The Terma Tradition of the Nyingmapa School
The Terma Tradition of the Nyingmapa School
People who have well-being of mind, even if the Buddha is not present, will receive Dharma from the midst of the sky, walls and trees. For those Bodhisattvas whose minds are pure, teachings and instructions will appear just by the wishes in their minds.
In a great number of spiritual traditions of the world there are many instances of the discovery of teachings and objects by mystical power. Similarly in various traditions and [[lineages of Buddhism]], in India as well as Tibet, numerous discoveries of teachings and objects have been taken place.
In the Nyingmapa school of Tibetan Buddhism the tradition
of concealment and revelations of teachings and materials of
religious value through the mystical power of enlightened beings
is most prevalent by far. This tradition of mystical discovery is
known in Tibet as Ter (gTer, Treasures), Terma (gTer-Ma ,
Treasured Ones) or Tercho (gTer-Chos, Dharma Treasures or
Treasured Teachings).
Ter do not belong to the category of revelations through
psychic power ( rTsa Kfiams ) or through the beings of the spirit world (Mi Ma-Yin). Psychic discoveries take place through the
power of mind, which is a gifted but conceptual cognition. Further, most spirits have more physical power and knowledge than ordinary human beings, but their spiritual wisdom and true virtues are limited. The discoveries of Terma take place from
the omnipresent enlightened nature of the mind through the
spontaneously arisen wisdom power of the enlightened nature
itself whereas other discoveries are through dualistic concepts
and supernatural deeds.
In Mahayana Buddhism in general and especially in Tantra
the true nature of the universe is viewed as the ultimate peace,
emptiness, openness, the enlightened, awakened state, bliss,
The main source of the Terma tradition of the [[Nyingma school]] is Guru Padmasambhava. He was one of the great Tantric masters and saints of Buddhist history. In t century A.C., at the invitation of king Trisong Deutsen of
he came to Tibet from India and fulfilled three major m
First, through the display of spiritual power, he pacified
human and non-human forces who were obstructin
founding of Dharma in Tibet. Secondly, he brought Bu
in general and especially the transmission of the teaching
blessing powers of tantra for his many Tibetan disciple
their followers. Thirdly, through his enlightened po
concealed numerous teachings and transmission as w
religious objects as Ter for the benefit of the future fol
While transmitting esoteric teachings to his realized disc
in Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava concealed ( sBas )
teachings with the blessings of his enlightened mind
the nature of the intrinsic awareness ( Rig-Pa ) of the
his disciples through the power of "mind-mandate trans
( gTad-rGya )", and thereby the master and disciple
united as one in the teachings and realization. Here, the
has concealed the teachings and blessings, the eso
attainments, as Ter in the pure nature of the mind
disciples through his enlightened power and has
aspirations that the er may be discovered for the
beings when the appropriate time comes. By the power method, which is called the mind-mandate transmission actual discoveries of the teachings take place. The m mandate transmission is the heart core of the Ter tradition of Guru Padmasambhava.
Then in succeeding centuries, when the time for benefiting
beings with a particular teaching arrived, the reincarnations of
the realized disciples of Guru Padmasambhava discovered those
teachings which had been transmitted and concealed in them by
the master in their past lives, through the power of the
enlightened aspirations of the master and disciples and the good
karmas beings. There are thousands of images, symbolic scripts,
complete texts, medicinal material and ritual tools concealed by
Guru Padmasambhava and discovered as Ter substances [[igTer -
rDzas]]), but the main Ter is the teachings and the blessings
transmitted through the minds of the disciples. Transmission of Ter: The transmission of Ter has been channeled through six kinds or stages of lineages ( [[brGyud-P Drug]]). Of the six lineages, three are identical to the lineage fo general tantric transmissions in Nyingmapa scriptures. They a the lineage of transmission from "enlightened mind t
enlightened mind among the Buddhas ( [[rGyal-Ba-dGongs
brGyud]])", the lineage of transmission through mere "indications
among the knowledge-holders (Rig-'Dzin brDa-brGyud)", and the
lineage of "oral transmission among ordinary beings ( [[Gang-Za
sNyan-brGyud]])" .
