Pañcaskandha (पञ्चस्कन्ध]) refers to the “five components” as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 22):
rūpa (bodily-form),
The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) The Dharma-Samgraha: An Ancient Collection of Buddhist Technical Terms
is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit (eg., pañca-skandha). The work is attributed to Nagarjuna who lived around the 2nd century A.D.
pañcaskandha (पंचस्कंध).—m pl S According to the philosophy of the saugata or bauddha sect. The five divisions or departments of human knowledge, viz. rūpa,
vēdanā, vijñāna, sañjñā, saṃskāra. rūpa is expounded as viṣayaprapañca The expanse or world of objects--the sensible (but illusory) universe; vēdanā, as
jñānaprapañca The world of perceptions or apprehensions, of impressions or affections by the viṣayaprapañca--the world of sensation; vijñāna, as
ālayavijñānasantāna The world of these perceptions and impressions as a consecution or train, and this (illustrable by the multitude of succeeding waves--
velut unda supervenit undam) swallowed up and lost in the last perception, --i.e. the ideas as successional and as perishing in the succession; sañjñā, as
nāmaprapañca The congeries or system of designations or words to make known--the world of names; saṃskāra, as vāsa- nāprapañca The world of consciousness--
the abiding or present consciousness of impressions and ideas passed utterly away and extinguished.