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An Easy Clearly Arranged Sadhana-Text for

The Mahasandhi Teaching of

The Ultimately Profound Ratnasamanyasamgha:

"The Köncho Chidu"

 "The Essence of the Three Jewels"

The Dharmakaya, the omnipresent, self-arising, clarity,
The naturally existing great bliss, Vairochana Sambhogakaya,
The dance of networks of emanations of whatever manifestations will trains beings, Könchok Chidu, Mahaguru, I bow down to you!

The victorious land is practically filled by this supreme profound Dharma
It does not exist as one single tradition,
However, in accordance with the guru's instruction and my aspiration,
I shall compile a clear, easy sadhana-text that is ready to be recited.

This is the latest of all the latter day sadhana-chariots of the Sahor Guru .
As its Terton reached the exhaustion of the four appearances through this Dharma, it is unrivalled in blessing and activity by any other terma that has appeared in Tibet.
The activity that can be carried out in this ultimately profound guru yoga, the Könchok Chidu , is of two kinds:

A) Elaborate.

B) Simplified.

The first of these:

When practicing accomplishment and empowerment, arrange a circle of the relevant mandala, vase, empowerment objects, tormas and outer offerings. Having made the other necessary arrangements, practice the entire sadhana as given below.
If you are practicing something like the repulsion torma of Guru Drakpo and Singhamukha, then add their invocation, stabbing, attacks, and so on, as taught by Gampo [Norbu] and Karma Chamay .

Second, the simple form:

In the final session of a sevasadhana , or in ordinary daily practice, leave out the preliminary torma, the "medicine" offering , the practice of the four activities, and the ganachakra and its adjuncts .
If one wishes to do a very simplified practice, one can dispense with all the preliminaries except for the supplication to the lineage, the protective-circle, the refuge and bodhicitta, and the seven branch prayer. Then commence from the blessing of the offerings.
One can leave out the long-life practice, Guru Drakpo and Singhamukha.
At a time like the tenth-day offering, you can practice an elaborate or simplified form in accordance with how much time you have, there is no compulsion to have to do all the sections.

Whichever you do, the preparation is to arrange in the innermost region of your room , for example, a painting or sculpted representation of Guru Rinpoche , a volume of this practice, or the "Vajra Bliss-Protection", empowered as an symbol of commitment . Arrange whatever representation of body, speech and mind that you have.
Upon a clean, raised surface in front of these, in either the Gampo or your own tradition, whichever is more convenient, set out a Guru Torma with elaborate adornments.
To its right and left place medicine and rakta. In front of these place a line of the two waters and the enjoyments .
If you wish to be more elaborate, place a Guru Drakpo torma to the right, and a Singhamukha torma to the left of the Guru Torma. Assemble a white and red torma as a simplified torma offering to the Terma-Guardian , The "flesh-shape" obstacle-makers' torma , the ganachakra, the command torma, the Tenma torma , all that is required.

The activity of the actual practice is in three parts:

1) The preliminaries.
2) The actual practice itself.
3) The concluding practices.

The first of these is in seven sections . First:
Driving Away Obstacle-Makers

I instantly become the form of blazing Mahendra Hayagriva.


[Om hrih Lotus-Terminator Vajra-Wrath Hulu! Hulu! Hum Phat!]

Sprinkle the obstacle-makers' torma and recite:


The obstacle-makers' torma appears from non-dualistic emptiness,
As an ocean of amrita within a precious vessel.

I emanate RAM YAM KHAM that burn, purify and scatter.
OM AH HUM transform it into limitless sensory pleasures,

ReciteOM AH HUM three times.

All spirits! As I am making offerings to the mandala on this day,
Do not stay here, but be satisfied with this torma
And leave for your own places!

If you do not go, but create obstacles,
I, Mahendra Padma , will neigh,
The entire three realms and existences will be tremble and be afraid,
And every single demon, obstacle-maker and spirit will be destroyed into dust.

[Om Lotus-Terminator Hum Phat!]


[Oh, Slayer of all enemies!] Attack, crush and repel the harmful ones!

Reciting that, cast out the torma.
Drive out the obstacle makers with the repetition of "the four Hum" mantra.


[Om. Sumbha and Nisumbha Hum! Seize! Seize! Hum! Capture! Capture! Hum! Take away! Hoh! Bhagavan King of Knowledge! Hum Phat!]

The Protective Circle


The changeless nature, the primordial Vajrakaya.
The external world and its inhabitants are the inconceivable palace and the deities.
The primary and intermediate directions are filled with rainbow lights and weapons.
The vajra ground, wall and conical-roof are surrounded by a mountain of fire.

