The Shakti is Lakini Devi, form of kundalini shakti who is the doorkeeper. He is Bhadra Kali, form of Kali.She has three faces meaning three planes.
Also it means
Mind (manas)
Intellect (buddhi)
I-consciousness (ahamkara).
Her color is orange red, peach or red and as per some sources she is dark complexion, big teeth. As per other books, she is beautiful like a moon, adorned with ornaments, with bright shining eyes with kajal. Her sari is raiating light blue and as per some yellow.
Lakini has four arms.
Upper right hand she has havan kund. It indicates the energy of fire and physical heat that comes from within the body (vaishvanara agni- body temperature).
Her lower Right hand forms abhai mudra for granting fearlessness.
In her upper left hand she holds Vajra from where the energy is always emanating.
In her lower left hand she holds an arrow signifying impetus for upward movement of energy.
An arrow has a goal. The arrow in the 3rd chakra is shot by desires for accomplishment, freedom, independence and authority.