Dawa Zangpo
1) King Dawa Zangpo (Sucandra) (Zla-ba bZang po) (Lord of Humanity); Suchandra, Dawa Zangpo (878-876 BC?) "Good Moon" (Tibetan)
2) According to the Rosary of White Lotuses, Khubilai Khan was just one of a long line of Altan Khan's previous reincarnations. During the time of Buddha he had appeared as Dawa Zangpo, the first Dharma King of Shambhala (unfortunately, the author of the Rosary never follows up on this intriguing suggestion). Dawa Zangpo was considered a manifestation of the bodhisattva Vajrapani, as was Altan Khan himself.
3) According to the history of Vajrayana, king Indrabodhi of Odiyana, west of Varanasi, once saw many Arahats flying in the sky towards the east and out of curiosity he asked his minister Dawa Zangpo who those people were. The minister Dawa zangpo informed the king that they were disciples of the enlightened Sidhartha and were going to the city of Varanasi where the Buddha was turning the wheel of Dharma. As soon as the king heard about the Buddha he spontaneously developed extreme joy and devotion and thought if Buddha's disciples had such miraculous abilities, Buddha himself must have boundless compassion and miraculous abilities. Then he immediately went on his knees facing towards the east and prostrated and prayed to the Buddha to come to his palace for lunch the next day. Buddha heard the king's prayer.