[Om. Blazing vajra-protection!

Ram (seed-syllable of fire)]

Refuge and Bodhicitta

Recite three times:


I take refuge in all the sublime Refuges.
In order that my parents, the six kinds of beings, who wander in Samsara,
Experiencing unendurable suffering, may attain Buddhahood,
All develop the mind turned to the supreme enlightenment.


Purification of Obscurations

Above the head of myself in my ordinary form,
Is the union of all the Buddha families, Vajrasattva, a body of light,
Shining white, holding a vajra and bell and adorned by jewels,
Cross-legged, smiling and loving.

At his heart, there is a encircled by the hundred syllables.
Amrita descends like a flow of milk.

From the crown of the head down to the soles of the feet
All illness, demons, bad karma and obscurations are purified.

I am like a crystal vase filled with yoghurt,
I am light, I am clarity and emptiness.

Recite the hundred syllable mantra and the quintessential six syllable mantra, as much as you can.

In conclusion, recite:

Vajrasattva melts into light and merges with me.


Gathering the Accumulations

The lineage gurus, Padmasambhava, Avalokiteshvara,
The family lord, Amitabha,
And all the Indian and Tibetan Panditas and siddhas
Of the sutras, Tantras, shastras, practice instructions and so on.

Ema ho!
My form is that of Vajrayogini, a mass of light,
A state of vividness, bright clarity, the brilliance of fire, clarity and emptiness,
All directions in space, are an expanse of rainbow coloured light-rays.

Above my head is the Guru, Guru Chintamani ,
The lineage Gurus, Padmasambhava,
Avalokiteshvara, Family-Lord Amitabha,
All the Indian and Tibetan panditas, siddhas and gurus,
Of the sutras, tantras, shastras, upadeshas, and the rest.

The Seven Branch Prayer:


I pay homage, in the vast expanse of non-duality,
To the Trikaya nature of all phenomena.
I offer with uncontrived equanimity, free of extremes.
I repent and confess not realising my own mind to be the Buddha,

Turn the Dharma wheel of all-pervading, attachment-free enjoyment.
I rejoice in the true nature, the self-knowing wisdom,
I pray that you remain in the inseparability of samsara and nirvana
I dedicate to the great naturally present dharmadhatu
May the perfect bliss of the all-pervasive union be attained!


The dharmadhatu mandala adorned by awareness,
I offer to the Dharmakaya Buddha Guru.

This mandala of my body adorned by its faculties,
I offer to the sambhogakaya Guru.

This precious mandala adorned by gold and turquoises,
I offer to the Nirmanakaya Guru.


[[[Guru]], I offer a precious mandala]



Primordial Buddha Samantabhadramitabha
Lord of the realm of snow mountains, Kasarpani,
Padmakara, with the rainbow body that subdues all appearances and beings,
Yeshe Tsogyal and Nyang priest Tingdzin Zangpo ,
His remanifestation, great Rigdzin Jatsön Nyingpo,
Dundul Lingpa , Longsal Nyingpo ,
Dechen Lingpa , the splendour of Tsewang Norbu ,
Trinlé Shingta , Tuk-kyi Dorjé Tsal ,
Pema Nyinjé , Yungdrung Lingpa ,
Lord of the hundred families, Khakyab Dorje ,
The root and lineage gurus who have fully attained the two benefits,
I pray to you, give me your blessings,

May I directly reach the naturally present, primordial purity,
Gain mastery of the path of Trek-chö and Tögal ,
Manifest the inseparability of wisdom and body,
And guide all endless beings with my emanations!


[[[Siddhis]] of body speech and mind. Hum]

You thus receive empowerment, and the assembly of deities merges into you.


Blessing the Offerings


Om Ah Hum

My three places are adorned by the three syllables.
Rays from them, radiate throughout the ten directions.
Burning, scattering, purifying, and washing away
The clinging to reality, conceptualisation, latencies, faults and defects
Of the offerings, that transform into amrita.

The offering of medicine, rakta and torma, is a swirling mass of light,
There are inconceivable, incalculable, unsurpassable offerings.


The second [part of the practice]:

The Actual Practice Itself

This is in seven parts . First:

The Outer Peaceful Guru Practice

The Three Samadhis


In this way, all phenomena that comprise all realms and their beings,
Are primordially empty, like space,
Beyond the extremes of perceiver and perceived, acquisition and elimination, subject and object,
That is what I, Padmasambhava, have said.


