Yuddha-jayarnava tantram
The mantra of the goddess trailokyavijaya is provided by the yuddha-jayarnava tantram.
A somewhat corrupt version of this tantra is incorporated into the agni purAna.
Stand-alone manuscripts of the YJA also exist, though they have not been edited or published.
In addition to the version of the agni-purana I had access to a hand-written transcript on paper.
The Dutch explorers have recovered a corrupt version of the same in their collection of Hindu mantras known as stuti-s and stava-s from Indonesia (now only surviving in Bali).
All these with a single input from oral tradition help to obtain the critical version of the trailokyavijaya mantra as per the available traditions. trailokyavijaya is meditated upon as being deep blue in color, having 20 hands, and standing on corpses of slaughtered foes.
OM hUM kShUM hrUM OM namo bhagavatI daMShTriNI bhImavaktre mahograrUpe hili hili raktanetre kili kili mahAnisvane kulu OM vidyuj-jihve kulu OM nir-mAMse kaTa kaTa gonasAbharaNe chili chili shava-mAlA-dhAriNI drAvaya OM mahAraudrI sArdra-charmakR^itkR^itAmbare vijR^imbha OM nR^itya asilatAdhAriNI bhrukuTI-kR^itApA~Nge viShama-netra-kR^itAnane vasA-medho-vilipta-gAtre kaha 2 OM hasa 2 kruddha 2 OM nIla-jImUta-varNe megha-mAlA-dhAriNI prajvala OM GhaNTA-ki~Nki~Ni vibhUShita-sharIre OM simhisthe aruNavarNe OM hrAm hrIM hrUM raudra-rUpe hUM hrIM klIM OM hrIM hUM OM AkarSha OM dhUna 2 oM he haH khaH vajriNi hUM kShUM kShAM krodha-rUpiNI prajjvala 2 oM bhIma-bhIShaNe bhindi OM mahAkAye Chindi oM karAlinI kiTi 2 mahA-bhUta-mAtaH sarva-duShTa-nivAriNI jaye OM vijaye OM trailokyavijaye hUM phaT svAhA