Domang is a collection of core Buddhist scriptures, mantras and prayers which is taken from the Kanjur canon. Domang therefore literally means ‘many sutras’ with very cryptic and formulaic texts which are believed to have special powers. Within the Domang there are many sections that is recited for different purposes.
In the standard Domang it has over 600 pages with approximately 100 different texts and mantras.
In the olden days, having a Domang is a pricy property as only few people can own them. The household who has Domang can place Reldri on their rooftop flag. Otherwise, pine leaf branch is to be used.
So when people need recitation of Domang, they borrow either from the monastery or from someone who has that. To locate them they need to see the flag top to pin point
Domang can be recited entirely in one go or in selective texts as under:
1. If your 5 life forces are not good than Janakado text is selected and recited.
2. If rituals for prosperity, livestock or property need to be done, recite Norzung.
3. If sick with a life threatening illness, they should recite the Tsezung or dhāraṇī of Buddha Amitayus – the Buddha of Longevity
4. If someone dies, one would recite the aspirational prayers or moenlam.
5. If one has a court case, usually Khachunagpo is recited.
6. Recite Mikhadrado if one wishes to avert malicious gossip and envy.
Domang recitation, therefore played a very important role in Bhutanese religious life. Recitation helps to accumulate merit, clear away misfortunes, cure illnesses, elongate life, gain wealth, increase merit, succeed in life and as funerary rites.
It is believed that if a person buys, carries, possesses, commissions, worships and recite, then the person is said to become blessed by the Three Jewels and the righteous deities. The person will attain peace, prosperity and happiness and eventually reach enlightenment.
Nowadays, Domang are readily available. It is available either in ordinary paper or Daysho (Traditional Bhutanese paper). The ordinary paper printed Domang will cost around Nu. 800/- and Daysho will cost between Nu. 3500- 5000/-.
So have one at your alter and recite occasionally to bring peace and prosperity at your house.