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Seeking Shambhala

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“First you must remember, find the key, and then escape”

The world is a labyrinth and few will find the egress, but for the seeker of truth the entrance to Shambhalla is possible. Its path is archaic, but tried, tested and true.
We first need to remember why we are here. That our existence on this earth plane is nothing but an illusion...a alchemical laboratory of transmutations. It is here that we prepare ourselves for our destiny... a destiny outside the illusion of Maya.
Use your time wisely on this plane, burn off the old karma and learn to appreciate life's lessons.

There Lies a World Hidden
There Lies a World Hidden,
Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden.
Where dwells entities with technologies beyond our comprehension,
And knowledge kept hidden from us, in this other dimension.

Will the truth ever be revealed?
Earthly forces of power and greed want forever sealed,
Forbidden knowledge for warfare to wield.

When humankind understands,
To use the knowledge acquired from these strange lands.
For the benefit of humankind,
Then entrance into their world we will find.

The people of Tibet and Mongolia believe that Shambhala is a hidden kingdom with a community where perfect and semiperfect beings live, guiding the evolution of mankind. It is the gateway between the physical and spiritual world, hidden from the non believer by a psychic barrier. Beneath the land of Shambhalla lies a cavernous underworld...

Its summit aligns to the wheeling constellation of Ursa Major, the Seven Stars that circle the Pole.

Through our history, people of the world have sought to find this realm of cosmic harmony hidden within the veils of Avalon. They literally tried to bring heaven to earth by building temples and pyramids in the center of their cities to function as patterns of this paradise.

The Sumerians built a temple which was called ‘The House of the Mountain’ and knew it as ‘the bond of heaven and earth’. The central hub bound the heavens, underworld and human world together. Seven tiers led up to the shrine on its summit, which mirrored the legend of the seven gated underworld below. ‘What is above, so shall be below’.

Prophesies of Shambhalla

The prophecy of Shambhalla gives us a hint of the coming Golden Age. There will be 32 kings, each reigning for a 100 years. As their reigns pass conditions, of the world will deteriorate. Wars will break out in the pursuant of power.
Materialism will overcome spiritualism and spread over the world. Then the 'barbarians' who follow this ideology of power and materialism are united under one evil king, assuming there is nothing left to conquer. When this time comes, the mists will then lift to reveal the icy mountains of Shambhala.
Seeing the promised lands of Shambhalla, the barbarians will then attack Shambhalla with a huge army equipped with terrible weapons.
The 32nd king of Shambhala, Rudra Cakrin, ‘The Wrathful One with the Wheel’ will rise from his throne and lead a mighty host against the invaders destroying the army of barbarians.
After the battle has been won, the rule of Shambhalla will cover the world, bringing in the greatest Age of all times. Food will grow without work, there will be no disease or poverty, hatred and jealousies will be replaced with love and the great saints and sages of the past will return to life to teach true wisdom of the Ages.
Rudka Cakrin is known as ‘the Cakravartin’ or ‘the possessor of the wheel‘. This wheel supposedly is a wheel of iron that falls from the sky to mark the beginning of his reign. Some may see this ‘wheel of iron falling from the sky as a metaphor where others may view this quite literally as an Alien Craft.
In the Kalachakra, one can find the necessary teaching provided for preparation of the prophesized war. We find in it ‘the psychology of invasions’ and detailed instructions on how to build various machines to ward off the invaders. The sacred texts go on to say the Dark Age will last until the year 2424 AD, when a ‘great war’ will begin in India.
The human race will be rescued from total destruction by the armies of Shambhalla riding ‘flying horses’ and ‘boats that fly in the air’. Again these could be metaphors, but I lean more to the texts describing UFOs.
There are sacred texts also called ’mind termas’ which are hidden within the minds of mankind. I suspect they are imbedded in our DNA, as untapped memories.
The ’mind termas’ will be released to us through meditation and/or states of sleep. It has been prophesized that some of the discoverers of these texts will actually wake up from sleep with pages ‘physically’in their hands.
Anyone that has knowledge of the apportation phenomenon will realize that this does happen.

