female}} [[form]])
* [[mkhas-pa]] - [[wise]], learned
* [[mkhyen-pa]] - [[wisdom]], [[knowledge]]; to know
* [['khor ' das]] - [[Samsara]] and [[Nirvana]]
* [['khor'das m-shan phye-ba]] - distinguishing between [[Samsara]] and [[Nirvana]]
* [[grol gzhi]] - the basis of [[liberation]]
* [[grol gzhi'i ye-shes ngos ' dzin]] - [[recognizing]] the [[knowledge]] (or [[gnosis]]) which is the basis of [[liberation]]
* [[grol lam]] - the [[path of liberation]]
* [[grol lugs]] - modes of [[liberation]]
* [[grol lugs bzhi]] - the 4 modes of [[liberation]]
* [[grol sa]] - the state of [[liberation]]
* [[grol sa gcig-pu]] - unique state of [[liberation]]
* [[grol sa gcig~po yin-par" ngo-sh~s]] - [[recognize]] to be the unique state of [[liberation]]
* [[glo-bur]] - adventitious, accidental
* [[glo-bur ma dag-pa]] - adventitious [[impurities]]
* [[dgag sgrub med-pa]] - neither stopping nor creating ([[thoughts]])
* [[dgongs brgyud]] - direct [[transmission]], [[Mind]] [[Lineage]]
* [[dgong sgter]] - [[Mind Treasure]]
* [[dgongs-pa]] - 1. [[Primordial State]], [[Mind]]; 2. [[intention]]
* [[dgra-bcOIfi-pa]] - [[Arhat]], perfect [[saint]]
* [[‘gags-med]] - unobstructed, without obstruction
* [[‘ gyu-ba]] - {{Wiki|movement}} of [[thought]]; to move
* [[‘grel-pa]] - commentary
* [['gro sa med]] - ([[thoughts]]) do not go anywhere
* [[rgod-pa]] - [[agitation]], agitated
* [[rgyang zhags chu'i sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of the [[water]] (globelike) [[eye]] which lassos everything at a distance
* [[rgyan]] - ornament (Le., [[thoughts]] and [[appearances]] are the ornaments of the [[mind]])
* [[rgyal-po]] - [[king]]
* [[rgyal-ba]] - [[Jina]], the [[Victorious One]] (syn. [[Buddha]])
* [[rgyal-ba dgongs brgyud]] - the direct mind-to-mind [[transmission]] of the [[Jinas]] rgyal-ba rigs lnga
* [[rgyal-sras]] / [[Jinaputra]] -  son of the [[Victorious One]] (syn. [[Bodhisattva]])
* [[rgyal-sras kyi spyod-pa]] - [[Bodhisattva]] conduct, conduct or {{Wiki|behavior}} of a [[Jinaputra]]
* [[rgyu]] - [[cause]], [[primary]] [[cause]], [[hetu]]
* [[rgyu'i ting-nge-'dzin]] - causal [[samadhi]], causal contemplation, hetu-samadhi
* [[rgyu'i theg-pa]] / [[Hetuyana]] - the Causal [[Vehicle]]
* [[rgyud]] - 1.Tantra; 2. [[mind-stream]]
* [[rgyud-sde]] - the [[Tantra]] Section
* [[rgyud smin]] - ripen the stream of [[consciousness]]
* [[sgom-pa,bsgom-pa]] - [[meditation]]; to [[meditate]], bhiivanii,
* [[sgom-pa nyams su len-pa tshul]] - method of practicing [[meditation]]
* [[sgom-pa'i shes-rab]] - discriminating [[wisdom]] [[arising]] in [[meditation]]
* [[sgom byung gi shes-rab]] - [[wisdom]] which comes forth in [[meditation]]
* [[sgom lam]] - [[path of meditation]] development, bhiivanii-miirga
* [[sgyu-ma]] - [[illusion]], miiyii
* [[sgyu-lus, sgyu-ma'i lus]] - [[illusion]] [[body]], maya-deha
* [[sgyur-ba]] - [[transformation]]; to [[transform]]
* [[sgyur lam]] - the [[path]] of [[transformation]]
* [[sgra 'od zer]] - {{Wiki|sounds}}, lights, and rays
* [[sgrib-pa]] - {{Wiki|obscuration}}
* [[sgrib-pa gnyis]] - the 2 [[obscurations]] ([[emotional]] and [[intellectual]])
* [[sgrub brgyud]] - [[Lineage]] of the [[Siddhas]]
* [[sgrub-thabs]] / [[sadhana]] - process of [[realization]]
* [[sgrub-sde]] - the [[Sadhana Section]] (of [[Mahayoga]])
* [[sgrub-pa-po]] - [[sadhaka]], [[practitioner]] of [[sadhana]]
* [[sgro-' dogs]] - [[doubts]]
* [[sgron-ma drug]] - the 6 lamps (aspects of [[light]] in [[Thodgal]])
* [[sgrol ba]] - 1. to liberate, to deliver; 2. [[rites]] of [[deliverance]], [[magical]] [[rituals]] employed to slay other [[beings]]
* [[brgyud-pa]] - [[transmission]], [[lineage]], paramparii
* [[brgyud-pa'i bla-ma]] - [[Lineage]] [[Gurus]], [[masters]] of the [[lineage]] of [[transmission]]
* [[bsgom-pa chen-po]] - the great meditatione of total [[meditation]]
* [[bsgom-med]] - nonmeditation, without [[meditating]]
*    'Shabda' ({{Wiki|Devanagari}}: शब्द): '[[sound]]', '[[word]]' or '[[speech]]'.
*    '[[Mahā]]' ({{Wiki|Devanagari}}: महा): 'great', 'total', 'grand', 'complete', '[[sublime]]'
*    Prasaṅga ({{Wiki|Devanagari}}: प्रसङ्ग): event, happening, incidence, [[[logical]]] consequence, argument, conclusion, [[discussion]] of [[sacred]] works
*    [[Mūla]] ({{Wiki|Devanagari}}: मूल): [[Mula]] ([[astrology]]) is [[symbolized]] by reticulated [[roots]] or an [[ankusha]], [[roots]], reticulum, foundation, base, (ruled by Nirṛti, or the '[[adharma]]' the lawlessness of [[nonduality]] the '[[Primordial]] [[Dharma]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: asamskṛta-dharma))
*    [[Tantra]] ({{Wiki|Devanagari}}: तन्त्र): a {{Wiki|weaving}}, a loom, a wyrd of warp and weft, web, net[work], matrice, {{Wiki|matrix}}, matri*[arch] ({{Wiki|continuum}}, [[mindstream]])
* [[ngang]] - state, [[condition]]
* [[ngang bskyangs]] - continuing in the state
* [[ngang chen-po]] - the great state, total state
* [[ngang dwangs]] - lucid state, luminous state
* [[ngang bzhag chu-bo'i rgyun gyi sgom-pa]] - remain in a state where [[meditation]] is like the continuous flow of a [[river]]
* [[ngang la bzhag-pa]] - remain in the state
* [[ngan sngags]] - [[evil]] [[mantras]]
* [[ngan-song]] - [[evil]] destinies of [[rebirth]], durgati
* [[nges-don]] - {{Wiki|real}} meaning, [[Wikipedia:Absolute (philosophy)|ultimate]] meaning, definitive meaning,
* [[ngo-sprad-pa]] - directly introduced
* [[ngo-sprod-pa]] - introduction, direct introduction; to introduce
* [[ngo-'phrad-pa]] - to be introduced to
* [[ngo-bo]] - [[essence]], svabhiiva
* [[ngo-bo gcig]] - unique [[essence]]
* [[ngo-shes-pa]] - [[recognition]]; to [[recognize]]
* [[ngos ' dzin-pa]] - to [[recognize]]
* [[ngos bzung]] - [[recognize]]
* [[dngos-grub]] / [[siddhi]] - attainments
* [[dngos-po]] - {{Wiki|entity}}, a concrete thing
* [[dngos-gzhi]] - principal practice, principal section
* [[mngon-' gyur]] - become [[manifest]]
* [[mngon-shes]] - clairvoyance, {{Wiki|clairvoyant}} power, abhijftii
* [[mngon-shes drug]] - the 6 {{Wiki|clairvoyant}} [[powers]]
* [[mngon-sum]] - 1. [[manifest]], evident to the [[senses]] 2. [[perception]], [[pratyaya]]
* [[mngon-sum rjen-pa'i ye-shes]] - naked [[manifest]] primal [[awareness]]
* [[snga-'gyur]] - [[Early Translation]]
* [[snga dar]] - the earlier spreading of the [[Dharma]] in [[Tibet]]
* [[sngags]] - [[mantra]], incantation, [[magic]] spell
* [[sngags mying-ma]] - the Old [[Tantras]]
* [[sngags nang-pa]] - the [[Inner Tantras]], the [[Higher Tantras]]
* [[sngags-pa]] - [[Tantrika]], [[Ngagpa]], a [[practitioner]] of the [[Mantras]]
* [[snags-lugs]] - the [[Tantra]] system, [[mantranaya]]
* [[sngar ' dris kyi ye-shes]] - a [[knowledge]] met with previously
* [[sngon-'gro]] - preliminaries, preliminary practice, preliminary section
Generally in the [[Buddhadharma]], [[sound]] as an [[object]] of {{Wiki|discourse}} and a created '[[phenomena]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[dharma]]) is '[[impermanent]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[anitya]]) because of being a product, it is '[[conditioned]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[samskṛta-dharma]]). [[Philosophical]] '[[views]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[drishti]]) or 'conclusions' ([[Sanskrit]]: {{Wiki|siddhanta}}) on the [[nature]] of [[sound]] are very important in all [[Dharmic Traditions]], [[traditions]] of [[Dharma]] and [[dharma]] schools of [[thought]]. The [[nature]] of [[sound]] is of particular importance to the early [[Buddhadharma]] as it was one of the ways [[Shakyamuni]] differentiated his teachings from the prevailing [[views]] of his [[time]] which held the {{Wiki|sounds}} of the [[Vedas]] to be eternally authoritative. As a general rule, [[Buddhist]] systems emphasize that {{Wiki|sounds}} do not of their own accord inherently express their meanings but are arbitrary conventions, socially determined and understood by consensus. Historically, [[Shakyamuni]] was {{Wiki|reactionary}} to the {{Wiki|status}} of the 'revealed authority' ([[Sanskrit]]: apauruṣeya) of the [[Vedas]] the [[ritual]] incantations and {{Wiki|sounds}} of which were held as [[permanent]] and [[eternal]]. In the {{Wiki|Vedic}} system, the [[sound]] and sign of the syllable or [[visible]] [[mantra]] was held to be none-other than what it communicated. This is understood in {{Wiki|Linguistics}} and {{Wiki|Semiotic}} {{Wiki|Theory}} as motivated [[language]] or appropriated [[language]] where the signifier 'appropriated' the [[essence]] or quality of the signified. For example, the [[sound]], sign and signified were all the same in [[essence]]. Early Buddhardharma as a general rule ostensibly rejected such reified '[[essences]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[svabhāva]]) as it was such [[views]] that supported the notion of the '[[self]]' ([[Sanskrit]]: [[atman]]) which in turn supported the rigidity of the Varnashrama [[dharma]] {{Wiki|social}} system of [[caste]] that [[Shakyamuni]] challenged (Williams 1980, 1981). But this is not always the case in the [[Buddhadharma]] as the [[sound]] in the title of this [[tantra]] denotes the immutable, [[unconditioned]], uncreated, '[[primordial]] [[sound]]' (nada). It is in this notion that the [[Tantra]] of the [[Vajrayana]] and [[Mantrayana]] and that of [[Sanatana Dharma]] are in accord.
