Bow and arrow
bow and arrow: "Bow...represents Action...skillful means to propel; "Arrow....(represents Intelligence)..."intelligence sharp and penetrating. Together they represent skillful intelligence. When the arrow of intellect is joined by with the bow of skillful means, then the warrior is never tempted by the seductions of the setting-sun world." "This principle of the bow and arrow is learning to say 'no' to ungenuineness, to say 'no' to carelessness
and crudeness, to say no to lack of wakefulness. In order to say 'no' properly you need both bow and arrow...gentleness, which is the bow...sharpness, which is the arrow. Joining the two together, you realize that you can make a distinction: you can discriminate between indulging and appreciating. You can look at the world and see the way things actually work. Then you can overcome myth - which is your own myth."