āyu : [nt.] age.
Āyu (nt.) [[[Wikipedia:Vedic|Vedic]] āyus; Av. āyu, gradation form of same root as Gr. ai)w/n "aeon", ai)e/n always; Lat. aevum, Goth. aiws. Ohg. ēwa, io always; Ger. ewig eternal;
Ags. āē eternity, ā always (cp. ever and aye)] life, vitality, duration of life, longevity D iii.68, 69, 73, 77; S iii.143 (usmā ca); iv.294; A i.155; ii.63, 66 (addh˚);
iii.47; iv.76, 139; Sn 694, 1019; It 89; J i.197 (dīgh˚); Vv 555 (cp. VvA 247 with its definition of divine life as comprising 30 600 000 years);
Vism 229 (length of man's āyu = 100 years); Dhs 19, 82, 295, 644, 716; Sdhp 234, 239, 258. -- Long or divine life, dibbaŋ āyu is one of the 10 attributes of ādhipateyya or majesty (see ṭhāna), thus at Vin i.294; D iii.146; S iv.275 sq.; A i.115; iii. 33; iv.242, 396; Pv ii.959 (= jīvitaŋ PvA 136).
-- ūhā see āyūhā. -- kappa duration of life Miln 141; DhA i.250. -- khaya decay of life (cp. jīvita -- kkhaya) D i.17 (cp. DA i.110); iii.29. -- pamāṇa span or measure of life time D ii.3; A i.213, 267; ii.126 sq.; iv.138, 252 sq., 261; v.172; Pug 16; Vbh 422 sq.; SnA 476. -- pariyanta end of life It 99; Vism 422. -- sankhaya exhaustion of life or lifetime Dpvs v.102. -- sankhāra (usually pl. ˚ā) constituent of life, conditions or properties resulting in life, vital principle D ii.106; M i.295 sq.; S ii.266; A iv.311 sq.; Ud 64; J iv.215; Miln 285; Vism 292; DhA i.129; PvA 210. Cp. BSk. āyuḥ -- saŋskāra Divy 203.