Hearer; One of two types of Hinayana practitioner. Both Hearers and Solitary Conquerors are Hinayanists, but they differ in their motivation, behaviour, merit, and wisdom. In all these respects, Solitary Conquerors are superior to Hearers.
Hearers are of eight types according to the level of delusions they have abandoned.
(1) approachers to the accomplishment of a Stream Enterer,
(2) abiders in the accomplishment of a Stream Enterer,
(3) approachers to the accomplishment of a Once Returner,
(4) abiders in the accomplishment of a Once Returner,
(5) approachers to the accomplishment of a Never Returner,
(6) abiders in the accomplishment of a Never Returner,
(7) approachers to the accomplishment of a Foe Destroyer, and
(8) abiders in the accomplishment of a Foe Destroyer.
A Stream Enterer is on the path of seeing and will never again be reborn in the three lower realms; a Once Returner will return to the desire realm only once more; and a Never Returner will never again return to the desire realm.