Mahosatha Jataka
The Ten Birth Stories of the Buddha
Mahosatha Jataka
Perfection of Wisdom
Translated by:
Mr. Jean-Francois Leduc
Phramaha Jerm Boonthong
Phramaha Prassert Ammart-Ek
Mahosatha was a scholar in the Kingdom of Mithila, ruled by King Videharaja. There was another king named Julanee who was fond of conquering new territories. He thought of a stratagem whereby he declared that he would gladly give away his daughter to marry King Videharaja if the latter came to the Kingdom of Punjala. King Videharaja did not suspect King Julanee's plan and left. When he reached the north of the Kingdom he was surrounded and caught.
However, Mahosatha saved him from King Julanee. Then, King Videharaja married Julanee's daughter. Mahosatha let him go safely and took Julanee's youngest son and his wife as hostages. King Julanee surrendered to Mahosatha and swore that he would not harm anybody any more.