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Prayer for a Statue of Maitreya

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༄༅། །བྱམས་པའི་སྐུ་གཟུགས་བཞུགས་མོ།

Jam päi ku zug phül Jung zheng pa la

May the embodied beings who have fulfilled all requirements

Thün kyen drub par Je päi lü chän nam

For building an excellent statue of Maitreya,

Je Tsün Jam pa gön pöi zhab drung du

Be in the presence of the savior, perfect pure Maitreya

Theg chhog chhö kyi päl la chö par shog

And enjoy the splendor of the Mahayana Dharma.

nam zhig dor Jei dän gyi ri wöi por

When the mighty sun, the savior Maitreya,

Jam gön nyin Je wang po zhar wäi Tshe

Shines atop the elevated place of Bodhgaya

dag gi lo drö pä mo kha chhe nä

And the lotus bloom of my wisdom has opened,

käl zang bung wäi Tshog nam Tshim Je shog

May a swarm of bees of fortunate ones be satisfied.

de Tshe gyäl wa Jam pa rab Tu gye

At that time Buddha Maitreya is extremely pleased,

chhag yä dag gi go la zhag zhin du

And as he lays his right hand upon my head la me

Jang chhub chhog Tu lung Tän nä

And my supreme incomparable enlightenment is prophesied,

dro kün dön du sang gyä nyur Thob shog

May I then attain buddhahood quickly for the sake of all sentient beings.

Jang chhub drub päi Tshe rab kün Tu yang

Even in all future lifetimes while I am completing enlightenment,

dü sum gyäl wa sä chä Tham chä kyi

After gathering as one all the great waves of deeds, whatever there are,

lab chhen chö pa Ji nye chhi pa kün

Of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the three times,

chig Tu dü nä Tshül zhin dom par shog

May I give teachings properly.

leg shä ri mo Tra wäi lung gi gö

Draped in delicate drawing-like scriptures of good explanation

nam chö ser gyi yu wa la Ten ching

Supported on a golden center pole of discernment

lab sum nor büi Tog gi rab Tshän päi

And decorated with a jeweled tip of the three trainings,

Tän pä gyäl Tshän chhog chur Tshug par shog

May the victory banner of Buddha’s teachings be planted everywhere.

phän dei Jung nä Tän pa dar zhing gyä

May the teachings, the source of all well-being, spread and flourish,

Tän dzin kye bu Tham chä ku kham zang

And may all holy beings, the repository of the teachings, enjoy good health.

lü chän kün la de kyi Jung wäi nä

May the source of happiness for all embodied beings,

sang gyä Tän pa Tag Tu gyä gyur chig

The teachings of the Buddha, always spread.

Tag Tu Jam pa nam sum gom päi Thü

By the continual force of cultivating the three aspects of love,

dü de Jam päi pung gi Jom pa dang

May there be the auspiciousness of the savior, Buddha Maitreya,

dro kün Jam päi Tob kyi kyong dzä päi

Who destroys the hosts of maras with the power of his love

gyäl wa Jam pa gön pöi Tra shi shog

And nurtures all sentient beings with the strength of his love.

Colophon: Composed by the omniscient master, Gendun Drub. Translator unknown. FPMT Education Services, June 1999. Updated June 2004.