[[[Dharmadhatu]] nature. Ah Hum]


I, this natural, ordinary mind,
Am the body of Könchok Chidu, Padmabhasajvala,
Bright white, with a glow of five colours , smiling beautifully, beautified by adornments,
Holding a vajra, kapala, and a bejewelled vase of immortality,
Wearing a lotus hat with vulture-feather crest, embracing a khatvanga upon the left,
Dressed in a wide-sleeved gown, Dharma robe and cloak,
Perfectly adorned by the major and secondary signs of a great being, beautified by a halo of light.
Residing in the cross-legged posture of equality and the reservoir of great bliss.
A body of light that has an essence of wisdom,
Clarity and emptiness, light-rays of compassion spreading equally to all,
In the midst of a thick gathering of a multitude of rainbow clouds and dakinis,
The emanations of the body pervading throughout all realms,
A body of space, that can go anywhere without obstacle,
The realms of all the Sugatas completely present within the body,
Everything is the immaterial mandalas of the Jinas,
There is not even the words "obstacle-maker" and "obstacle",
This clarity and emptiness, appears clearly as an illusory form.

At the crown of this clear appearance, there is an OM
At the throat, an AH
At the heart, a HUM

Light-rays radiate from them to the palace of lotus-light upon the glorious copper coloured mountain,
Inviting Guru Padmasambhava of Oddiyana, with a retinue of infinite Jinas, like a sack of sesame seed being spilled open.

The Invitation of the Wisdom Deity


In the first of the aeons of the past,
In the north-west of Oddiyana,
Upon the blossom of a lotus flower,
Wonderful, having the supreme siddhi,
The one known as "Lotus Born",
Encircled by a retinue of many dakinis,
I pray that you come to give your blessing,
So that I may be able to practice as you have done.

Bring your blessing to this supreme place,
Give the four empowerments to this supreme practitioner,
Eliminate obstacle-makers, misguiders, and obstacles,
Bestow the mundane and the she supreme siddhis!


The Homage to the Inseparable Commitment and Wisdom Deity


Without birth, cessation or change, with complete activity,
You liberate beings with spontaneous compassion,
You send down a wish-fulfilling rain of siddhis,
Padmabhasajvala, I pay homage to you!

The Offering


All that is worthy of being offered, all worlds and beings,
Whether emanated by the mind, or naturally existing,
In the vast equanimity of samadhi,
I offer them to Buddha Könchok Chidu.

I also make the particular offerings
Of beautiful flowers offered to the head,
Fragrant incense offered to the nose,
Illuminating lamps offered to the eyes,
Scented water offered to the body,

Delicious food offered to the tongue,
Melodious music offered to the mind.
The offering of dance and mudras,
The offering of songs and praise,

I make the outer offering, the unrejected sensory pleasures,
I make the inner offering, the unrejected kleshas,
I make the secret offering, the inseparable union,

I offer the medicine of eight root and a thousand branch ingredients,
I offer the rakta of the liberated five poisons.
I offer the baling torma.
I offer the samaya-substance amrita.
I offer the absence of rejection and acquisition.


[[[Offerings]] of offering-water, foot-water, flowers, incense, lights, scent, food, music, ah hum]
[Consume the great five, the rakta and the torma]

At this point, if you wish to add a "medicine" offering from other guru yogas, , as it appears that some do, recite the following:


In order to eliminate the five poisons,
I offer the substance of the complete five Wisdoms,
The pleasing offering of the supreme samaya-substance amrita,
To the Gurus, Yidams and Dakinis.
Regard me with love and compassion and bestow upon me the empowerments and siddhis!


[[[Gurus]], deities and dakinis, consume all the five amritas!]

To the mouth of Dharmakaya Amitabha, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Sambhogakaya Mahakaruna,SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Nirmanakaya Padmabhasajvala, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI
To the mouth of Nyangben Tingdzin Zangpo, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Vidyadhara Jatsön Nyingpo, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Heruka Dundul Dorje, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of the Great Terton Longsal Nyingpo, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Pema Dechen Lingpa, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Dorje Tsewang Norbu, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Kagyu Trinlé Shingta, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Vidyadhara Tuk-kyi Dorje, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Pema Nyinjé Wangpo, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI
To the mouth of Chimé Yung-drung Lingpa, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Kunzang Khakyab Dorje, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of the kind root and lineage gurus, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of the master of the Dharma of the transmitted teachings, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of the unsurpassable Könchok Chidu, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Yidam Padma Krodha, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouth of Dakini Singhamukha, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

To the mouths of the ocean of oath-bound Dharma-Protectors, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI

And to the mouths of the ocean of those worthy to be offered to, SARVA PANTSA AMRITA LA KHARAM KAHI



I praise and pay homage to all the Jinas, who are one in the expanse of wisdom,
Who in the true nature of phenomena have no distinguishing features,
And yet manifest individual forms, through whatever skillful means are necessary to tame beings,
Emanating, transforming and spreading.
The union of all the Sugatas, in the form of an eight year old boy,
The Refuge-Lord of all beings, Padmasambhava,
A changeless colour, like the snow in sunshine,
Shining with a slight red glow, I praise and pay homage to you!