The [[exoteric]] and [[esoteric]] motifs of [[sound]] and [[speech]] as permutations and {{Wiki|evocation}} of [[mantra]] and [[bija]] in the [[Buddhadharma]] and the wider [[tradition]] of [[Dharma]] is {{Wiki|ubiquitous}}. For an entry into this {{Wiki|discourse}} refer [[Three Vajras]]. [[Sound]] is also to be understood as the 'nada', the [[primordial]] [[sound]], the unmade [[sound]], [[sound]] is a {{Wiki|metaphor}} for [[spiritual]] [[energy]], [[sound]] is a {{Wiki|metaphor}} for the vibration of the [[luminosity]] of the [[Five Pure Lights]]. The Lights are constituted by [[thigle]]. [[Light]] here is also a {{Wiki|metaphor}}. All [[thigle]] are [[mala]] or garlands, vajra-chains of spell-letters the [[oneness]] and unity of which is the [[mandala]] of reverberating spell-letters which is the Thirteenth [[Bhumi]] of [[Rongzompa]]. They are {{Wiki|conceptual}} tools, all [[upaya]] are tools, all tools are let go, released as they are but supports for [[mind]].
* [[cig-ear, cig-char]] - instantaneous, immediate
===The great [[debate]] of [[sound]] internalized in the [[Buddhadharma]]===
* [[cig-car 'jug-pa]] - entering instantaneously
* [[cig-car-ba]] – non-gradualist
* [[cir snang rang yin]] - one's own state of [[existence]] [[manifesting]] everywhere
* [[cog-bzhag bzhi]] - the 4 modes of just being there
* [[gcig]] - one, single, unique, single state, [[singularity]], eka
* [[gcig grol]] - {{Wiki|liberated}} into a single state
* [[gcig thag-bcad-pa]] - discover one single state
* [[gcig-pu, gcig-po]] - single, unique
* [[gcig shes kun grol]] - [[knowing]] one thing, everything is {{Wiki|liberated}}
* [[gcer grol]] - [[liberation]] through bare [[attention]]
* [[gcer mthong]] - [[seeing]] nakedly
* [[bca'-ba]] - to continue
* [[bcos med]] - unfabricated, unmodified, uncorrected
* [[bcos slad med-pa]] - not modified or adulterated
There is an embedded irony in Thal 'gyur and [[Prasanga]] in that the 'consequence' in [[Prasangika]] [[dialectic]], the reductio ad absurdum of [[Madhyamaka]] [[thought]], pointing out an undesired consequence of a proposition or premise, those who made assertions or held such premises were given the [[name]] retrospectively, [[Svatantrika]]. One such stock example was the [[nature]] of [[sound]] and in refuting the phyogs snga or the snga rgol phyi rgol gnyis la mthun snang grub nges kyi tshul gsum '[[god]] pa'i ngag. That is, against maintaining [[sound]] is produced but [[permanent]]: the' [[dharmin]] [[sound]]', is unproduced, because it is [[permanent]] or, the [[dharmin]] [[sound]] is [[impermanent]], because it is produced, phyogs snga {{Wiki|sun}} 'byin par mi 'dod pa'i thal ba 'phen pa'am, rgol phyi rgol gnyis la mthun snang grub nges kyi tshul gsum '[[god]] pa'i ngag dper na, sgra rtag par 'dod pa'i gang zag gi [[ngor]], sgra [[chos can]], ma byas par thal, rtag pa'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu {{Wiki|sun}} 'byin pa dang, yang na, sgra [[chos can]], mi rtag pa yin par thal, byas pa'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu tshul gsum [[tsang]] ba'i ngag go.
{{Wiki|Western}} {{Wiki|discourse}} has favoured the [[Gelugpa]] [[view]] of this [[debate]], the champion of which is [[Chandrakirti]] who challenged [[Bhavaviveka]]. As a general rule the [[Gelugpa]] favour the [[Prasangika]]. As a general rule the [[Nyingma]] [[view]] does not foreground the [[Prasangika]] over the [[Svatantrika]] as this would be an extreme [[view]], a [[fallacy]] and failing of the [[Gelugpa]] . Indeed, as an {{Wiki|evocation}} of the [[Two Truths]] the {{Wiki|continuum}} of Svatantrika-Prasangika interpenetrate and mutually inform and are both of value in pointing to an '[[inconceivable]]' ([[samye]]) [[truth]].
* [[chad lta-ba]] - the [[view]] of [[nihilism]], ucchedaviida
* [[chen-po]] - great, total
* [[chös kyi bdag-med]] - the insubstantiality of [[phenomena]]
* [[chös-sku]] – [[Dharmakaya]] in [[Vajrayana]]
* [[Bön-sku]] – [[Dharmakaya]] in [[Bön]]
* [[chös-sku rgyal-po'i rtsal]] - the creative potentiality of the [[king]] who is the [[Dharmakaya]] (syn. [[rig-pa'i rtsal]])
* [[Bön-sku gcig-po'i yo-langs bskyang]] - continuing in the unique state of the [[Dharma-kaya]]
* [[Bön-sku'i klong du dag-pa]] - [[purified]] into the vast expanse of the [[Dharmakaya]]
* [[Bön-sku'i lta-ba]] - the [[view]] of the [[Dharmakaya]]
* [[Bön-sku'i yo-Iangs]] - the state (or [[nature]]) of the [[Dharmakaya]]
* [[chös-nyid]] - [[Dharmata]], [[Reality]]
* [[chös-nyid kyi rang ngo skyong-ba]] - continuing in the inherent state of [[Reality]]
* [[chös-nyid mngon-sum kyi snang-ba]] - the [[vision]] of the direct [[perception]] of [[Reality]]
* [[chös-nyid bar-do]] - the [[Bardo]] of [[Reality]]
* [[chös-nyid zad-pa'i snang-ba]] - the [[vision]] of the consummation of [[Reality]]
* [[chös rnams dharmas]] - [[phenomena]]
* [[chös-dbyings]] / [[Dharmadhatu]] - the [[dimension]] of all [[existence]]
* [[chös lugs]] - an organized system of [[phenomena]], [[religion]]
* [[chös log]] - wrong [[teaching]], perverted [[teaching]]
* [[mchan]] - note
* [[mchöd-brjod]] - verse of [[offering]]
* [['char tshul]] - [[manner]] of [[arising]], how it arises
* [['char lugs]] - mode of [[arising]]
* [['chi-kha'i bar-do]] - the [[Bardo]] of Dying
The Drataljur states that the {{Wiki|theoretical}} [[view]] of [[Ati Yoga]] coincides with the [[Madhyamaka]] [[Prasangika]] and that there is no contradiction between them.
From the emic {{Wiki|perspective}} of the [[Nyingma]] and the [[lineages]] of oral instruction they venerate and according to the teachings of Namkha'i (1991) rendered into English by [[Vajranatha]] (1996: p. 11), [[Mañjuśrīmitra]] is held to have codified the indivisible Three Series of [[Dzogchen]] into the [[Mind Series]], [[Space]] Series and Instruction Series; whereas Gyatso (1998: p. 300, note 53) makes the salient observation that the earliest textual source of this [[triune]] so far documented is the Drataljur.
* [[ji snyed-pa mkhyen-pa'i ye-shes]] - the [[Knowledge]] of Quantity, the [[knowledge]] which [[knows]] the quantity of all [[phenomena]]
==[[Primary]] resources==
* [[ji lta-ba bzhin]] - the [[state of being]] just as it is
* [[ji lta-ba gzigs-pa'i ye-shes]] - the [[Knowledge]] of Quality, the [[knowledge]] which sees the state just as it is
* [[ji bzhin nyid]] - the [[state of being]] just as it is
* [[ji bzhin-pa]] - the [[state of being]] just as it is
* [[ji bzhin-par bzhugs-pa]] - remaining in the [[state of being]] just as it is
* [['ja'-Ius]] - the [[Rainbow Body]]
* [['ja'-lus 'pho-ba chen-po]] - the [[Rainbow Body]] of the Great Transfer
* [['jur dran]] - coarse {{Wiki|memories}}
* [[rjes]] - concluding section
* [[rjes thob]] - subsequent [[realization]], postmeditation [[experience]], pristhalabdha
* [[rjes med]] - without leaving a trace behind
* [[rjes med rang dag]] - self-purified without leaving a trace
* [[rjes su rnal-'byor]] - [[Anuyoga]]
* [[rjes su rnal-'byor gyi theg-pa]] - Anuyogayana, the [[Vehicle]] of the [[Anuyoga Tantra]]
* [[brjod-med]] - inexpressible (in words)
* [[brjod med kyi rig-pa zang-thal]] - an indescribable directly penetrating [[awareness]]
*    [ Drathalgyur: three extant manuscripts in Wylie compared line by line in a .doc format on Scribd]
*    [ Drathalgyur in Uchen (Tibetan Script), Unicode @ Wikisource]
==English translations==
* [[nyams]] - [[experience]], [[meditation]] [[experience]], [[mystical]] [[experience]]
* [[nyams gong 'phel kyi snang-ba]] - the [[vision]] of the development of [[experiences]] (in [[vision]])
* [[nyams-myong]] - [[experience]]; to [[experience]]
* [[nyams zhen]] - [[attachment]] to [[experiences]]
* [[nyams-len]] - practice; to practice
* [[nyams su len-pa]] - to practice
* [[nyams gsum]] - the 3 [[meditation]] [[experiences]] (of [[bliss]], clarity, and no [[thought]])
* [[nyon-mongs-pa]] - [[passion]], negative [[emotion]], [[klesha]]
* [[nyon-mongs-pa'i sgrib-pa]] - {{Wiki|obscuration}} due to the [[passions]]
* [[nyon-mongs-pa'i dung klda-viiyu]] - [[passion]] [[winds]], [[winds]] (or [[psychic]] energies) {{Wiki|defiled}} by the [[passions]]
* [[gnyis-med]] – [[non-dual]], without [[duality]], [[advaya]]
* [[gnyis-'dzin]] - [[grasping]] at [[duality]]
* [[gnyis-'dzin kyi 'ching-ba las 'grol-ba]] - {{Wiki|liberated}} from bondage to [[dualistic]] [[thinking]]
* [[gnyen-po]] - antidote, pratipaksa
* [[gnyug-ma]] - natural, innate, ntija
* [[gnyug-ma'i rnal-'byor]] - natural [[yoga]], natural practice
* [[mnyam rjes]] - contemplation and subsequent [[realization]]
* [[mnyam rjes kyi nyams-len]] - the practice of contemplation and subsequent [[realization]]
* [[mnyam-nyid, mnyam-pa nyid]] - the state of [[Wikipedia:Identity (social science)|identity]], [[sameness]], samatii
* [[mnyam-bzhag]] - the state of even contemplation, samiihita
* [[rnying-ma-pa Nyingmapa]] - the [[Old Tantra]] school
* [[snyan brgyud]] - [[oral transmission]], [[oral lineage]], [[oral tradition]]
* [[snying gi bu]] - heart-son, chief [[disciple]]
* [[snying-gtam]] - heartfelt [[advice]]
* [[snying-thig Nyingthig]] - the [[Essence]] of the [[Mind]] (syn. the [[Dzogchen]] [[Upadesha]] teachings)
* [[snying-thig rdo-rje snying-po'i lam]] - the [[path]] of the [[adamantine]] [[heart]] of the [[Essence]] of the [[Mind]] (syn. the [[Dzogchen]] [[Upadesha]] teachings)
* [[snying-thig-pa]] - a [[practitioner]] of the [[Nyingthig]] teachings
* [[snying-po]] - 1. [[heart]], [[hrdaya]]; 2. [[embryo]], [[garbha]]; 3. [[essence]], sara; 4. [[mind]], [[citta]]
This [[tantra]] has not as yet has been completely rendered into English nor made generally available.