The next three lineages are unique to the Ter transmission and the accomplishment of Ter discoveries are based on those transmissions. The first is "the transmission of aspiration empowerment ( sMon-Lam dBang-bsKur)" or the "mind-manda
transmission" whereby, through his concentration of enlightened power, Guru Padmasambhava transmits and conceals the esoteric attainments and the teachings in the field of intrinsic
awareness, the enlightened nature of the disciples's mind. This
is the main aspect of the transmission. The second is th
"transmission through prophetic authorization ( Lung-bsTan bKa'-Babs)", in which the master inspires the disciple and give
prophesies concerning his becoming a Terton in the future.
is not just a foretelling of the future; rather, by his enlightened
power, he makes the things happen that he prophesies. The
third is "the entrustment to the dakinis ( mKha 'Gro gTadrGya )", in which the master entrusts the Ter, the Terton, th
teachers and the followers of the tradition to the protection the Dakinis and Dharma protectors. In the case of an Eart Ter, the master entrusts the objects, such as the caskets
containing the yellow scrolls with symbolic scripts, to th
Dakinis and Dharma protectors to keep them and hand them
over to the Terton when the time comes. Thus, every T
teaching is transmitted through the six types of transmission.
Two Major Categories of Ter: While Ter can be divided into eighteen categories and so on, there are two major categories of Ter based on their way of discovery. They are Earth Ter ( [[Sa - gTer]] ) and Mind Ter ( dGongs-gTer ). The discovery of Earth T involves earthly materials such as "symbolic scripts" ( brDa-Yig ) written on a scroll of paper known as a "yellow scroll"
(Ser), and so on. These are to assist the discovery of
concealment or to awaken the memory of the Ter enshrine
the enlightened nature of the mind of the Terton (gTer-sT
the Ter Discoverer. However, people usually conceive
Mind Ter is transmitted through mind but that Earth Te
something that Tertons discover from earthly objects su
rocks, lakes, and so on. But actually, the symbolic script m
becomes the key, but is neither the real Ter of teachings
the transmission of the attainment, which comes only from
Terton's mind.
Earth Ter (Sa-gTer)
Concealment of Ter: There are different ways of concealing the Ters, but mostly they involves three stages. First, Guru Padmasambhava transmitted his esoteric teachings and attainments to his disciples and concealed them in their minds' absolute nature. Ordinary mind is changing because of concepts and emotions, but the true nature is changeless and preserves the teachings intact within itself. That is the place where the actual concealment of Ter takes place. The third Dodrupchen writes3:
The ultimate place, the sacred treasure where the wisdom blessing of the vajra-speech is preserved without deterioration through the power of the mind-mandate transmission made by Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), is the sphere of changeless intrinsic nature of the mind of the Terton.
Second, with his consort Yeshey Tshogyal, Guru Padmasambhava put the teachings into "symbolic or coded
scripts" in various languages, mostly what is called Dakini language, and wrote them on "yellow scrolls", or on various
objects such as images and ritual objects. Because of the power
of the "aspirational transmission" of Guru Padmasambhava, the
"symbolic script" will have the power to awaken the transmission
when the Terton, the discoverer, reads it. Then the Tert the yellow scrolls in a casket and conceals the "casket ( sGrom )" in a "place of Ter concealment (gTer-gNas )" s rocks, mountains, lakes, temples, images and sky through her mystical power, and it becomes invisible until the discovery.
Third, Guru Padmasambhava inspires his disciples Tertons and gives prophetic blessings concerning when her or she will become a Terton. This is not a mere pre of the future but a blessing which makes the prophesied happen because of the power of the truth of the master's The discoverer or Terton: It is said that there will be one
hundred major Tertons and a thousand minor Tertons. Starting from Sangye Lama (11th century), a great number of Tertons appeared in Tibet and thousands of volumes of teachings and
a vast number of religious artifacts were discovered as Ter.
Even today, since the beginning of the 1980s, the discoveries of
Ter resumed in Tibet. Tertons are the reincarnations of the
disciples of Guru Padmasambhava, and from him they have
received the mind-mandate transmission of the teachings and have accomplished high attainments. With the exception of a few Tertons, most of them have been tantrics living at home
with families. They transmute their everyday life into the
training of the union of bliss and emptiness without discrimination and propagate the teachings discovered by them.