Holding the vajra and kapala, the indivisibility of means and knowledge,
Holding the vase of union, life and wisdom,
With a kathvanga as consort, that annihilates the three poisons,
Wrathfully smiling, subduer of beings, I praise and pay homage to you!

Wearing a red dharma robe with overlapping gold designs,
A ear-flap fawn-skin hat, with a vulture-feather crest and silk ribbons,
Upon a lotus seat, the major and secondary physical signs of greatness, shine,
All outer, and inner qualities complete, I praise and pay homage to you!

Body and realm primordially united,
Manifesting Jinas, of every size, throughout the ten directions,
While remaining within the three Kayas.
A thousand lightning-emanations flash! I praise and pay homage to you!

With the light-rays of the brilliance of a hundred thousand suns,
The siddhis of life are naturally brought from their abodes,
The supreme fulfillment of wishes, the fulfiller of all needs, hopes and wishes,
Deathless Vajra-Body, I praise and pay homage to you!

Though I do not have the view of there being someone to praise and offer to,
In order to eliminate the incidental stain of conceptualisation,
I praise and pay homage to you in the great play of non-duality,
As the inseparability of means and knowledge, that is like water poured into water.

That concludes the stage of generation with its ancillaries.


The Mantra Repetition Yoga

The Outer Practice

Light-rays radiate from the three syllables of my three places, so that all of the three jewels and three roots come, like a fall of snowflakes, in the forms of light-rays, the symbols of the body, speech and mind.
They dissolve into me, so that I am blessed.

Recite with melody and appropriate form of recitation this mantra:


The Inner Practice

In my heart. there is a white eight-petalled lotus with a moon disc in its centre, upon which is a gold five-pronged vajra, its middle emblazoned by a white

The mantra, shining with lights of five colours, encircles the vajra.
It turns in a clockwise direction and radiates light-rays.
They make unsurpassable offerings to all the Jinas of the infinite realms.
All the blessings of their bodies, speech and minds, is gathered into myself.

On the middle level, all the proud spirits are brought under control,
Whatever action I command is effortlessly accomplished.

Below, the bad karma and obscurations of all the beings of the six kinds of existence, are purified.
And they are satisfied by happiness.

The light-rays are radiated and reabsorbed, and the world and beings are transformed into the great play of deity, mantra and wisdom.

The following mantra is the principal part of the practice, therefore recite it as much as you can:



The Ancillary of the Peaceful Guru: The Life Practice

If you wish to do this practice, precede it by going through the inner-practice mantra-recitation. Then recite:

There clearly appears instantaneously Vidyadhara Amitayus Padmabhasajvala as myself and also in front of me.

Recite this supplication three times:

The Supreme leader who liberates every single being,
Oddiyana padma, Vidyadhara Amitayus,
Give your blessing to my body, speech and mind,
And bestow the siddhi of immortal life!

In the hearts of both the self and front Guru, there is a white eight-petalled lotus.
In its anthers, there is a five-pronged diamond vajra.
In its middle there is a closed sun and moon box.
In its centre there is a white HRI emblazoned by a NI and a AH.
Turning clockwise around that is a mantra glowing with lights of five colours.
Light-rays from the five seed-syllables that emblazon the five insignia at the five places, radiate and are reabsorbed.
All worlds and their beings appear as deities and mantras.
Due to this majestic brilliance, the life-blessing of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, the three Roots, the Dharma Protectors and Guardians,
All the quintessential energy of the elements, and the compassionate blessing of all the Rishis, Vidyadharas, and those who have control over life-span,
In brief, all the life and merit of those fortunate beings who create good karma, have great power, intense strength, many followers, great qualities, might, fame, pupils and activity,
Merge, in the form of syllables and swirling light-rays of various colours, into the self, front and vase deities.

Repeat this life-mantra as much as you can.

[Om ah Hum Vajra-Guru Padma, siddhis and life! Hum Nr Jah]


The Wishing Prayer

The four hundred and four kinds of illness,
The twenty-one thousand negative conditions,
The three hundred and sixty innate defects,
The eighty thousand kinds of obstacle-makers,
May they and all other obstacles to life,
All that is unfavourable to life, be cleansed and purified!

