New Jonang
The New Jonang Community is a western branch of Great Middle Way Buddhism. It arose, as with all Buddhist communities, from the teachings, example, and blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni. These were then transmitted through a lineage of realized Buddhist Masters, including the Protector Maitreya, the Superior Nagarjuna, the Holy Brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu, the Omniscient Dolpopa, and the Noble Taranatha.
We use the term New Jonang to give the revitalized teachings of the Great Middle Way a distinct identity within the wider Buddhist world. By using this term, we make clear that practitioners of this community are following the teachings and example of the unbroken lineage.
The word New is used not to imply that it is re-created or recently re-interpreted, but rather that it is a presentation of the Dharma in a form that is appropriate to the needs and conditions of the contemporary world. By using the term Jonang, we encourage all to follow the perfect example of simplicity and purity of practice shown by the Great Middle Way Masters throughout history.
May the sun that illumines the Mountain Dharma of Kunchen Dolpopa’s Great Middle Way, having risen in Tibet, now shine over the West.
By the merit accrued through the pure thoughts, words, and deeds of the Jonangpas, may the teachings, example, and blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni and the Buddha from Dolpo remain and flourish for the greater good and happiness of all beings.
om ah guru vajradhara
sribhadra vidyadvaja
sarva siddhi hum hum