The [[Seventeen Tantras]] are quoted extensively throughout [[Longchenpa's]] (1308 - 1364?) 'The [[Precious]] Treasury of the Way of Abiding' ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|གནས་ལུགས་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད}}, Wylie: [[gnas lugs]] rin po che'i [[mdzod]]) rendered in English by Barron and [[Padma]] Translation Committee (1998). This work is one of [[Longchenpa's]] [[Seven Treasuries]] and the [[Tibetan]] text in poor reproduction of the pecha has been graciously made available online by Dowman and Smith.
* [[ting-nge-'dzin]] - contemplation, the state of contemplation, [[samadhi]]
* [[ting-nge-'dzin chen-po]] - a state of total contemplation, the great contemplation, maha-samadhi
* [[gtad-pa]] - fixation; to fixate the [[mind]] on
* [[gtad-so]] - {{Wiki|concept}}, {{Wiki|conception}}
* [[gtad-so dang bral-ba]] - free of conceptions
* [[gtad-tshigs]] - conclusion, criteria, {{Wiki|reasoning}}
* [[gtan la 'bebs-pa]] - to systematize, to set down systematically
* [[gter-ston]] [[Terton]] - [[Treasure]] [[Master]], a discoverer of [[hidden treasure]] texts
* [[gter-ma]] - [[Terma]], [[hidden treasure]] text
* [[kha byang]] - entrance certificate (Aris), general (prophetic) guide (Thondup), preliminary [[treasure]] guide (Doctor)
* [[khrom gter]] - crowd [[treasure]] (Aris), publicly discovered [[terma]] (Thondup)
* [[mkha’ ‘gro brda yig]] - [[dakini script]]
* [[dgongs gter]] - [[mind terma]]
* [[nying byang]] - innermost prophetic guide (Thondup)
* [[gter grogs]] - [[terma]] companion, [[consort]]
* [[gter sgrub]] - [[preparatory practices]] (Thondup)
* [[gter sgrom]] - [[treasure]] casket
* [[gter ston]] - [[treasure revealer]]
* [[gter tshab]] - substitute for [[terma]]
* [[gter rdzas]] - [[terma]] [[objects]]
* [[gter lung]] - prophetic [[terma]] text (Thondup)
* [[gter srung]] - [[terma]] [[protectors]]
* [[them byang]] - (also thems byang, them yig, or thems yig) registry, inventory list
* [[dag snang]] - [[pure vision]]
* [[byang bu]] - preceding prophetic inventory (Doctor)
* [[yang gter]] - rediscovered [[terma]]
* [[yang byang]] - inner prophetic guide (Thondup)
* [[shog ser]] - yellow scrolls
* [[sa gter]] - [[earth terma]]
* [[gsang gter]] - secretly discovered [[terma]] (Thondup)
* [[btag-grol]] - [[liberation]] through wearing
* [[rtag lta-ba]] - the [[view]] of {{Wiki|eternalism}}, Shashvatavada
* [[rtags]] - sign, indication
* [[rtog-pa]] - [[thought]], discursive [[thought]]; to think
* [[rtogs-pa]] - [[understanding]]; to understand
* [[Ita sgom du ro-gcig]] - a single {{Wiki|taste}} as to [[view]] and [[meditation]]
* [[Ita sgom spyod]] - [[view]], meditationd conduct
* [[Ita sgom spyod 'bras-bu]] - [[view]], [[meditation]]d fruit
* [[lta-ba]] - [[view]], way of [[seeing]], dristi; to see
* [[stong-cha]] - on the side of [[emptiness]]
* [[stong-nyid kyi gshis]] - the innate disposition which is [[emptiness]]
* [[stong-nyid snying-rje zung-'jug]] - the unification of [[emptiness]] and [[compassion]]
* [[stong-pa]] - [[empty]], [[shunya]]
* [[stong-pa nyid]] - [[emptiness]], [[shunyata]]
* [[brtag-pa]] - examination, [[vitarka]]; to examine, to investigate
* [[brtan-pa thob]] - attain stability
* [[bstan-bcos]] - [[philosophical]] treatise, treatise, [[sastra]]
* [[bstan-pa]] - [[teaching]], [[doctrine]], shasana; taught, reveal[/size][/{{Wiki|color}}][/size]
Barron et. al. (1998: pp. 208–209) render an embedded quotation of this [[tantra]] within their translation of Lonchepa's 'Way of Abiding' (Wylie: [[gnas lugs]]) that discusses a [[Dzogchen]] {{Wiki|perspective}} of [[buddha-nature]] (Wylie: [[sugata-garbha]]):
:    "Moreover, owing to their circumstances, among ordinary [[beings]]
* [[tha-dad med-pa]] - no difference, no distinction
:    there is not a single one who is not a [[buddha]].
* [[thag-bcad-pa]] - to decide definitively, to determine decisively, to decide
:    Because their [[nature]] is in [[harmony]] with naturally occurring [[timeless awareness]],
* [[thabs]]- Means, [[Skillful Means]], method, [[upaya]]
:    [[samsara]] is never something [[existent]].
* [[thig-le]] - [[sphere]], tiny [[sphere]], [[essence]], [[bindu]]
:    Therefore, each being is naturally a [[buddha]].
* [[thig-le chen-po]] - the Great [[Sphere]], fotal [[sphere]], mahabindu
:    Once one realizes what the process of [[birth]] really is, abiding in the [[womb]] is the basic [[space]] of [[phenomena]],
* [[thig-le nyag-gcig]] - the Unique [[Sphere]], unique [[essence]]
:    the coming together of [[body]] and [[mind]] is the conneciton between basic [[space]] and [[awareness]],
* [[thig-le stong-pa'i sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of the [[empty]] spheres
:    and abiding in the [[body]] is the [[three kayas]].
* [[thugs]] - [[Mind]], [[Heart]], [[citta]]
:    [[Aging]] is the falling away of [[phenomena]] and the end of [[appearances]] based on {{Wiki|confusion}},
* [[thugs-rje]] - 1. [[Energy]]; 2. [[compassion]], [[karuna]]
:    {{Wiki|illness}} is the [[experience]] of the [[nature]] of [[phenomena]],
* [[thugs sras]] - heart-son, principal [[disciple]]
:    and [[death]] is [[emptiness]], impossible to identify.
* [[thun]] - session, [[meditation]] session
:    Therefore, ordinary [[beings]] are [[buddhas]]."
* [[thun dang thun-mtshams]] - sessions and between sessions
* [[the-tshom med]] - without [[doubts]], not remaining in [[doubt]]
* [[theg-pa]] - [[vehicle]], way, [[yana]]
* [[theg-pa dgu]] - the 9 [[vehicles]]
* [[theg-pa chen-po]] - [[Mahayana]], the [[Great Vehicle]]
* [[theg-pa thams-cad kyi rtse rgyal]] - the victorious mountain peak of all the [[vehicles]] (to enlightenmenth(i.e., [[Dzogchen]])
* [[theg-pa dman-pa]] / [[Hinayana]] - the [[Lesser Vehicle]]
* [[theg-pa rim dgu]] - the 9 successive [[vehicles]] to [[enlightenment]]
* [[theg-pa rim dgu'irtse-bo]] - the pinnacle of the 9 successive [[vehicles]]
* [[theg-pa'i yang rtse]] - [[highest]] peak of all [[vehicles]]
* [[thog-ma'i sangs-rgyas]] - the [[Primordial Buddha]]
* [[thod-rgal]] / [[Thodgal]] - passing over the summit (the development of [[vision]] practice in the [[Dzogchen]] [[Upadesha]])
* [[thol byung blo rdeg]] - suddenly strike a [[thought]]
* [[thos-pa'i shes-rab]] - discriminating [[wisdom]] [[arising]] from hearing (the teachings)
* [[mtha']] - limit, limitation, extreme, end, [[anta]]
* [[mtha' grol]] - {{Wiki|liberated}} from all limitations
* [[mtha' med]] - [[unlimited]], without limitation
* [[mtha' las 'das-pa]] - transcending limitations
* [[mthar snang]] - final visions
* [[mthong lam]] - the [[path]] of [[vision]], darsana-marga
In the [[Inner Tantras]] or [[esoteric]] [[yana]] of the [[Nyingma]], the Mahayoga-yana, the Anuyoga-yana and the Atiyoga-yana; the [[buddha-nature]] is generally referred to as [[sugata-garbha]] rather than other renderings that denote other [[Buddhadharma]] schools of [[thought]]. 'Ordinary [[beings]]' is a rendering of '[[sentient beings]]' and does not just denote the [[human]] [[experience]]. '[[Buddha]]' denotes the potential of the {{Wiki|continuum}} of the base and not that of the waxing of the [[path]] and the fullness of the fruit. That said, due to the indivisibility of the [[Two Truths]] it also denotes Buddha-potential as well as Buddha-actuality or Buddha-fruition through the [[disciplines]], [[sadhana]] and [[skillful means]] of the Buddha-path. The continuums of base, [[path]] and fruit are a [[triune]], interpenetrating and indivisible as the [[gankyil]]. '[[Samsara]]' is to be understood more as a quality of the [[mindstream]] and a [[dimension]] of [[experience]] rather than a location. '[[Timeless awareness]]' is a gloss of '[[jnana]]'. 'Basic [[space]] of [[phenomena]]' is a rendering of '[[dharmadhatu]]'. '[[Phenomena]]' is a gloss of '[[dharmas]]'. '{{Wiki|Confusion}}' is a rending of [[avidya]] or [[marigpa]] which is not the absence of [[rigpa]] but its adventitious {{Wiki|obscuration}}.
* [[dag snang]] - [[pure vision]]
* [[dang-po-pa]] - beginner
* [[dad-pa]] - [[faith]]
* [[dwangs]] - luster, [[brightness]]; clear, [[pure]]
* [[dam-bca']] - author's promise, the author's statement of purpose to his readers
* [[dam-tshig sems-dpa']] - [[symbolic]] being, samayasattva
* [[dur-khrod]] - [[cremation ground]]
* [[de kho na nyid]] - [[Tathata]], [[Reality]], the [[state of being]] just as it is, [[suchness]]
* [[de kho na nyid ting-nge-'dzin]] - the contemplation of [[Reality]]
* [[de bzhin nyid]] - [[Tathata]], [[Reality]], the [[state of being]] just as it is
* [[de bzhin gshegs-pa'i snying-po]] - [[Tathagatagarbha]], inherent [[Buddha-nature]]
* [[don]] - meaning, {{Wiki|real}} meaning, [[benefit]], purpose, [[artha]]
* [[don gyi lta-ba]] - {{Wiki|real}} [[view]]
* [[don gyi ye-shes]] - [[real knowledge]]
* [[don gcig las ma 'das-pa]] - not go [[beyond]] the single meaning
* [[drag sngags]] - [[fierce mantras]]
* [[drang don]] - [[Wikipedia:Convention (norm)|conventional]] meaning, neyiirtha
* [[dri-med]] - immaculate
* [[gdangs]] - translucency, [[translucent]]
* [[gdams-ngag]] - instruction
* [[gdeng, gdengs]] - [[confidence]]
* [[gdod nas dag-pa]] - [[primordially pure]]
* [[gdod-ma]] - [[primordial]]
* [[gdod-ma'i mgon-po]] - Adinatha (syn. the [[Primordial Buddha]])
* [[gdod-ma'i mal-'byor]] - the [[Primordial Yoga]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [[gdod-ma'i gzhi]] - the [[Primordial Base]]
* [[bdag-nyid chen-po]] - the Great State, the great [[self]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]], the [[Primordial State]])
* [[bdag-med]] - without a [[self]], insubstantial, [[Anatman]]
