Hungkara (Skt. hung mdzad, hung chen ka ra).
One of the Eight Vidyadharas; receiver of the tantras of Vishuddha Mind including Heruka Galpo. Having taken birth in either India or Nepal, at first he was erudite in a non-Buddhist religion and gained some attainments but later awakened to faith in the Buddhist teachings, took ordination from Buddha-jnana at Nalanda and studied both the outer and inner aspects of Secret Mantra. His name derives from the chief deity of the mandala into which he was first initiated. At some point he took an outcast girl as consort and practiced for six months the four aspects of approach and accomplishment. Through that practice he had a vision of the entire mandala of Vajra Heruka and reached the attainment of the supreme accomplishment of mahamudra. He wrote the Golden Garland of Rulu, the Vishuddha Accomplishment as well as other treatises and benefited beings with tremendous activity. Finally, he departed to the realm of Buddha Akshobhya in his very body. He was associated with Rolang Sukhasiddhi, Kukuraja and Buddhaguhya, while his lineage was transmitted to Padmasambhava andNamkhai Nyingpo who spread his teachings in India. Also known as Hungchen, Hungchen-Kara.