Bhujishya, according to Gharpure's translation, means "restricted in the matter of sexual intercourse to certain persons." M.M. Kane argues that bhujishya, therefore, means a woman who is restricted to any limited number of persons and not necessarily restricted to one man. The Sanskrit words used are purushaniyataparigraha and Balambhatti has explained the word "purusha" as meaning "swamibhinna" (other than the master): vide Setlur's Mitakshara, Vol. 1, p. 1105. The correct translation of the definition of bhujishya would, therefore, be "a mistress who is restrained from intercourse with other persons (other than the swami or master)". This shows that the only distinction between an avaruddha stree and a bhujishya stree is that the former is required to stay in the house of her paramour with the object of avoiding any lapse of service. Every avaruddha is a bhujishya and a bhujishya has only to live in the house of her paramour in order to become an avaruddha.