* [[bdag-'dzin]] - [[grasping]] at a [[self]], [[grasping]] at the [[reality]] of, atarma-graha
* [[bde-ba]] - [[pleasurable]] [[sensation]], [[happiness]], [[bliss]], [[sukha]]
* [[bde-ba chen-po]] / [[Mahasukha]] - the Great [[Bliss]]
* [[bde-ba'i nyams]] - [[experience]] of [[pleasurable]] [[sensation]]
* [[bde-bar gshegs-pa]] / [[Sugata]] - (syn. [[Tathagata]], [[Buddha]])
* [[bden-pa gnyis]] - the 2 [[Truths]] ([[absolute]] and [[relative]])
* [[bden-pa mthong-ba]] - [[seeing]] the [[truth]]
* [[bdud]] - [[Mara]], {{Wiki|demon}}
* [[mdangs]] - luster, [[brightness]], bright complexion
* [[mdo]] - [[Sutra]], a {{Wiki|discourse}} of the [[Buddha]]
* [[mdo-sde spyod-pa'i dbu-ma]] - Sautrantika-Madhyamika
* [[mdo-lugs]] - [[Sutra]] system
* [['das -rjes]] - posthumous teachings
* [['du-byed samskaras]] - impulses, [[karmic]] [[formations]]
* [['du-byed kyi las]] - [[activities]] of the [[samskaras]]
* [['dul-ba Vinaya]] - [[monastic]] [[discipline]], [[monastic]] ordinances
* [['dren-pa'ibla-ma]] - [[Guru]] who gives guidance
* [[rdo-rje vajra]] - [[diamond]]; [[adamantine]], diamondlike
* [[rdo-rje theg-pa]] - [[Vajrayana]]
* [[rdo-rje zam-pa]] - the [[Vajra Bridge]] teachings (of [[Dzogchen]] [[Longde]])
* [[rdo-rje gdan Vajrasana]] - ({{Wiki|modern}} [[Bodh Gaya]]), the [[diamond]] [[throne]] of [[enlightenment]]
* [[brda]] - sign, [[symbol]]
* [[brda brgyud]] - [[symbolic]] [[transmission]], the [[Lineage]] of the [[Mystic]] [[Signs]] (of the Vidya-dharas)
* [[brda bzhi]] - the 4 [[Signs]] (in [[Dzogchen]] [[Longde]] practice)
* [[bdag-nyid chen-po]] - the Great State, the great [[self]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]], the [[Primordial State]])
* [[bdag-med]] - without a [[self]], insubstantial, [[Anatman]]
* [[bdag-'dzin]] - [[grasping]] at a [[self]], [[grasping]] at the [[reality]] of, iitmagraha
* [[bde-ba]] - [[pleasurable]] [[sensation]], [[happiness]], [[bliss]], [[sukha]]
* [[bde-ba chen-po]] - [[Mahasukha]], the Great [[Bliss]]
* [[bde-ba'i nyams]] - [[experience]] of [[pleasurable]] [[sensation]]
* [[bde-bar gshegs-pa]] - [[Sugata]] (syn. [[Tathagata]], [[Buddha]])
* [[bden-pa gnyis]] - the 2 [[Truths]] ([[absolute]] and [[relative]])
* [[bden-pa mthong-ba]] - [[seeing]] the [[truth]]
* [[bdud]] - [[Mara]], {{Wiki|demon}}
* [[mdangs]] - luster, [[brightness]], bright complexion
* [[mdo]] - [[Sutra]], a {{Wiki|discourse}} of the [[Buddha]]
* [[mdo-sde spyod-pa'i dbu-ma]] - Sautrantika-Madhyamika
* [[mdo-Iugs]] - [[Sutra]] system
* [['das -rjes]] - posthumous teachings
* [['du-byed]] - [[samskaras]], impulses, [[karmic]] [[formations]]
* [['du-byed kyi las]] - [[activities]] of the [[samskaras]]
* [['dul-ba]] - [[Vinaya]], [[monastic]] [[discipline]], [[monastic]] ordinances
* [['dren-pa'ibla-ma]] - [[Guru]] who gives guidance
* [[rdo-tje vajra]] - [[diamond]]; [[adamantine]], diamondlike
* [[rdo-rje theg-pa]] - [[Vajrayana]]
* [[rdo-rje zam-pa]] - the [[Vajra Bridge]] teachings (of [[Dzogchen]] [[Longde]])
* [[rdo-rje slob-dpon]] - [[Vajracharya]]
* [[rdo-rje gdan Vajrasana]] - ({{Wiki|modern}} [[Bodh Gaya]]), the [[diamond]] [[throne]] of [[enlightenment]]
* [[brda]] - sign, [[symbol]]
* [[brda brgyud]] - [[symbolic]] [[transmission]], the [[Lineage]] of the [[Mystic]] [[Signs]] (of the Vidya-dharas)
* [[brda bzhi]] - the 4 [[Signs]] (in [[Dzogchen]] [[Longde]] practice)
* [[Nang]] – internal, inner, inner aspect
* [[nang gi bla-ma]] - the internal [[Guru]]
* [[nang rgyud]] - [[Inner Tantras]]
* [[nang rtog]] - internal [[thoughts]]
* [[nang dbyings]] - inner [[space]], internal [[space]], the internal [[dimension]]
* [[nang 'od]] - inner [[light]], internal [[light]]
* [[nang gsal]] - inner [[luminosity]], internal [[luminosity]]
* [[nam-mkha']] - sky, [[space]], the [[space element]], [[akasha]]
* [[gnad]] - [[essential]] point
* [[gnad gcig-po]] - single [[essential]] point
* [[gnad du brdeg-pa]] - strike the [[essential]] point
* [[gnad don]] - the {{Wiki|real}} meaning of the [[essential]] point
* [[gnad ma nor-ba]] - unmistaken [[essential]] point
* [[gnad gsum ldan-pa'i lta-ba]] - the [[view]] which possesses the 3 [[essential]] points
* [[gnas-pa]] - [[calm]] state; to abide, to be established
* [[gnas 'phro]] - still or diffusing
* [[gnas-tshul]] - mode of being
* [[gnas-lugs]] - [[Natural State]], natural [[condition]]
* [[gnas-lugs ji lta-ba gzigs-pa'i ye-shes]] - the [[Knowledge]] of Quality, the [[knowledge]] which sees the [[Natural State]] just as it is
* [[gnas sa med]] - ([[thoughts]]) do not remain anywhere
* [[ma brgyud]] - [[oral transmission]]
* [[mam-rtog]] - [[thought]], discursive [[thought]], [[vikalpa]]
* [[mam 'rtog grol]] - liberate discursive [[thoughts]]
* [[rnam-rtog ngo shes-pa]] - [[recognize]] discursive [[thoughts]]
* [[mam-rtog med-pa]] - without discursive [[thoughts]]
* [[mam-par rtog-pa]] - discursive [[thought]], [[vikalpa]]
* [[mam-par mi rtog-pa]] -without discursive [[thoughts]], [[nirvikalpa]]
* [[mam-par shes-pa]] - [[consciousness]], [[vijñana]]
* [[mam-shes]] - [[consciousness]], [[vijñana]]
* [[rnal-'byor]] - [[yoga]], union
* [[mal-'byor gyi rgyud]] - [[Yoga Tantra]]
* [[rnal-'byor gyi rgyud gyi theg-pa]] – Yoga-tantra-yana
* [[mal-'byor chen-po]] - [[Mahayoga]]
* [[mal-'byor chen-po'i rgyud kyi theg-pa]] – Maha-yoga-tantra-yana
* [[rnal-'byor-pa Yogin]] - [[practitioner]]
* [[rnal-'byor spyod-pa]] - [[Yogachara]], [[Yogacharin]]
* [[rnal-'byor spyod-pa'i dbu-ma]] - Yogachara-Madhyamika
* [[rnal-'byor-ma]] - [[Yogini]]
* [[rnal-'byor bzhi]] - the 4 [[Yogas]] (stages in [[Dzogchen]] [[Semde]] practice)
* [[rnal-'byor lam]] - the [[Path]] of the [[Yogins]], the [[Path]] of the [[Yogins]]
* [[rnal-bzhag chen-po]] - totally settled into the [[natural state]], the great self-settled [[natural state]]
* [[sna-tshogs]] - diversity, different kinds
* [[sna-tshogs rdo-rje]] - a double [[vajra]], vishva-yajra
* [[snang 'char tshul]] - the way in which [[appearances]] arise
* [[snang stong dbyer-med]] - the inseparability of [[appearance]] and [[emptiness]]
* [[snang-ba]] - [[appearance]], [[manifestation]], [[vision]]; to appear, to [[manifest]], to be [[visible]]
* [[snang-ba bzhi]] - the 4 Visions (in [[Thodgal]] practice)
* [[snang-srid]] - all [[phenomenal existence]], all that appears and that [[exists]]
[[Category:Tibetan Buddhist texts]]
[[Category:Nyingma Texts]]
* [[dpal]] - glorious, abundant, shri
* [[dpe]] - example, {{Wiki|metaphor}}
* [[dpe’i ye-shes]] - [[knowledge]] indicated by example
* [[dpyad-pa]] - analyzed, [[reason]]
* [[dpyod-pa]] - {{Wiki|analysis}}; to analyze, to investigate, [[vicara]]
* [[spang blang med-pa]] - without [[attachment]] or [[aversion]]
* [[spong lam]] - the [[path]] of [[renunciation]]
* [[spyan lnga]] - the 5 [[eyes]]
* [[spyi 'byams]] - irregular [[habits]]
* [[spyi'byams gshis shor]] - falling away from one's innate disposition due to irregular [[habits]]
* [[spyi mes chen-po]] - the great [[universal]] {{Wiki|Ancestor}}
* [[spyi gzhi]] - the [[universal]] Base
* [[sPyod-pa]] - conduct, {{Wiki|behaviour}}, [[action]], [[carya]]
* [[sPyod-pa'i rgyud]] - [[Charya Tantra]]
* [[sPyod-pa'i rgyud kyi theg-pa]] – Charya-tantra-yana
* [[sPyod-yul]] - [[sphere]] of [[action]], the range of the [[activities]] of the [[senses]]
* [[sprul-sku]] - [[Nirmanakaya]]
* [[sprul-pa]] - [[Nirmita]], [[emanation]]
* [[sprospa]] - elaboration, multifarious [[activity]], [[prapañca]]
* [[spros-med]] - without ({{Wiki|conceptual}}) elaborations, aprapañca
* [[spros bral]] - free of {{Wiki|conceptual}} elaborations
* [[pha-rol tu phyin-pa]] - [[perfection]], [[paramita]]
* [[pha-rol tu phyin-pa drug]] - the 6 [[perfections]], the 6 [[paramitas]]
* [[phun-sum tshogs-pa]] - supreme, abundant
* [[phyag-rgya]] - [[mudra]], [[symbol]], [[symbolic]] [[form]], gesture, [[consort]]
* [[phyag-rgya chen-po]] - Mahamudrae Great [[symbol]]
* [[phyag-chen]] - Mahamudrae Great [[Symbol]]
* [[phyam gnas]] - even-minded
* [[phyam gnas lhod-de]] – evenly minded and [[relaxed]]
* [[phyam lhod]] - [[equanimity]] and [[relaxation]]
* [[phyal-ba]] - {{Wiki|omnipresent}}, common.
* [[phyi]] - external, outer, outer aspect
* [[phyi rgyud]] - [[Outer Tantras]]
* [[phyi dar]] - the later spreading of the [[Dharma]]
* [[phyi snang]] - external [[appearances]]
* [[phyi dbyings]] - external [[space]], the external [[dimension]]
* [[phyi'i bla-ma]] - the external [[Guru]]
* [['phags yul]] - Aryadesha, [[India]]
* [['pho-ba]] - the transference of [[consciousness]]; to transfer
* [['pho-ba chen-po]] - the Great Transfer
* [['phrul-ba]] - to [[emanate]]
* [['phro-ba]] - to [[emanate]], to project, to diffuse, to proliferate
* [[bag-chags]] - [[karmic]] traces, [[karmic]] residues, [[unconscious]] propensities, viisanii
* {{BigTibetan|[[བར་དོ]]}} [[bar-do]] - [[Bardo]], the [[intermediate state]] between [[death]] and [[rebirth]], antariibhava
The 4 [[Bardos]] ([[bar do bzhi]])
:1) [[rang bzhin skye ba'i bar do]] - The [[natural bardo of this life]]
:2) [['chi kha gnad gcod kyi bar do]] - The [[painful]] [[bardo of dying]]
:3) [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi bar do]] - The [[luminous bardo of dharmata]]
:4) [[srid pa las kyi bar do]] - The [[karmic bardo of becoming]]
The 6 [[Bardos]] - [[Bar do drug]]
The 4 [[Bardos]] above with the addition of:
:5) [[bsam gtan gyi bar do]] - The [[bardo of meditation]]
:6) [[rmi lam gyi bar do]] - The [[bardo of dreaming]]
* [[dkar cha]] - white [[essence]]
* [[dkar lam]] - whiteness [[experience]]
* [[skye gnas]] - birthplace
* [[mngal sgo]] - door of the [[womb]]
