Yellow Dzambhala Mantra for Wealth & Luck
Yellow Dzambhala mantra is one of the Buddhist mantras used to pray for fortune, luck and wealth. In every Buddhist family in Asia and especially China, there is a statue of him to worship and pray for luck and prosperity for family.
Who is Dzambhala?
Yellow Wealth God (Sanskrit: Jambhala or Dzambhala) is one of the five deities representing wealth and prosperity in Buddhism, the Ratnasambhava Buddha.
He is said to manifest the compassion of Buddha and Bodhisattva, who always help sentient beings out of poverty, and lead them to wealth. In Hindu mythology, Yellow Dzambhala is known as Kubera.
Legend has it that there was a time at Grdhrakuta mountain, when Shakyamuni Buddha was teaching the Maha Prajna-paramita Sutra, some demons came to disturb him by trying to shake and collapse the mountain, everything at the scene is very scary.
At that time, Yellow Dzambhala showed himself and protected all from natural disasters. The Buddha entrusted him to help all sentient beings overcome poverty and become a great protector of Dharma in the future.
Gyalten Sogdzin Rinpoche said: “Yellow Dzambhala is the protector of all lineages, liberating all sentient beings from all diseases and difficulties. He is a Compassionate Bodhisattva regarding material and spiritual wealth as well as various things, especially providing financial stability.”
Symbolic meaning
The image of Yellow Dzambhala usually appears with a big belly, strong arms and yellow skin. His right hand holds the rare wish-fulfilling jewel, his left hand gently holds the rat holding money and precious stones, symbolizing an endless supply of jewels, luck and wealth. He wears a five-pointed Buddha crown studded with many gems and gems, a chain of pearls around his neck, and a very beautiful robe.
His upper body is bare, and is decorated with a garland of blue lotus flowers and various jewels, such as pearls and sapphires. The crown is secured by two straps: one behind his head and another around his head. With a bulging forehead, he has a mustache, goatee and long hair. Thick eyebrows and wide eyes stared straight ahead. With “upala” prayer beads hanging from his neck, he sat comfortably on a lotus pedestal in a half-full lotus position.
Gyalten Sogdzin Rinpoche said: “Because in this world, there are all kinds of emotions, positive, negative, or malevolent, and sometimes it will harm yourself and other sentient beings, the Yellow God of Wealth must have a form. ferocious and powerful to shield us from negative emotions and bad karma.In particular, he helps us to reduce unhappiness and obstacles and makes us rich and happy.”
Benefits of Yellow Dzambhala mantra
Yellow Dzambhala is the most representative of the five gods of wealth and prosperity. So his mantra is very popular and is recited by many Buddhists. The benefit of regularly reciting this mantra is that it helps us get financial stability to live a happy life.
In particular, Yellow Dzambhala mantra will help us get rid of obstacles such as enemies, thieves, diseases and have a lot of luck, increase wealth.
If we can practice the mantra with a Bodhichitta to help all sentient beings out of poverty, then we will enjoy an unlimited amount of wealth and merit. For those who are constantly experiencing financial difficulties due to bad karma in the past, the Yellow Dzambhala mantra is definitely their best source of support.
A person who regularly chants Yellow Dzambhala mantra will not suffer from pressure and economic difficulties, their wisdom, work and longevity will grow.
As a business person, the appearance of an image of Yellow Dzambhala in the home or office is a good thing. Every morning, you can also pour some water on his crown, and hum the mantra several times.
To achieve good results, it is important not only to practice mantras. The key to success is to practice generosity, generosity, and loving-kindness towards sentient beings. If a person is stingy, doesn’t practice generosity, even if you regularly recite Yellow Dzambhala mantra, wealth may not or take a long time to come to you.
Use that opportunity to practice Dharma by practicing charity and releasing living beings… creating good karma. This is a great deal, if you want to have quick success, wealth and the right perception of the path to enlightenment.