The Drawing in of Life-Forces

Wave the silk-ribboned arrow, and recite:

Externally a vase, internally filled with amrita,
Secretly, it is Padma Amitayus.
The five seed-syllables and the five insignia are at the five places,
Countless light-rays radiate, filling the whole of space.

The hook brings from the hands of the gandharvas in the east.
The noose brings from the hands of the yamas in the south.
The chain brings from the hands of the naga-maras in the west.
The bell brings from the hands of the yakshas in the north.
They bring from the hands of Brahma and Indra above.
They bring from the hands of Nanda and Takshaka below.
They extend the severed life span, bring back what has been dispersed,
They rejoin what has split apart, and revive what has declined.

White and shining, rich and concentrated light-rays
Enter the crown of the head, dissolve and merge into the body.
May I attain the power of Bhasajvala's deathless life!

For a regular practice for example, even though there are no particular life-substances arranged before you, it is the quintessential meaning of the Vajra teaching, that one can use snow-mountains, rocks, forests, mountains, sun, moon, planets, stars, lakes, and so on, as the basis for the visualisations.


The Secret Practice: Guru Drakpo

Instantaneously, Padmasambhava melts into light and transforms into Guru Drakpo, "The dark red wrathful one who is encircled by flames".
Light-rays radiate from the three syllables emblazoning the three places,
Inviting the wheel of wisdom deities, to come into space before me, from the wrathful realms in the ten directions, and from the Lotus Light palace in Chamara .

The Invitation

Though you never deviate from the peace of the Dharmakaya,
Form-Kaya Padma Bhasajvala, instantaneously thunder
A ferocious, wrathful roaring into the ten directions!
Manifest terrifying, countless emanations and their emanations!
Great Supreme One, "Dark red one encircled by flames"
Come on this day to be this yogi's companion!

Illusory body arisen from the Dharmadhatu,
A terrifying, ferocious, wrathful form that causes the three poisons to burst into flames,
I pray that you come to subdue the eight classes of arrogant spirits,
I pray that you come to subdue the Gyalpo, Senmo and Damsi ,
I pray that you come to subdue the bringers of plague and madness,
I pray that you come to repel the armies of invasion,
I pray that you come to enslave all worlds and beings,
I pray that you come to bestow the empowerments and siddhis!

The Offerings

In the primordial torma-bowl of the three existences,
Is placed the torma of all worlds and beings.
I offer this great liberation from all Samsara and Nirvana
To you, Wangdrak Barwa [Blazing Powerful-Wrath]!

In the torma-bowl of the universe of a thousand billion worlds ,
Is placed the torma of the shining mount Meru,
And beings beyond number.
I offer this to you Wangdrak Barwa!

In the torma-bowl of a shining skull,
The flesh, blood, heads and fat of enemies and obstacle-makers is heaped.
The grease bubbles and the steam billows.
May Wangdrak Barwa's wishes be satisfied!

The Praise

Great bliss from the mandala of wrath,
Appears as the blazing body of dark red Könchok Chidu,

With face turned to look to the left, legs astride in the "casting out" posture,
Mouth agape, tongue coiling, baring his sharp, glistening white fangs,
Crunching on the flesh, blood and bones of enemies and obstacle-makers,

Three, bulging, angry red eyes, scouring the ten directions,
Causing the male and female arrogant deities to tremble and be afraid,
A thundering tempest that issues from his nostrils
Overpowers and subjugates the three realms and the three existences.

Dark brown hair rises up into the expanse of space,
A multitude of tiny wrathful deities destroy enemies and obstacle-makers into dust,
The gold vajra in the right hand repels the invading armies,
Emanations disperse from the black iron scorpion in the left hand.

You are adorned by the five castes of serpents in order to subdue the Nagas,
You are adorned by the garland of fifty heads which empties Samsara,
You wear a fresh elephant skin, the ten powers being naturally complete,
A tiger skin skirt, is the subjugation of the proud and arrogant,
Jewel and bone adornments, represents being followed by Dakinis,

From the tips of his pore-hairs, small wrathful deities are emitted like sparks,
With fire, smoke and rays, the three existences are disarrayed like stars.
I praise and pay homage to Guru Drakpo's body!

Wangdrak Barwa, the time for your commitment to be fulfilled has come!
Now that I call out to you, supreme deity,
Due to this yogi's past commitments,
Be invoked by the essence of your own commitment!