* [[nyer thob]] - near [[attainment]]
* [[thim rim]] - stages of [[dissolution]]
* [[nag lam]] - blackness [[experience]]
* [[nang rtags]] - inner sign
* [[snang mched thob gsum]] - [[appearance]], {{Wiki|increase}} and [[attainment]]
* [[phyi rtags]] - outer sign
* [['pho ba]] - transference of [[consciousness]]
* [[bar do]] - [[intermediate state]], transition, 'between'
* [[dmar cha]] - red [[essence]]
* [[dmar lam]] - redness [[experience]]
* [[srog 'dzin rlung]] - life-supporting [[wind]]
* [[bu'i 'od gsaI]] - the Son [[Clear Light]]
* [[bya-ba'irgyud]] - [[Kriya Tantra]]
* [[bya-ba'I’rgyud kyi theg-pa]] – Kriya-tantra-yana
* [[bya bral]] - free of any deliberate [[action]]
* [[byang-chub]] - [[enlightenment]], [[Bodhi]]
* {{BigTibetan|[[བྱང་ཆུབ་ཀྱ་སེམས]]}} [[byang-chub kyi sems]] - [[Bodhichitta]], [[enlightened]] [[mind]], the [[Thought]] of [[Enlightenment]]
It [[exists]] in [[Dzogchen]] too.
In [[Semde]] ([[Sems sde]]) texts, [[Bodhicitta]] is a term that is {{Wiki|synonym}} with [[Dzogchen]] itself or with [[Rigpa]]. In this [[respect]], it has to be taken literally. The [[tibetan]] expression for [[bodhicitta]] is [[Byang chub]] [[sems]], in which byang means [[pure]], chub means perfect and [[sems]] means [[mind]]. In this {{Wiki|perspective}}, this "[[Pure]] and Perfect [[Mind]]" is a little different from the [[relative]] and effective bodhicittas. In the early [[Semde]] texts, this [[Mind]] is considered as the “Quintessence of the [[Primordial Base]]” ([[ye gzhi]] snying po), i.e. the [[primordial state]] of the {{Wiki|individual}}. In other words, what is designated as [[Great Perfection]] is [[nothing]] other than this state, than this [[Pure]] and Perfect [[Mind]]. There are seven « qualities » or specificities associated with this state which is:
:1. free of [[subjectivity]],
:2. spontaneously accomplished,
:3. Self-Arisen [[Wisdom]]. without [[action]] or [[effort]],
:5. Great [[Bliss]],
:6. [[non-dual]], and
:7. free from elaborations.
This is a standard approach that you can find in [[Semde]] texts in the [[Nyingma]] and [[Bon]] [[traditions]].....
In one of the Commentaries to the Gabpa Gukor (which is the [[root]] [[Dzogchen]] text of the whole [[Bönpo]] [[tradition]]), this state is designated as « the [[King]] of [[Awareness]], of our own [[consciousness]], in other words : as the [[Universal]] Base, the [[Pure]] and Perfect [[Mind]] which is Great [[Bliss]], transcends all example liable to illustrate it, stands [[beyond]] any kind of [[suffering]] and appears in a [[manifest]] way instantaneously.
[[Pure]] ([[byang]]) and Perfect ([[chub]]) [[Mind]] ([[sems]])......
It is “[[pure]]” ([[byang]]) because it does not depend on binding or freedom ; “perfect” ([[chub]]) because it does not know any [[death]] or changes ; and “[[mind]]” ([[sems]]) because it [[knows]] the {{Wiki|real}} [[principle]] of [[non-duality]]. Furthermore, it is [[pure]] because it is without [[birth]] (or production) ; perfect, because it is without [[death]] or [[cessation]] ; and [[mind]], because it is the very [[principle]] that stands [[beyond]] production and [[cessation]].
In the Great [[Tantra]] of the [[View]] ([[lTa ba rgyud chen]], one [[Bönpo]] [[Semde]] text), this [[Mind]] has nine aspects:
:1. it is [[primordially pure]], free from any stain, similar to a clear sky (mkha'),
:2. it is a luminous Expanse (klong) in which everything is spontaneously perfect,
:3. it is a [[Space]] (dbyings) free from the [[two extremes]],
:4. it embraces everything without partialities,
:5. it transcend all discourses,
:6. it cannot be grasped discursively,
:7. it is immutable and independant of any [[cause]] or circumstance,
:8. it is free from artifices and [[corruptions]],
:9. it is free from acceptations and rejections since the beginning.
To {{Wiki|paraphrase}} this text, the state designated as [[bodhicitta]] or [[Pure]] and Perfect [[Mind]] is [[primordially pure]] and spontaneously accomplished. It is [[unconditioned]] and abides as an [[essence]] without [[birth]] or [[cessation]] and free from [[dualism]]. It is directly [[experienced]] in the [[recognition]] of the undifferentiation of [[Emptiness]] and Clarity.
To conclude, in another [[Bön]] [[tantra]] of [[Semde]] (the gSas mkhar g.yung [[drung]] ye khyebs lta ba’i rgyud), it is said :
:— [[Indestructible]] [[Mind]] whose [[nature]] is originally [[pure]],
:It is without [[birth]], [[cessation]], and cannot be [[mentally]] conceived
:Supreme and [[primordial]] [[Bodhi]] which is free from [[grasping]]
:At the erroneous [[path]] of egotic [[clinging]],
:It abides in the freedom from all elaborated limits (because)
:It is, in its very [[essence]], [[Manifest]] [[Buddhahood]] itself.
* [[byang-chub sems-dpa']] - Bohisattva
* [[byang-chub sems-dpa'i theg-pa]] – [[Bodhisattva-yana]]
* [[byan'tshud-pa]] - concrete personal [[experience]]
* [[bying-ba]] - [[drowsiness]]
* [[byin-dabs]] - [[blessing]], [[adhisthana]]
* [[byung sa med]] - ([[thoughts]]) do not arise from anywhere
* [[byed-pa-po]] - creator, actor, agent, kartri
* [[bla-sgrub]] - [[Guru]] [[Sadhana]]
* [[bla-na-med-pa]] - [[unsurpassed]]a
* [[bla-na med-pa'i rgyud]] - [[Anuttara Tantra]]
* [[bla-ma]] - [[Guru]], [[master]]
* [[bla-ma'i rnal-‘byor]] - [[Guru Yoga]], Unification with the [[Guru]]
* [[blang dor med-pa]] - without accepting or rejecting
* [[blang dor med-par bskyang-ba]] - continue without accepting or rejecting anything
* [[blo]] - [[mind]], [[thought]], [[attitude]]
* [[blo-gros]] - {{Wiki|intellect}}, mati
* [[blo 'd'as brjod ‘braI]] - transcending {{Wiki|conception}} by the {{Wiki|intellect}} and [[beyond]] expression in words"
* [[blo Idog rnam bzhi]] - the 4 [[meditations]] which change one's [[attitude]] (toward [[life]])
* [[blo byas'ibcos-ma'i Ita sgom]] - [[view]] and [[meditation]] [[fabricated]] by the [[mind]]
* [[blo byas 'jur dran]] - tangled,memories made by [[mind]]
* [[dbang]] - [[initiation]], [[empowerment]]; [[abhisheka]]
* [[dbang-bskur]] - to confer [[initiation]]
* [[dbang-po]] - [[sense]] faculty, [[intellectual]] capacity, [[indriya]]
* [[dbang-po gzhan la rag ma lus-pa]] - not depend on any other power
* [[dbang-po rab 'bring tha-ma]] - {{Wiki|superior}}, [[intermediate]], and {{Wiki|inferior}} capacities
* [[dbang-phyug]] - [[Lord]], [[God]], [[ishvara]]
* [[dbang-phyug-pa]] - [[Shaiva]], [[Wikipedia:Shaivism|Shaivite]], a follower of the [[god]] [[Shiva]]
* [[dbang bzhi]] - the 4 [[initiations]] (in [[Anuttara Tantra]])
* [[dbang lung khrid]] - [[initiation]], authorization, and explanation
* [[dbu-ma]] - 1. middle, center; 2. [[Madhyamaka]]
* [[dbu-ma-pa]] - [[Madhyamika]]
* [[dbu-ma'i rtsa]] - [[Avadhuti]], the [[central channel]]
* [[dbyings]] - [[space]], [[dimension]], [[dhatu]]
* [[dbyer-med]] - inseparability; inseparable
* [[sbyin-pa]] - [[generosity]]
* [['bras-bu]] - Fruit, result, consequence, goal, phaIa
* [['bras-bu'i theg-pa]] - [[Phalayana]], the Fruitional [[Vehicle]]
* [['bras-bu'i rdo-rje theg-pa]] - the fruitional [[Vajrayana]]
* [[sbyong lam]] - the [[path of purification]]
* [[sbyor sgrol]] - {{Wiki|sexual}} [[rituals]] and slaying [[rituals]]
* [[sbyor lam]] - the [[path]] of application, prayoga-marga
* [[ma skye]] - uncreated, unproduced, not born
* [[ma 'gags-pa]] - unobstructed, unceasing, anirodha
* [[ma bcos-pa]] - unfabricated, unmodified, uncontrived, uncorrected
* [[ma bcos lhan-cig skyes-pa]] - unfabricated and spontaneous
* [[ma dag las snang]] - impure [[karmic]] [[vision]]
* [[ma bu 'phrad-pa]] - encounter of the Mother and the Son ([[Clear Light]])
* [[ma bu sbyor-ba]] - uniting of the Mother and the Son ([[Clear Light]])
* [[ma'i 'od gsal]] - the Mother [[Clear Light]]
* [[ma yin-pa'i chos lugs]] - the organized system of [[phenomena]] which does not [[exist]] in [[reality]]
* [[ma gyeng-ba]] - undistracted, without {{Wiki|distraction}}
* [[ma rig-pa]] - [[ignorance]], lack of [[awareness]], [[avidya]]
* [[man-ngag]] - [[upadesha]], secret oral instruction
* [[man-ngag gi sde]] - [[Upadesha]] Series (a group of texts and series of [[Dzogchen]] teachings)
* [[mi gnyis]] - not two
* [[mi myed]] - unfindability, not find, not obtain
* [[mi rtog-pa]] - no [[thought]], nondiscursive, without [[thoughts]]
* [[mi rtog-pa'i nyams]] - [[experience]] of no [[thought]]
* [['tsit ta]] - the [[physical]] [[heart]]
* [[tsit ta sha'i sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of the fleshly [[heart]]
* [[btson-sgrus]] - [[vigor]], [[diligence]]
* [[rtsa]] - a [[psychic]] [[channel]], {{Wiki|nerve}}, [[nadi]]
* [[rtsa-ba]] - [[root]], source, [[root text]], muIa
* [[rtsa-ba'i bla-ma]] - [[Root Guru]]
* [[rtsa dung]] - the [[yoga]] of channels and energies, [[nadi-vayu]] [[yoga]]
* [[rtsa dung thig-le'i rnal-'byor]] - the [[yoga]] of [[Nadis]], Vayus, and [[Bindus]]
* [[rtsal]] - [[energy]], creative [[energy]], potentiality
* [[rtsal sbyong]] - forceful [[purification]]
* [[rtse-gcig]] - one-pointed, [[one-pointedness of mind]]
* [[rtsol sgrub]] - searching for [[realization]]
* [[rtsol-med]] - the effortless state; effortless, without [[effort]]
* [[rtsol-med kyi bstan-pa]] - the [[doctrine]] of the effortless state
* [[brtsis-med]] - without calculating
* [[brtse-ba]] - [[love]]; to [[love]]
* [[tshad-med]] - [[immeasurable]], [[unlimited]], aprameya
* [[tshad-med bzhi]] - the 4 unIimited states
* [[tshi ehad-pa]] - fall into despair
* [[tshig dbang]] - [[word]] [[initiation]]
* [[tshul]] - method, [[manner]], mode
* [[tshul-khrims]] - [[morality]], [[moral]] preceptsa
