Arupa Raga (Arūpa-Rāga) means that desire for even higher states of bliss of concentration. When you go beyond the 4 Rupa Jhanas, which is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th jhanas, you go into what are called the Arupa Jhanas. The distinction between Rupa Jhanas and (Arūpa) Arupa Jhanas is that Rupa Jhana means a state of absorbed concentration to a form, whilst (Arūpa) Arupa means space. Its basic sign is the space sign. That is why it is called (Arūpa) arupa – “formless.” The literal translation is “formless.” Rupa is form and (Arūpa) Arupa is formless. So when you experience it you have a desire even for that and you find birth in the (Arūpa) Arupa Worlds. (Arūpa) Arupa Worlds are not very productive. Only one sense base is active in those places. Only the mind base. In the Brahma World, there are three bases in action. The mind, the eye and the ear. In the Kama Worlds, there are six bases in action. You have to add the nose, the tongue and the body. These are the three worlds. The world of the senses, the world of form and the world of formless.