Some of the great Tertons are Nyang Nyina Odzer (1124-
1192), Guru Chowang (1212-1270), Ogyen Lingpa (1323- ?),
Rigdzin Göddern (1337-1408), Sangye Lingpa (1340-1396),
Dorjee Lingpa (1346-1405), Ratna Lingpa (1403-1478), Padma Lingpa (1450- ?), Rigdzin Jatshon Nyingpo (1585-1656), [[Minling
Terdag Lingpa]] ( 1646- 1714), Rigdzin Jigmed Lingpa ( 1 729-1798),
and Khyentse'i Wangpo (1820-1892).
Most of the Tertons, before discovering any Ter, seem to be
ordinary people. They do not necessarily appear as scholars,
meditators or Tulkus. However, due to their inner spiritual
attainments and the transmissions they have received in their
past lives, at the appropriate time, they suddenly start
discovering mystical Ters without the need of any apparent
training. At the beginning, skeptics often raise doubts about
discoveries of such unexpected people. In some c Terton's natural directness and honesty may app unconventional or even impolite to those who hold concise values. But gradually, if they are true Ter discoveries,
the recognition of higher spiritual authorities and establish
respect of and benefit for the people. It is important
understand this cultural context, otherwise a great Terton
be mistaken for a charlatan. For example, it is unfortunate
a Western author has recently disclaimed one of th
authentic Tertons of the Nyingmapa tradition of Tibet b
some criticisms made by unqualified contemporaries or
for ulterior motives, and the Terton's own express
humility, which are characteristic of Buddhist sages.
Discovery: The following is a description of the co-process of Earth Ter discovery, but it is certainly not the
one, for Ters have been discovered in many other ways.
the Terton receives the "prophetic guide ( Kha-Byang )"
visions, directly or in indications from Guru Padmasambhava
Dakinis or deities. Then he or she performs "t
preparatory practices ( gTer-sGrub )", doing meditations or
as instructed in the prophetic guide.
When the time comes, the Terton goes to the concealed
place, either alone or with selected followers, such as his
consort and heart disciples or just onlookers. Man
discoveries take place in secret (gSang-gTer) and many in
( Khrom-gTer ). There, while performing "the feast of
ceremony ( Tshogs ), the discovery takes place in different
It may be that the Ter descends from the concealment
into the hands of the Terton at the end of a rainbow beam or
that the Terton climbs up the rock, which in ordinary
circumstances is too steep to climb, opens a door in the rock
and climbs down with the caskèt, or that the Terton disappears
and then reappears with the Ter, or the Terton uses a tool such
as a chisel to dig into the rock, and after hard digging takes out
the Ter, or the Terton jumps into a lake and brings out the Ter;
or sometimes the Terton discovers the Ter from images,
temples and from the sky. Sometimes Tertons discover Ters
concealed at far distances through their meditative power,
without needing to go there, for the Ter protectors bring the
Ters to them.
Among the discovered Ter there are also images, religious objects and ritual tools, but the important ones are the symbolic letters written on yellow scrolls. Most of the scrolls are kept in the sealed Ter caskets made of precious materials, stone, wood and so on.
Again by the performances of more Ter preparatory practices, the Ter casket spontaneously opens and in it the
Terton discovers the yellow scroll. It is called "yellow scroll"
because most them are of yellowish or golden colour, but in fact
they could be of any colour, length or design. One the yellow
scrolls the Tertons find the symbolic scripts in any of various
human and non-human scripts and languages such as those of
India, Tibet and the Dakini land.
The symbolic scripts are in various characters and they are
categorized in three groups: Just visible ( sNang-Tsam ) is one
syllable or more, but not necessarily a word. Just a basis ( [[rTen -
Tsam]]) is a phrase or a few phrases, a sentence or a few
sentences related to the teachings of the text, such as a brief
outline of the text, a part of the text, the title of the text or an
event linked to the concealment. Sometimes it is a piece of
writing unrelated to the subject. Complete text ( mThar-Ch'ag )
is a discovery of the whole text.