* [[tshogs gnyis]] - the 2 accumulations (of [[merit]] and [[wisdom]])
* [[tshogs drug]] - the 6 [[aggregates]] of [[consciousness]]
* [[tshogs lam]] - the [[path of accumulation]], sambhara-marga
* [[mtshan]] - [[name]], title
* [[mtshan-bcas]] - fixation with an [[object]]
* [[mtshan-nyid]] - definitive [[characteristic]], definition, [[laksana]]
* [[mtshan-nyid theg-pa]] - Lakshanayana (syn. the [[Sutra]] system)
* [[mtshan-ma]] - mark, distinguishing mark, [[nimitta]]
* [[mtshan-med]] - 1. without a distinguishing mark; 2. fixation without an [[object]]
* [['dzin-pa']] - [[subject]], that which apprehends, [[grahaka]]
* [[rdzu-'phrul]] - [[magical]] power, [[magical]] display, telekinesis, psychokinesis, [[riddhi]]
* [[rdzogs-chen]] - [[Dzogchen]], the [[Great Perfection]]
* [[rdzogs-chen sde gsum]] - the 3 series of [[Dzogchen]] teachings
* [[rdzogs-chen-pa]] - a [[practitioner]] of [[Dzogchen]]
* [[rdzogs-pa]] - perfect, complete
* [[rdzogs-pa chen-po]] - [[Dzogchen]], the [[Great Perfection]], [[mahasandhi]]
* [[rdzogs-rim]] - the [[perfection]] process, [[Sampannakrama]]
* [[zhar-byung]] - addendum
* [[zhal-'chems]] - last testament
* [[zhal-sgom]] - oral [[teaching]] and [[meditation]] practice
* [[zhal-gdams]] - oral [[teaching]], [[advice]]
* [[zhal-lung]] - oral [[teaching]]
* [[zhi-khro]] - [[Peaceful]] and [[Wrathful Deities]]
* [[zhi-ba]] - 1. [[peace]], [[peaceful]], pacification, santi; 2. [[Ultimate]] [[Peace]], [[Nirvana]]
* [[zhi-gnas]] - [[Shamatha]], [[calming]] the [[mind]], the state of [[peaceful]] [[calm]], [[attaining]] [[peaceful]] [[calm]]
* [[zhi lhag dbyer-med]] - the inseparability of [[Shamatha]] and [[Vipashyana]]
* [[zhe-sdang]] - [[anger]], [[hatred]]
* [[zhen-pa]] - [[attachment]]; to become [[attached]]
* [[gzhan ngo snang tshul]] - how they present themselves as external [[appearances]]
* [[gzhan du mi myed-pa'i ye-shes]] - a [[knowledge]] not found elsewhere outside of oneself
* [[gzhanrig]] - [[awareness]] of the other (i.e., external [[objects]])
* [[gzhi]] - Base, Foundation, ground, basis
* [[gzhi ji bzbin-pa]] - the Base just as it is
* [[gzhi hyid la grol-ba]] - {{Wiki|liberated}} into the state of the Base
* [[gzhi dang ngo 'phrad-pa]] - introduced to the Base
* [[gzhi gnas ma'i 'od gsal]] - the Mother [[Clear Light]] that abides as the Base
* [[gzlii-ma]] - the Base
* [[gzhi med rtsa bral]] - without any base and without any source
* [[gzhi’i 'od gsal]] - the [[Clear Light]] of the Base
* [[gzhi yi ngo bo]] - the [[essence]] which is the Base
* [[gzhi lam gyi 'od gsal gnyis bdyer-med]] - the inseparability of the Clear Lights of the Base and of the [[Path]]
* [[gzhi lam 'bras-bu]] - the Base, the [[Path]], and the Fruit
* [[gzhir gnas]] - remain as the Base, abide as the Base
* [[gzhir gnas kyi rig-pa]] - [[Awareness]] which abides as the Base
* [[gzhir gnas kyi 'od gsal]] - the [[Clear Light]] which abides as the Base
* [[gzung-lugs-pa]] - a follower of the scriptural system
* [[gzhon-nu bum sku]] - the youthful vase like [[Body]]
* [[zag-pa med-pa'i dbyings]] - unpolluted [[dimension]], the pollution less [[dimension]] (of [[mind]])
* [[zang-thal]] - direct [[penetration]], directly penetrating
* [[zang-thal rjen-pa'i rig-pa]] - a directly penetrating naked [[Awareness]]
* [[zang-thal-le]] - directly penetrating
* [[zang ma thal'byung]] - impeded
* [[zin-pa]] - completed, finished, accomplished, done
* [[zung-'jug]] - unification, unified, united, [[yuganaddha]]
* [[gza' gtad]] - [[Wikipedia:concept|concepts]], conceptions
* [[gza ’gtad dang bral-ba]] - free of all conceptions
* [[gzugs-sku]] – [[rupa-kaya]], [[Form Body]]
* [[gzung-ba]] - [[object]], that which is apprehended, [[grahya]]
* [[gzung 'dzin]] - [[subject]] and [[object]]
* [[bzod-pa]] - [[patience]]
* [['og 'gyu]] - undercurrent
* [[‘og 'gyu 'khrul 'byams]] - undercurrent of proliferating [[delusions]]
* [['og 'gyu'i mam-rtog]] - undercurrent of discursive [[thoughts]]
* [['og-min]] - [[Akanishtha]], the [[highest]] [[plane of existence]]
* [['od lus]] - the [[Body]] of [[Light]]
* [[‘od gsal]] - the [[Clear Light]]
* [['od gsal rgyun-chad med-pa'i klong du]] - in the vast expanse of unceasing [[Clear Light]]
* [['od gsal rdo-rje snying-po'i bstan-pa]] - the [[doctrine]] of the [[adamantine]] [[essence]] of the [[Clear Light]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [['od gsal-ba'i ye-shes]] - the [[knowledge]] of the [[Clear Light]], a primal [[awareness]] of [[Clear Light]]
* [[yang rtse]] - the pinnacle, the [[highest]] peak
* [[yang rab]] - an {{Wiki|individual}} of exceedingly {{Wiki|superior}} capacity
* [[yangs-pa]] - vast expanse
* [[yi-dam]] - [[Yidam]], a [[meditation]] [[deity]], [[devata]]
* [[yid]] - manas,mind,functional [[mind]]
* [[yid kyi mam-rtog]] - manovijñana, [[mind-consciousness]]
* [[yid-ches-pa]] - [[belief]]
* [[yid-dpyad]] - [[mental]] {{Wiki|analysis}}
* [[yid la byed]] – pay [[attention]], mind-work, [[mental]] [[activity]], [[manasikara]]
* [[yid la mi byed-pa]] - inattention, without [[mental]] [[activity]]
* [[yin-lugs]] - [[natural state]] of [[existence]]
* [[yul]] - [[object]]
* [[yul-can]] - [[subject]]
* [[ye grol]] - [[primordial]] [[liberation]]
* [[ye ji bzhin-pa]] - the [[primordial state]] of being just as it is
* [[ye nas]] - [[primordial]], from the very beginning
* [[ye nas dag-pa]] - [[pure]] from the very beginning
* [[ye nas shes-pa]] - [[knowledge]], [[gnosis]], [[cognition]], primal [[awareness]], [[Primordial Awareness]], [[jñana]]
* [[ye nas sangs-rgyas-pa]] - [[enlightened]] from the very beginning, attained [[Buddhahood]] from the very beginning
* [[ye nas lhun-grub]] - spontaneously perfected from the very beginning
* [[ye phyi-mo]] - the [[Primordial]] Grandmother
* [[ye med]] - [[Wikipedia:Nothing|nonexistent]] from the very beginning
* [[ye rdzogs]] - [[primordially]] perfected
* [[ye yod]] - [[existing]] from the very beginning
* [[ye gzhi]] - the [[Primordial Base]]
* [[ye gzhi snying-po byang-chub kyi sems]] - the [[Bodhichitta]] which is the [[essence]] of the [[Primordial Base]]
* [[ye-shes]] - [[knowledge]], [[gnosis]], c6gnition, [[wisdom]], primal [[awareness]], [[Primordial awareness]] [[jñana]]
* [[ye-shes kyi sku]] – Jñana-kaya
* [[ye-shes kyi tshogs]] - [[accumulation]] of [[wisdom]], jñana-sambhara
* [[ye-shes kyi rang rtsal du bskyong-ba]] - continue in the inherent potentiality of primal [[awareness]]
* [[ye-shes kyi rlung]] - [[wisdom winds]], [[wisdom]] airs, jñana-vayu
* [[ye-shes brjod bral]] - an inexpressible primal [[awareness]]
* [[ye-shes spyi]] - a general or [[universal]] primal [[awareness]]
* [[ye-shes zang-thal]] - directly penetrating primal [[awareness]]
* [[yo-langs]] - the unobstructed and continuous state (of the [[Bön]] sku / [[Dharmakaya]])
* [[yongs su grub-pa]] - fully [[realized]], fully accomplished, [[parinispanna]]
* [[yongs su rdzogs-pa]] - fully perfected, completed, paripurna
* [[yod med]] - [[existence]] and [[non-existence]]
* [[gyeng-ba]] - {{Wiki|distraction}}, distracted; to be distracted
* [[rag-pa'i mam-rtog]] - coarse [[thoughts]]
* [[rang]] - [[self]], itself, one's own, inherent
* [[rang gi ngo-bo]] - one's own [[essence]]
* [[rang gi rig-pa]] - one's own immediate [[awareness]]
* [[rang gis rang grol]] - self-liberated by itself
* [[rang gis rang rig-pa]] - self-aware by itself
* [[rang grol]] - [[self-liberation]], self-liberated
* [[rang rgyud]] - one's own [[mind-stream]]
* [[rang rgyud gnyis 'dzin gyi 'ching-ba las grol-ba]] - one's own [[mind-stream]] {{Wiki|liberated}} from all bondage to [[dualistic]] [[thinking]]
* [[rang ngo]] - one's own {{Wiki|real}} [[nature]], one's own face
* [[rang ngo rang du phrad-pa]] - one's own face encountering itself, meeting oneself face to face
* [[rang ngo-shes-pa]] - self-recognition; [[recognizing]] one's own [[nature]] (face)
* [[rang gcig-pa]] - singular unique state
* [[rang gcig-pu]] - singular unique state
* [[rang dang 'brel-ba]] - found within oneself, connected with oneself
* [[rang gdangs]] - inherent [[translucent]] radiance
* [[rang gnas]] - self-sustaining, self-abiding, [[self-existent]]
* [[rang gnas kyi ye-shes rjen-pa]] - a naked self-sustaining primal [[awareness]]
* [[rang-snang]] - self-manifestation, self-manifesting
* [[rang babs]] - self-occurring
* [[rang babs gnyug-ma'i dran-pa]] - a natural self-occurring [[mindfulness]]
* [[rang-byung]] - self-originated
* [[rang-byung ye-shes]] - self-originated [[knowledge]], self-originated primal [[awareness]]
* [[rang zhal mjal-ba]] - meeting one's own face ([[nature]])
* [[rang gzhan gnyis su byung]] - originate as oneself and as another
* [[rang-bzhag]] - self-settled, remain as itself
* [[rang-bzhin]] - [[nature]], [[nature]], inherent [[nature]], [[svabhava]]
* [[rang-bzhin mam-dag]] - naturally [[pure]]
* [[rang-bzhin med-pa]] - without any inherent [[nature]]
* [[rang-bzhin rdzogs-pa chen-po]] - the natural [[Great Perfection]]
* [[rang-rtsal]] - inherent [[energy]], inherent potentiality
* [[rang yin-pa]] - one's own state of [[existence]]
* [[rang yin-par ngo-shes-pa]] - [[recognizing]] it as one's own [[state of being]]
* [[rang rig]] - [[self-awareness]]; aware of oneself
* [[rang rig-pa]] - one's own intrinsic [[Awareness]]
* [[rang la byan tshud-pa]] - concrete personal [[experiences]] with regard to one [[self]]
* [[rang-shar]] - self-arising
* [[rang shes rig-pa'i rgyal-po]] - the [[King]] who is self-knowing [[Awareness]]
* [[rang sar grol]] - {{Wiki|liberated}} into its own [[condition]]