The time has come to subdue the malevolent enemies and obstacle-makers!
The time has come to subdue the Black Naga-Nyen !
The time has come to subdue the arrogant ones , the wild Planets !
The time has come to subdue the eight classes of spirits !
The time has come to subdue Pehar and the Master of Life !
The time has come to repulse the invading armies!
The time has come to repulse the plagues of humans and animals!
Accomplish the activity that the yogi requests!

The wisdom deity merges into you.

Upon the crown of my head, is the Family-Lord, the Peaceful Guru.
Upon a sun-disc in my heart, there is a dark red Hum around which the mantra turns clockwise,
From the mantra radiates dark red light-rays, wisdom-fire, weapons and so on.
They destroy all the malicious and malevolent,
All worlds and beings appear in the form of the wrathful Vidyadhara.


[Om ah hum Blazing, Dark. Homage to the Bhagavat! Hum Hum phat]

Having recited that add "the eight classes of spirits supplement" to the root mantra and recite it a tenth of the number of the root-mantra repetitions.


The Extremely Secret Practice: The Dakini

I, the wrathful Vidyadhara, melt into light and become the Wisdom Dakini Singhamukha.
Light radiates from the three syllables at the three places.
Inviting the wisdom deities from the Emanation Palace of Oddiyana in the west, and from the realms of the sacred charnel-grounds.


The miraculous birth, the revelation of a shining body
From the perfect birthlessness, the Dharmadhatu,
Wisdom Dakini who benefits beings,
The colour of the sky, with the face of a lion,
With a naked, Sambhogakaya body,
The right hand holds a kartari that cuts through the five poisons,
The left hand holds a blood filled kapala, that is enjoyed within the birthless expanse,
A trident under the arm liberates the three poisons,
The bone, jewel and mirror adornments control the dakinis,
The mountain of fire defeats the darkness of ignorance,
The right leg bent and the left outstretched, is the inseparability of means and knowledge,
Standing upon a lotus, sun, moon and corpse seat,
I invite you from your natural residence, I pray that you come!


The multitude of body, speech and mind emanation Dakinis,
The multitude of activity-emanation Mamos,
All having their own countless emanations,
With veneration, I pay homage to you.


Within a skull that still has its scalp,
There is a red torma adorned with blood and grease,
And a victory banner made of a variety of flesh and hearts,
May the wishes of the Dakini and her retinue be satisfied!

Heaving waves of rakta,
A swirling, bright white sea of milk,
A thick ocean of grease,
Billowing fumes of burning human fat,
The resounding music of drums and horns,
The clattering of thigh-bone horns and skull-drums,
A red avalanche of the flesh and blood of enemies,
May the wishes of the Dakini and her retinue be satisfied!



[[[Dakini]] Singhamukha, offerings of offering-water, foot-water, flowers, incense, lights, scent, food, music, ah hum]
[Consume the great (which means human) blood, gallstones and fat torma!]

The wisdom deity merges into you, so that:

Upon the crown of my head is the Peaceful Guru,
In the crook of my arm, the khatvanga symbolises the Wrathful Vidyadhara,
I reside, with many emanations identical to myself, in the centre of a tent of weapons such as diamond vajras, and an inferno of wisdom-fire.
Upon a sun-disc in my heart, there is a blue around which the blue mantra turns, radiating light-rays.
All obstacles to the practice of the Dharma, are eliminated like hair being shaved off by a razor.


If you wish to practice the "repulsion" visualisation, whether in the context of an elaborate or simplified practice, recite the following:

A and KA at the crown of the head, SA and MA at the throat,
RA and TSA at the heart, SHA and DA at the navel,
RA and SA at the secret place, MA RA YA and PHAT at the two thighs.
From them whirl fire, lights and weapons.
All obstacles are destroyed into dust.

Imagining that, recite the fourteen syllables.
If you wish to conclude with the clapping, imagine that the two hands are the sun and the moon, and that by striking them together, all harm-creators are crushed and eliminated, like an egg between rocks, and recite the following three times:

Dakini Singhamukha! Through the might and power of having repeated your wisdom-mantra,
May the enemies who hate,
The obstacle-makers who create obstacles,
The conditions that cause obstacles,
In brief, everything that is negative and inauspicious for us, the master and his pupils, be repulsed!

This "repulsion visualisation" and hand clapping should only be done in the latter part of the day, and on the dangerous days such as the three ninths .
Do not introduce it into the ganachakra of the tenth day, or the intensive-practice sessions, and so on.