The Terton sees, contemplates or unites his naked wisdom,
(which is) self-arisen from his innate luminous nature, with the
symbolic scripts and thereby awakens the power of Guru Padmasambhava's Vajra speech wisdom, which is concealed in
him. He decodes the words in the symbolic scripts ( brDa-bKrol )
and discovers the meaning, the Ter, from them. The discovery
of Ter is the arising of the Dharma-treasures of the ultimate
sphere ( Ch'os-dByings ) as the power of the intrinsic awareness
( Rig-rTsa ) or the arising of the power of the intrinsic awareness
as the teachings. If you do not have the realization of intrinsic awareness of Dzogpa Chenpo, which pervades the ultimate
sphere, you cannot discover a Ter or Guru Padmasambhava,
which comes through mind-mandate transmission.
So the symbolic scripts become the key to awaken the
memories of the teachings and attainments from the expanse of
intrinsic nature of the Terton's mind. Then, after more Ter
preparatory practices, when the Terton sees the sings of appropriate time, he transcribes the teachings. Thereafter Terton transmits the teachings to the followers and entru them to the chief recipient of the Ter, called the [[doctrine holder]] ( Ch'os-bDag ). Doctrine-holders are mostly people w also have received the transmission of the teaching from G Padmasambhava and have taken responsibility for t propagation of the teachings.
Mind Ter: The methods of concealment, transmission a
discovery are similar to those of Earth Ter, except that t
don't rely on any external earthly source, such as [[yellow scroll]
as the key to discovery. In many instances of Mind Ter, se
or hearing symbolic words or sounds in visions causes
discovery of the Ter, but usually the discovery does not rel
any external sources and there is no involvement of earth
objects as the means of discovering the Ter. A Mind Te
discovers' the Ter by awakening the mind-mandala
transmission spontaneously from the expanse of the intro
awareness of his mind, when the circumstances have matu
and the time has come.
There is a third category of discovered teachings known as
Pure Vision ( Dag-sNang ). Pure vision teachings are not Terma.
They are merely teachings given by Buddhas, deities and
teachers in visions. For this discovery, the discoverer does not
need to be such a highly realized person, and there is no mind-
mandate transmission. However, there are cases in which Ter
teachings have been discovered or designated as pure vision teachings, and when that is the case they are in fact Ter
In the Nyingma literature there are thousands of volumes of
Ter texts discovered by hundreds of Tertons starting in the 11th
century and continuing to this day. The majority of texts
concern Sadhana, ritual, prayer and various esoteric
performances (Las). There are a great number of texts on
philosophy, meditations and the result of Buddhist practice in
general and especially of the tantric tradition. Also there are
numerous texts on medicine, astrology, history and biography.
It is astonishing to realize the scope and impact of the
spiritual treasures conferred by Guru Padmasambhava in order
to improve the value of social, literary and spiritual Tibetan society and the offspring of its tradition, for o centuries without cessation. And it is shocking to see that many Tibetans have little awareness of the significance tradition. According to Tibetan historians, Buddhism m never been able to be established in Tibet without the
of Guru Padmasambhava. In Tibet there is hardly a
significant mountain, lake or valley that is not blessed
individually by visiting, meditating, displaying miracle
concealing Ters in them. Even many physical marks
imprints, spontaneously arisen images or caves of med
are still visible. The Ter tradition includes some of the most
striking evidence of the great imprint left in Tibet for the
welfare of the world through the enlightened activities of Guru Padmasambhava. At the time of his departure from Tibet, he
expressed is kindness and his promise to the Tibetans in the
following words5:
When you face the bad times of the dark age,
Every day and night I will come to Tibet.
I will come to you riding the rays of the sun, and
On every 10th of the waxing moon I will come to you in
1. Arya-dharmasamgiti-sutra ('[[Phags-Pa Ch'os Thams-chad Yang-Dag-Par
2. Las-'Phro gTer-drGyud Kyi rNam-bShad Ngo-mTshar rGya-mTsho by the third Dodrupchen Jigmed Tenpa'i Nyima.
3. [[Les-'Phro gTer-brGyud Kyi rNam-bShad Nyung-gSal Ngo-mTshar rGya- mTsho]] by the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche, 4b/2.
4. Las-'phro gT er-brGyud Kyi rNam-bShad Ngo-mT shar rGya-mT sho by the third Dobrupchen Rinpoche. 30b/4.
5. gSol-'Debs Leu bDun-Ma discovered by Rigdzin Gödder