* [[rang sar zin]] - remaining in its own (original) [[condition]]
* [[rang sems]] - one's own [[mind]]
* [[rang sor zin]] - remaining in its own (original) [[condition]]
* [[rang gsal]] - inherent clarity, inherent [[luminosity]]
* [[rab-'byams-pa]] - [[infinite]]
* [[rab 'bring tha-ma]] - {{Wiki|superior}}, [[intermediate]], and {{Wiki|inferior}} capacities rig-cha on the side of [[awareness]]
* [[rig stong rjen-pa]] - naked [[empty]] [[Awareness]]
* [[rig stong dbyer-med]] - the inseparability of [[awareness]] and [[emptiness]] [[rig-pa]] 1. [[Awareness]], immediate [[Awareness]], intrinsic [[Awareness]], the state of contemplation, [[vidya]]; 2. [[intelligence]]
* [[rig-pa ngo-sprod]] - direct introduction to intrinsic [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa gcer-bu]] - naked [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa gcer mthong]] - [[seeing]] with naked [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa rjen-pa]] - naked [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa dbyings kyi sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of the [[dimension]] of [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa tshad pheb kyi snang-ba]] - the [[vision]] of the {{Wiki|increasing}} to the full [[measure]] of [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa 'dzin-pa]] - [[vidyadhara]], [[knowledge-holder]]
* [[rig-pa'i khu-byug]] - the cockoo of [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa'i rtsal]] - the potentiality of [[Awareness]], the creative [[energy]] of [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa'i rtsallhung-ba]] - fall into the potentiality of [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa'i ye-shes]] - the [[knowledge]] which is immediate [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa'i zang-thal]] - directly penetrating [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa zang-thal gyi ngang]] - the state of directly penetrating [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-pa rang gnas]] - self-sustaining immediate [[Awareness]]
* [[rig-ma]] - a [[consort]], a {{Wiki|female}} partner for [[tantric]] practice
* [[rig-'dzin]] – Vidya-dhara
* [[rig-'dzin brda brgyud]] - the [[symbolic]] [[transmission]] of the Vidya-dharas
* [[rig shes]] - a [[knowing]] [[awareness]]
* [[rig gsal]] - clear [[awareness]], [[awareness]] and clarity
* [[rig gsal dbyer-med]] - the inseparability of [[awareness]] and clarity
* [[ring-lugs]] - our own system, our own [[tradition]]
* [[rim-gyis 'jug-pa]] - entering gradually
* [[rim-gyis-pa]] - a gradualist
* [[ris-med]] – non-sectarian
* [[ris-med-pa]] - one who is non-sectarian, a follower of the Rimed or non-sectarian {{Wiki|movement}}
* [[ru-Iog]] - reversal, the process of reversing solid [[matter]] into radiant [[energy]]
* [[ru-shan]] - distinction, the Rushan exercises (in [[Dzogchen]])
* [[ro-gcig]] - single {{Wiki|taste}}, single flavor, the [[state of being]] a single {{Wiki|taste}}, [[ekarasa]]
* [[ro-snyoms]] - same {{Wiki|taste}}, the process of making everything into the same {{Wiki|taste}}, samarasa
* [[ro-langs]] - a vampire, vetalal
* [[rol-pa]] - [[manifestation]]; to [[manifest]]
* [[rung]] - [[psychic]] [[energy]], [[wind]], [[air]], [[vayu]]
* [[la bzla-ba]] - to transcend, to go [[beyond]] conceptions lam the [[Path]], [[path]], way, road, [[marga]]
* [[lam-khyer]] - carry on along the [[path]], daily practice
* [[lam gyi 'od gsal]] - the [[Clear Light]] of the [[Path]]
* [[las snang]] - [[karmic]] [[vision]]
* [[lung]] - 1. [[Agama]]; 2. scriptural authorization, authorization
* [[lung-ma-bstan]] - a dull blank [[state of mind]], [[neutral]] state
* [[lung rig]] - scriptural citations and {{Wiki|reasoning}}
* [[lus ngag yid]] - [[body]], [[speech]], and [[mind]]
* [[longs-sku]] – [[Sambhoga-kaya]]
* [[longs-spyod rdzogs-pa'i sku]] – [[Sambhoga-kaya]]
* [[shar grol]] - [[liberation]] as soon as it arises
* [[shar-ba]] - to arise
* [[shin tu mal-'byor]] - [[Atiyoga]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [[shin tu mal-'byor gyi theg-pa]] – Atiyoga-yana
* [[shes rgyud]] - stream of [[consciousness]], vijñana-santana
* [[shes-pa]] - [[awareness]]; to know, to be aware
* [[shes-bya ji snyed-pa mkhyen-pa'i ye-shes]] - the [[Knowledge]] of Quantity, the [[knowledge]] which [[knows]] the full quantity of what is known (i.e., [[Wikipedia:Convention (norm)|conventional]] [[knowledge]] of [[phenomena]])
* [[shes-bya'i sgrib-pa]] - [[obscurations]] due to (erroneous) [[intellectual]] [[knowledge]]
* [[shes-rab]] - [[wisdom]], discriminating [[wisdom]], [[prajña]]
* [[shes-rab rang-byung gi sgron-ma]] - the [[lamp]] of self-originated [[wisdom]]
* [[shes rig]] - an [[awareness]] which [[knows]]
* [[shog ser]] - golden paper
* [[gshis]] - innate disposition
* [[gshis shor gyi gol-sa]] - deviation where one falls away from one's innate disposition
* [[sa]] - stage, state, [[bhumi]]
* [[sa gcig-pa]] - single stage
* [[sa bcu]] - the 10 stages, the 10 [[bhumis]]
* [[sa-gter]] - earth-treasure
* [[sangs-rgyas]] - [[Buddha]], an [[enlightened being]]
* [[sangs-rgyas-pa]] - [[Buddhahood]], [[attaining]] [[Buddhahood]]
* [[sems]] - [[mind]], [[thoughts]], [[thought]] process, [[citta]]
* [[sems kyi ngo-bo]] - the [[essence of mind]]
* [[sems kyi snang-ba]] - [[manifestation]] of [[mind]]
* [[sems kyi yal-ba]] - the dissolving of [[mental]] [[activities]]
* [[sems bskyed]] - 1. [[bodhichitta]], producing the [[bodhichitta]], bodhicittotpada;2. producing a [[thought]]
* [[sems grol]] - liberate the [[mind]]
* [[sems rgyud]] - [[mind-stream]]
* [[sems-can]] - [[sentient being]], [[sattva]]
* [[sems-nyid]] - the [[Nature of Mind]], cittata
* [[sems-nyid kyi rang zhal bsgribs]] - {{Wiki|obscuring}} the true face of the [[Nature of Mind]]
* [[sems-sde]] - [[Mind Series]] (a group of texts and series of [[Dzogchen]] teachings)
* [[sems-phyogs]] - teachings pertaining to the [[Dzogchen]] [[Semde]]
* [[sems 'byung]] - contents of [[mind]], what arises in the [[mind]], [[caitta]]
* [[sems-tsam]] - [[Chittamatra]], the [[doctrine]] of [[Mind-Only]]
* [[sems-tsam-pa]] - [[Chittamatrin]], a follower of the [[Mind-Only]] [[doctrine]] (syn.Yogacharin)
* [[sems-'dzin]] - fixation of [[mind]], Semdzin (a series of [[meditation]] exercises in [[Dzogchen]])
* [[sems rang bzhag gnyug-ma'i ngang bskyangs]] - the [[mind]] continues in a natural self-settled state
* [[sems las ' das-pa]] - transcending the [[mind]]
* [[sems las ' das-pa'i ye-shes]] - a primal [[awareness]] which transcends the [[mind]]
* [[so-sa'i gling]] - [[Sosaling]] ([[name]] of a [[cremation ground]] in [[India]])
* [[srid-pa]] - [[existence]] (syn. salpsiira)
* [[srid-pa'i bar-do]] - the [[Bardo]] of [[Existence]]
* [[gsang sngags]] - the [[Secret Mantras]] (syn. [[Vajrayana]])
* [[gsang sngags rdo-rje theg-pa]] - the [[Secret Mantra]] [[Vajrayana]]
* [[gsang spyod]] - secret conduct (the {{Wiki|sexual}} practices of [[yoga]])
* [[gsang-ba]] - secret, secret aspect
* [[gsang-ba'i bla-ma]] - the secret [[Guru]]
* [[gsang mtshan]] - secret [[name]] (obtained during [[initiation]])
* [[gsar-ma-pa]] - [[Sarmapa]], the New [[Tantra]] schools, the [[Newer Schools]]
* [[gsal-cha]] - on the side of [[luminous clarity]]
* [[gsal stong dbyer-med]] - the inseparability of clarity and [[emptiness]]
* [[gsal-ba]] - clarity, [[luminosity]], [[luminous clarity]], clear
* [[gsal-ba'i nyams]] - [[experience]] of clarity
* [[bsam-gtan]] - [[concentration]]l of concentrationa
* [[bsam-gtan gyi mkhan-po]] - a [[teacher]] of [[Chan]], a [[Chan]] [[master]]
* [[bsam-gtan gyi rgyu tshogs]] - accumulate the [[causes]] of [[concentration]]
* [[bsam-pa'i shes-rab]] - discriminating [[wisdom]] [[arising]] from {{Wiki|reflection}}
* [[bsil-ba'i tshal]] - Shitavana, the cool {{Wiki|forest}} ([[cremation ground]] near [[Bodh Gaya]])
* [[bsod-nams]] - [[merit]], [[meritorious]] [[karma]], [[punya]]
* [[bsod-nam kyi tshogs]] - [[accumulation of merit]], punya-sambhara
* [[he-de-ba]] - a blank [[state of mind]], a startled [[mind]].
* [[lhad-de-ba]] - startled [[awareness]], a state of shock
* [[lha]] - [[god]], [[deity]], [[Deva]]
* [[lhag-mthong]] - [[vipasyana]], higher [[insight]] ([[Pali]]: [[vipassana]])
* [[lhag-pa'i mal-'byor]] - Atiyoga(syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [[lhan-skyes]] - spontaneously born
* [[lhan-cig skyes-pa]] - spontaneously born, [[sahaja]]
* [[Ihan-cig skyes-pa'i ma rig-pa]] - spontaneously born [[ignorance]]
* [[lhan-cig skyes-pa'i ye-shes]] - spontaneously born [[knowledge]], spontaneously born primal [[awareness]]
* [[lha'i nga-rgyal]] - [[divine]] [[pride]]
* [[lhug-pa]] - alert [[relaxation]], alertly [[relaxed]]
* [[lhun gyis]] - spontaneously, effortlessly, naturally
* [[lhun gyis grub-pa]] - spontaneously self-perfected, effortlessly [[realized]], anabhoga
* [[lhun gyis 'jug-pa]] - entering spontaneously
* [[lhun gyis gnas-pa]] - abiding spontaneously, remaining effortlessly
* [[lhun gyis rdzogs-pa]] - perfected spontaneously
* [[lhun-grub]] - spontaneously self-perfected
* [[lhun-rdzogs]] - spontaneously perfected
* [[lhod-de]] - [[relaxed]]
* [[lhod-pa]] - [[relaxation]], [[relaxed]]; to [[relax]]
* [[lhod-pa chen-po]] - the Great [[Relaxation]], totally [[relaxed]], a state of total [[relaxation]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [[a-ti]] - [[Atiyoga]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]]) a-ti-yo-ga [[Atiyoga]] (syn. [[Dzogchen]])
* [[a-la-la]] - how delightful!
* [[e-ma-ho]] - how wonderful!
* [[o-rgyan]] - [[Uddiyana]]