The Practice of the Four Activities

It is not necessary to introduce this at any time other than the application of the practice to activity, which is done on concluding the intensive-practice. However there is nothing wrong in adding it to a daily practice.

The Peaceful Activity

I am a white Padmakara with a white HUM essence-syllable in the heart,
At the crown of the head, there is a thirty-two petalled white lotus.
Upon a moon disc in its centre, there is an OM encircled by a mantra radiating white light-rays,
Which act as an invocation, so that the ability is developed, and bad karma, obscurations and the eight fears, are pacified.
The world and beings are transformed into the Vajrasattva realm.

Repeat the vajra-guru mantra, with this supplement:


[Om Giver of peace! Svaha]

The Wishing Prayer

Illness, demons, bad karma, obscurations, and negative latencies,
Angry enemies, harm bringers and the malevolent,
Sharp weapons, and poisonous concoctions,
All of the eighty thousand obstacle-makers,
The four hundred and four illnesses,
All bad dreams, signs and omens,
May they be swiftly pacified.

The Increasing Activity

I am a yellow Padmakara with a yellow HUM essence-syllable in the heart,
At the navel, there is a sixty-four petalled yellow lotus.
In its centre, there is a jewel adorned by a BHRUM, and a mantra radiating yellow light-rays,
Which act as an invocation, so that power is developed, and the two accumulations and the six wealths increase.
The world and beings are transformed into the Ratnasattva realm.

Repeat the root mantra, with this supplement:

[Om Giver of increase! Svaha]

The Wishing Prayer

May life, good fortune, fame and strength,
Retinue, pupils and activity increase!
May all power, wealth and qualities,
Increase swiftly!

The Powerful Activity

I am a red Padmakara with a red HUM essence-syllable in the heart,
At the throat, there is a sixteen petalled red lotus.
Upon a sun disc in its centre, there is a HRI encircled by a mantra radiating red light-rays,
Which act as an invocation, so that power is developed, and samsara and nirvana are brought under my control through the four aspirations .
The world and beings are transformed into the Padmasattva realm.

Repeat the root mantra, with this supplement:

[Om Giver of power! Svaha]

The Wishing Prayer

May the compassion and blessing of the Jinas,
The beings who see, hear, touch, think of me,
And the rest of the three realms, be in my power!

The Wrathful Activity

I am a blue Padmakara with a blue HUM essence-syllable in the heart,
At the secret place, there is a twenty-eight petalled green lotus.
In its centre, there is a sword adorned by a HUM, and a mantra radiating black light-rays,
Which act as an invocation, so that power is developed, and enemies, obstacle-makers and the five poisons are destroyed.
The world and beings are transformed into the Karmasattva realm.

Repeat the root mantra, with this supplement:

[Om Slayer! Svaha]

The Wishing Prayer

Malicious spirits and samaya-demons ,
Enemies of the teachings, specific enemies, and the rest,
May those who have the ten fields of negativity be destroyed!

Practice in that way a great deal of the activity which you are attempting to accomplish. If there is no particular objective, recite equal numbers of mantras for all four.

At the conclusion of all four activities, recite three times, the Sanskrit vowels and consonants, the hundred syllable mantra, and the mantra of the essence of interdependence. This is in order to correct omissions and accretions, and to ensure the continuity of the blessing.


The Torma Offering at the Conclusion of Sessions


From my, Padma Bhasajvala's heart,
There appears fire, air and water, that cleanse away faults and defects from the torma.
An "A" transforms into a vast padma-bhandha [lotus-skull],
Inside, the three syllables transform into an ocean of wisdom amrita,
With the most perfect colour, aroma, flavour, power and quintessence,
Emanating countless clouds of offerings of sensory pleasures.

Recite three times: Om Ah Hum


Lord Könchok Chidu, Padma Bhasajvala,
The vidyadharas of the three lineages, the assembly of gurus,
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And bestow your empowerments and blessings!

Chemchok , "Dark red one encircled by flames",
The Yidam deities of the four and six Tantras,
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And bestow the mundane and supreme siddhis!

Wisdom-Dakini Singhamukha,
And your retinue of the Dakas and Dakinis of the three abodes ,
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And swiftly accomplish the four activities!

Glorious male and female protectors, supreme Rahula, Dorje Lekpa,
And the ocean of oath-bound deities of the three lineages
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And strictly guard the Buddha's teachings!

Dorje Demo , the twelve Tenma and all the other
Local deities and Terma guardians who protect the good,
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And make Tibet, from its centre to its borders, full of happiness!

The Naga-Mara and lake menmo of Homdrang , and your retinues,
In particular the Terma-Guardian Genyen Tutobché ,
Consume the immaculate torma, the wisdom-amrita quintessence,
And spread the ultimately profound teaching!

