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Four-Armed Mahakala

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Four Armed Mahakala; (Tib: Gonpo Chagshi);

mahakala (San; “great black one”): A dharmapala predicted by the Buddha, Four-Armed Mahakala is a particular protector of the madhyamaka teachings and of the Chakrasamvara tantra.

He was also a special protector of Surmang.

His symbolism is based on vajra anger and compassion. As described in The Myth of Freedom, his four arms represent the four karmas:

One left arm holds a skull cup of amrita, the intoxicating nectar of the gods, which is a means of pacifying.

One right arm holds a hooked knife, a symbol of enriching.

The second right arm holds a sword, which is a way of magnetizing or gathering together energies. The sword need not strike; just by its being waved, the energies are rallied.

The remaining left arm holds the trident which destroys or subdues. Its three prongs cut through the root kleshas of passion, aggression, and ignorance with one thrust.

Mount Malaya: This may refer to a mountain on the island of Sri Lanka, said to be the dwelling place of Vajrapani, the Lord of Secret.

blood lake Koka: At the foot of Mount Malaya lies a lake which includes an island by this name.

charnel ground: The charnel ground, an open field filled with corpses and beasts of prey, is a potent symbol in vajrayana. It represents the ground from which all phenomena are born and die, the basis of both samsara and nirvana.

Rudra or Matram Rudra

Originally a Hindu deity, an emanation of Shiva.

In the vajrayana, Rudra is the personification of ultimate ego, the opposite of buddhahood.

Rudra’s corpse (confused ego) is scattered on the charnel ground, from which mahakala (enlightened energy) arises.


A vajrayana vow of commitment, binding the student’s total experience, to the path of meditation.

Samaya is the bond that links together the student, the teacher, and the teachings.


A mantra that invokes the presence of the deity; it is also a confirmation of the deity’s presence.

vajra (Tib. dorje)

Adamantine, indestructible.

In general, the “vajra” indicates what is beyond arising and ceasing, hence indestructible. Here, it indicates the uncompromising quality of the Four-Armed Mahakala.


A sword generally represents the sharp double edge of prajna or intellect, which cuts through the concepts of self and phenomena in one stroke.

The sword does not need to strike; energies are gathered just by its being waved.

khatvanga (San.):

A staff, usually surmounted by a vajra or a trident and ornamented with three heads.

Raven-Headed One (San. Kaka-mukha, “Raven Faced”):

An action protector, a servant of Four- Armed Mahakala, whose nature is the masculine aspect of destruction. Like a raven, he preys upon and consumes whatever endangers the teachings. He holds a hooked knife and a skull cup.

Künga Namgyal

The fourth Trungpa Tulku, who spent six years in retreat at Dorje Khyung Dzong.

He bound Four-Armed Mahakala as a protector of Surmang monastery.

Dorje Khyung Dzong (Tib. “Vajra Garuda Fortress”):

A cave and retreat center near the Surmang monastery of Dütsi-tel, used for meditation retreat.

four karmas:

Four enlightened styles of activity for working with situations; four stages or levels of taming ego completely. These are pacifying, enriching, magnetizing, and destroying:


The activity of feeling the ground very softly and cooling it out; subduing psycho-logical imbalance or physical sickness.


The activity of feeling further the texture of the situation and bring it to full expression; extending your influence over others; generously spreading your rich and dignified quality all over.


The activity of bringing the elements of a situation together, provoking it into ferment; also, attracting power and relationships which give control of situations.


The activity of penetrating confusion and annihilating obstacles. When there is a strong self-justifying pseudo-logic, compassion may demand razing a situation in order to clear the ground.

Practice Lineage:

This is an epithet applied to the Kagyü lineage, which emphasizes a strong allegiance to meditation practice. It can also be applied to the Nyingma lineage.


This can be translated as “OM (homage to) Mahakala, O protector of devas, (keep) the samaya.

Eat this food offering.”

Lineage History:

Lineage of Palchen Galo Namgyal Dorje

Palchen Galo Namgyal Dorje, also widely known as Ga Lotsawa is a great Tibetan mahasiddha and translator who visited India and brought back many precious teachings to Tibet, particularly the Mahakala practices.

He is the very specialist in the Mahakala tantra and holds all the essence of the Mahakala teachings from India.

Later, instead of restraining it under a single lineage, he spread and transmitted the Mahakala practices into all the four school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Any Mahakala teachings originated from Palchen Galo are regarded as the authentic and reputable sources.