Latest revision as of 15:22, 16 March 2015

From an historiographic view (relative truth), early Nyingma Dzogchen was formatively influenced primarily by the Indian Buddhist tantras, but also by Taoist Ch’an, indigenous Tibetan Bon, Tibetan Nestorian Christianity and Kashmiri Shivaism (Namkhai Norbu 1984 and in Reynolds 1989; Dowman 1996)




The 4 Bardos (bar do bzhi)

1) rang bzhin skye ba'i bar do - The natural bardo of this life
2) 'chi kha gnad gcod kyi bar do - The painful bardo of dying
3) chos nyid 'od gsal gyi bar do - The luminous bardo of dharmata
4) srid pa las kyi bar do - The karmic bardo of becoming

The 6 Bardos - Bar do drug

The 4 Bardos above with the addition of:

5) bsam gtan gyi bar do - The bardo of meditation
6) rmi lam gyi bar do - The bardo of dreaming

It exists in Dzogchen too.

In Semde (Sems sde) texts, Bodhicitta is a term that is synonym with Dzogchen itself or with Rigpa. In this respect, it has to be taken literally. The tibetan expression for bodhicitta is Byang chub sems, in which byang means pure, chub means perfect and sems means mind. In this perspective, this "Pure and Perfect Mind" is a little different from the relative and effective bodhicittas. In the early Semde texts, this Mind is considered as the “Quintessence of the Primordial Base” (ye gzhi snying po), i.e. the primordial state of the individual. In other words, what is designated as Great Perfection is nothing other than this state, than this Pure and Perfect Mind. There are seven « qualities » or specificities associated with this state which is:

1. free of subjectivity,
2. spontaneously accomplished,
3. Self-Arisen Wisdom. without action or effort,
5. Great Bliss,
6. non-dual, and
7. free from elaborations.

This is a standard approach that you can find in Semde texts in the Nyingma and Bon traditions.....

In one of the Commentaries to the Gabpa Gukor (which is the root Dzogchen text of the whole Bönpo tradition), this state is designated as « the King of Awareness, of our own consciousness, in other words : as the Universal Base, the Pure and Perfect Mind which is Great Bliss, transcends all example liable to illustrate it, stands beyond any kind of suffering and appears in a manifest way instantaneously.

Pure (byang) and Perfect (chub) Mind (sems)......

It is “pure” (byang) because it does not depend on binding or freedom ; “perfect” (chub) because it does not know any death or changes ; and “mind” (sems) because it knows the real principle of non-duality. Furthermore, it is pure because it is without birth (or production) ; perfect, because it is without death or cessation ; and mind, because it is the very principle that stands beyond production and cessation.

In the Great Tantra of the View (lTa ba rgyud chen, one Bönpo Semde text), this Mind has nine aspects:

1. it is primordially pure, free from any stain, similar to a clear sky (mkha'),
2. it is a luminous Expanse (klong) in which everything is spontaneously perfect,
3. it is a Space (dbyings) free from the two extremes,
4. it embraces everything without partialities,
5. it transcend all discourses,
6. it cannot be grasped discursively,
7. it is immutable and independant of any cause or circumstance,
8. it is free from artifices and corruptions,
9. it is free from acceptations and rejections since the beginning.

To paraphrase this text, the state designated as bodhicitta or Pure and Perfect Mind is primordially pure and spontaneously accomplished. It is unconditioned and abides as an essence without birth or cessation and free from dualism. It is directly experienced in the recognition of the undifferentiation of Emptiness and Clarity.

To conclude, in another Bön tantra of Semde (the gSas mkhar g.yung drung ye khyebs lta ba’i rgyud), it is said :

Indestructible Mind whose nature is originally pure,
It is without birth, cessation, and cannot be mentally conceived
Supreme and primordial Bodhi which is free from grasping
At the erroneous path of egotic clinging,
It abides in the freedom from all elaborated limits (because)
It is, in its very essence, Manifest Buddhahood itself.