The Kingdom of Shambhala takes a central place in the Kalachakra teachings. Shambhala (Tib. bde ’byung) is a Sanskrit term meaning place of peace/tranquility/happiness. Shakyamuni Buddha is said to have taught the Kalachakra tantra on request of King Suchandra, also the teachings are said to be preserved there. Shambhala is said to be a society where all the inhabitants are enlightened, centered around a capital city called Kalapa. War and injustice are said to be unknown there, and it is said to be peopled by beautiful women and men dwelling in magnificent abodes.

Shambhala is ruled over by the Kulika or Kalki (Tib. Ridgen) King, a benevolent monarch who upholds the integrity of the Kalachakra tantra. Religious scholars believe that this figure developed out of the myth of the Hindu conqueror Kalki, a similar personage. The Kalachakra prophesizes that when the world declines into war and greed, and all is lost, the twenty fifty Kalika king will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish the corrupt world rulers and usher in a worldwide Golden Age. Some scholars put this date at 2424 AD.

As with many concepts in Vajrayana Buddhism, the idea of Shambhala is said to have an “outer,” “inner,” and “secret” meaning.
The outer meaning understands Shambhala to exist as a physical place, although only individuals with the appropriate karma can reach it and experience it as such. There are various ideas about where this society is located, but it is often placed in central Asia, north of Tibet.
The inner and secret meanings refer to more subtle understandings of what Shambhala represents, and are generally passed on orally.

During the nineteenth century, Theosophical Society founder H.P. Blavatsky alluded to the Shambhala myth, giving it currency for Western occult enthusiasts. Later esoteric writers further emphasized and elaborated on the concept of a hidden land inhabited by a hidden mystic brotherhood whose members labor for the good of humanity.

The myths of Shambhala were part of the inspiration for the tale of Shangri-La told in the popular book Lost Horizon, and thus some people even refer to Shambhala improperly as if it were a Shangri-La. Shambhala’s location and nature remains a subject of much dispute, and several traditions have arisen as to where it is, or will be, including those that emphasize it as a non-physical realm that one can approach only through the mind.

Ancient Zhang Zhung texts identify Shambhala with the Sutlej Valley in Himachal Pradesh. Mongolians identify Shambala with certain valleys of southern Siberia. Beginning in the 1960s, various occult writers have sought to explain the evil of Nazism by suggesting Adolf Hitler tapped into the malevolent forces of Shambhala when he sent Ahnenerbe researchers to Tibet to measure Tibetan skulls as part of his master race justifications.

It is also believed that Josef Stalin organized an expedition to find Shambala.
Madame Blavatsky, who claimed to be in contact with a Great White Lodge of Himalayan Adepts, mentions Shambhala in several places without giving it especially great emphasis. (The Mahatmas, we are told, are also active around Shigatse and Luxor.) Blavatsky’s Shambhala, like the headquarters of the Great White Lodge, is a physical location on our earth, albeit one which can only be penetrated by a worthy aspirant.

Later esoteric writers like Alice Bailey (the Arcane School) and the Agni Yoga of Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich do emphasize Shambhala. Bailey transformed it into a kind of extradimensional or spiritual reality. The Roerichs see its existence as both spiritual and physical.

Related "hidden land" speculations surrounding the underground kingdom of Agartha led some early twentieth-century occultists to view Shambhala as a source of rather negative manipulation by an evil (or amoral) conspiracy. Nevertheless, the predominant theme is one of light and hope, as evidenced by James Redfield’s and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s respective books by that name.
In Neo-Nazi mysticism, Shambhala is sometimes supposed to be the place to which Adolf Hitler fled after the fall of the Third Reich. Hitler was known to have an interest in the myth of Shambhala and in "eastern mysticism" generally, from which he appropriated the swastika.
H.P. Blavatsky, believed her spiritual instructions came to her from the ascended masters of Shambhalla. These masters gave to the world the Mantra of Christ which we call ‘The Great Invocation’.

Alice Bailey describes this mantra in the following:
"The Invocation or Prayer does not belong to any person or group but to all humanity. The beauty and the strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths which all men, innately and normally, accept: the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God; and finally the self-evident truth that only through humanity itself can the Divine Plan work out."
