Geshe Tsogrampa Degree
Those who complete the eleven years of the main education and who do not go on to higher education receive the Geshe Tsogrampa (dGe-bshes Tshogs-ram-pa) degree. They must present a formal debate before the mixed assembly of all Jangtse monks (gling-bsre dam-bca’). They must also present a formal debate against a Shartse Geshe before the general Ganden assembly and make a Geshe offering (dge-bshes gtong-sgo) there to all the monks. After this, they receive the title Geshe Dorampa (dGe-bshes rDo-ram-pa).
Before the reforms of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, each Gelug college awarded the Geshe Tsogrampa degree to only two candidates each year. There was a huge backlog of candidates, and many had to wait a large number of years. Most waited in the madhyamaka classes, studying further. With the new reforms, there is no limit to the number of candidates who receive this degree each year.