Lineage Transmission

Buddha Vajradhara -> Vajrapani -> King [[Indra] Bhuti]] -> Lü Naljorma -> Saraha -> Nagarjuna -> Aryadeva ->

after number of Indian Mahasiddhas -> Palchen Galo Namgyal Dorje* -> Tsultrim Jungne-> Dorje Wangchuk -> Phagmo Drupa -> Shang Tsalpa -> Rinchen Repa -> Tsangpa Gyare ->

after number of Lineage Holders -> Drukpa Choegon & Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoches of Dechen Choekhorling about 500 years ago.

Deity Introduction

Mahakala, also known as the chief Dharmapala, is the guardian protector of the Buddha's teachings. Dharmapalas are basically emanations of Buddhas who undertake the role to protect the doctrine, its upholders, and practitioners.

Mahakala practices were taught by Lord Buddha Sakyamuni in the tantra teachings. Any teachings that are taught in the tantra is the ultimate practice; which means, through such practices, one can achieve enlightenment.

Thus, Mahakala can be practiced as the Three Roots - Lama, Yidam and Protector.

The Four-armed Mahakala, is a completely enlightened Bodhisattvas manifested in the form of a wisdom Dharma protector.

He is a wrathful, powerful and ferocious manifestation of Heruka Chakrasamvara, embodying the power, wisdom and fierce compassionate activities of the Buddhas.

Wrathful compassion of Mahakala is able to overcome all obstacles and negativities one faces on the path to enlightenment.

In the Tantra, it is said that when Lord Buddha meditates under the bodhi tree, just right before He attains enlightenment, the power and wisdom that arose in His mind, and through it, He manifested to defeat and overcome the immense hindrances, negative forces and evil spirits, is the Mahakala.

In short, the strength, power, capability, and wisdom that Lord Buddha manifest to conquer all obstacles and negativities, if ever have a form, it is the Mahakala.

Similarly, the power and wisdom that Guru Rinpoche manifested to tame and subjugate all the evil forces in Samye, is also, the Mahakala.

There are many different colors and forms of Mahakala, but generally, he is recognized universally in all schools of Vajrayana as one of the prominent guardians and great protectors of the Dharma.

For example;

Maning Mahakala of the Nyingma Tradition,

Mahakala Bernakchen (Black Coat Mahakala) -

the Two-Armed Mahakala of the Karma Kagyu school,

the Four-Headed Mahakala (Shar She Pa) of Sakya Tradition

and the Six-Armed form of Mahakala is the principal protector of the Gelugpa.

Objective & Benefit of the Practice:

The instructions on Mahakala practice and meditation can only be presented to advanced practitioners.

In order to meditate on Mahakala, a disciple must have completed the Ngöndro (the preliminary practices) and a Yidam practice.

This is the reason why instructions on Mahakala are not presented to a general audience nor in public - it is not a common practice and would not bring the intended benefits for those who are not ready.

The objective of Mahakala practice is to assist practitioners in removing any hindrances and challenges that impede their spiritual practice, as well as to encourage exertion and devotion, and at the same time purify the subtlest obscuration and defilements.

With earnest prayer and diligent practices, blessings will be bestowed and obstacles will be pacified.

Mahakala Practice and The Drukpa Choegon Lineage:

The Four-Armed Mahakala is the main among the eight manifestations of Mahakala.

It is also the main form practices in Mindroling monastery, in Drukpa Kagyu lineage, and the Nyingma tradition.

Drukp Choegon and Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoches of Dechen Choekhor strongly hold the Mahakala practice, particularly the Drukpa Choegon Lineage.

The line of incarnations of the Choegon Lineage is closely linked to the practice of Mahakala.

The early lives of Choegon Rinpoche such as;

Palchen Galo Namgyal Dorje,

Phuljung Samgyal Khache,

Sangdak Namkha Palzang, etc.

are all great-accomplished masters of the Mahakala practices.

The first Choegon Rinpoche, Shabdrung Druk Choekyi Gonpo is also renowned for his great attainment in the Mahakala practices.

Thus, the Mahakala practices are explicitly connected and are pivotal to the Choegon Rinpoche Lineage.

The Drukpa Choegon Lineage is renowned as the incomparable accomplished master in the practice of the Mahakala, Chakrasamvara and Vajrapani.

The Drukpa Choegons is revered as the most powerful Mahakala practitioner of Drukpa Kagyu.