ākāra (Sanskrit). In Buddhist psychology, a perceptual image, constructed by the mind (manas) from the input of perceptual forms (nimitta). Through this psychological mechanism a stable and structured view of the world is created.
Ākāra [a + karoti, kṛ] "the (way of) making", i. e. (1) state, condition J i.237 (avasan˚ condition of inhabitability); ii.154 (patan˚ state of falling, labile equilibrium), cp. paṇṇ˚. -- (2) property, quality, attribute D i.76 (anāvila sabb˚ -- sampanna endowed with all good qualities, of a jewel); ii.157 (˚varûpeta); J ii.352 (sabb˚ paripuṇṇa altogether perfect in qualities). -- (3) sign, appearance, form, D i.175; J i.266 (chātak˚ sign of hunger); Miln 24 (˚ena by the sign of . .); VvA 27 (therassa ā. form of the Th.); PvA 90, 283 (rañño ā. the king's person); Sdhp 363. -- (4) way, mode, manner, sa -- ākāra in all their modes D i.13 = 82 = iii.111; J i.266 (āgaman˚ the mode of his coming). Esp. in instr. sg. & pl. with num. or pron. (in this way, in two ways etc.): chahɔākārehi in a sixfold manner Nd2 680 (cp. kāraṇehi in same sense); Nett 73, 74 (dvādasahɔākārehi); Vism 613 (navahɔākārehi indriyāni tikkhāni bhavanti); PvA 64 (yenɔākārena āgato tenɔākārena gato as he came so he went), 99 (id.). <-> (5) reason, ground, account D i.138, 139; Nett 4, 8 sq., 38; DhA i.14; KhA 100 (in expln. of evaŋ). In this meaning freq. with dass (dasseti, dassana, nidassana etc.) in commentary style "what is meant by", the (statement of) reason why or of, notion, idea PvA 26 (dātabb˚dassana), 27 (thoman˚ -- dassana), 75 (kāruññ ˚ŋ dassesi), 121 (pucchan˚ -- nidassanaŋ what has been asked); SnA 135 (˚nidassana).
-- parivitakka study of conditions, careful consideration, examination of reasons S ii.115; iv.138; A ii.191 = Nd2 151.