Forgiveness (khamanasīla or titikkhā) is the willingness to let go of anger, resentment or vengefulness we might have towards those who have injured us or those we love. In Buddhism forgiveness is seen as a type of giving higher and nobler than the giving of material things. When one of his disciples would confess a wrongdoing to him, the Buddha would usually say, ‘Truly a fault has overcome you .... But since you have acknowledged the fault and confessed it as is proper, I forgive it. For anyone who acknowledges a fault and confesses it, will develop restraint in the future and grow in the noble discipline.’ (D.I,85). The Buddha said: ‘By three things the wise person can be known. He sees a fault as it is. On seeing it he tries to correct it. When another acknowledges a fault he forgives it as he should.’ (A.I,103). Twice a month monks and nuns are supposed to meet together and confess any infringements of the Vinaya rules before their fellows and seek their forgiveness.