In the presence of the root and lineage gurus, consume this torma,
And protect the teachings. You who keep the commitments,
Consume this torma and eliminate adverse conditions and obstacles!
Give your aid for the accomplishment of the mundane and supreme siddhis!

You can recite just that much, or if you wish to, recite a torma offering such as that composed by Tselé Rinpoche .

The third part of the practice [First was the preliminaries, second the actual practice]:


This is in seven sections . First:

The Ganachakra

Gather together the means and knowledge substances, and cleanse them with the water and the alcohol inner-offering. Recite:


From the heart of myself, the deity,
The syllables RAM YAM and KHAM are emanated.
All clinging to reality, conceptualisation and latencies,
Are burned, scattered, and washed away, and the offerings are transformed into amrita.


The three syllables are emanated from the heart,
All appearances and existence are filled with sensory pleasures.

The Gurus, Yidams, and Dakinis,
The Dharma Protectors, the Oath-bound and the Terma Guardians
In the realms of the nature of the three Kayas,
I invite you to the ganachakra, I pray that you come!

Guru Padmasambhava,
Encircled by a retinue of Dakas and Dakinis,
Hair-knots swaying,
Jewellery jingling,
Darting in all directions as they sing and dance,
Filling all space from the ground to the sky,
Bring your blessing to this building,
Bring quintessence to this ganachakra torma!

Here there is a delightful, sacred charnel-ground!
Yogis and yoginis with pure samaya!
Attractive ganachakra and offerings!
A bright, beautiful, naturally existing house of light!


This ganachakra, a shining mass of light,
I offer to the supreme beings, who are worthy of offerings!
I confess all my breakages of commitments, my transgressions and delusions.
This Rudra of dualism and delusory appearances,
I offer to your mouths, KARAM KAHI [Consume the food!]

[Om ah hum. Guru, Deity and Dakini, consume the completely auspicious ganachakra offering]

If you wish to make a slightly extended "Fulfillment" offering, recite the following:

May the Buddha mind-lineages,
That manifest the uncontrived, complicationless, true nature, be fulfilled!

May the sign-lineages, those who have attained the supreme samadhi,
The lineages of the knowledge of the Vidyadharas, be fulfilled!

May the gurus of the whispered lineages,
In the mandala of the transmission of instructions, without loss or addition, be fulfilled!

May the lineages of the sealed entrustment to Dakinis,
Who keep watch on the instruction lineages that are concealed as treasures, be fulfilled!

May the lineages of empowerment through prayer,
That prophecy the karmically worthy ones of the future, be fulfilled!

May all the Buddhas of the three times
Who know all that is to be known, be fulfilled!

May the perfect speech,
The Dharma Teachings that lead beings to peace and happiness, be fulfilled!

May the Arya Sanghas, who are on the Paths and Bhumis,
Who maintain the Teachings, be fulfilled!

May the Gurus, the supreme beings
Who have attained mastery of the supreme view, meditation and wisdom, be fulfilled!

May the Yidam deities,
Who without impediment, bestow the siddhis, be fulfilled!

May the Dakinis and the Oath-bound,
Who eliminate all outer and inner obstacles, be fulfilled!

May the Dharmakaya, birthlessness manifest,
The unborn, primordial, completely pure nature, be fulfilled!

May the peaceful and wrathful Sambhogakaya,
The five poisons ripened as the essence of the five wisdoms, be fulfilled!

May the Nirmanakaya, that benefits beings,
The self-arisen appearances that manifest unceasingly to others, be fulfilled!

May the forty-two Jinas
In the naturally existing mandala of peace, be fulfilled!

May the fifty-eight wrathful ones
In the great charnel ground of the blood-drinkers' delights, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Manjushrikaya
In the mandala of the changeless, supreme body, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Padmavaka ,
In the mandala of the ceaseless supreme speech, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Samyakcitta ,
In the mandala of the unwavering, supreme mind, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Amritaguna ,
In the mandala of the natural presence of qualities, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Kilakarma ,
In the mandala of forceful liberation through wrathful activity, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Mamo Bötong ,
In the mandala of the swirling sea of flesh and blood, be fulfilled!

May the deities of the Vidyadhara Acharya,
In the mandala of the maintenance of the transmission through compassion, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Lokapujana
In the mandala of samaya-substances as abundant as a mountain, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Möpa Drangak ,
In the mandala of the subjugation of enemies and obstacle-makers, be fulfilled!

If you wish to practice a short "fulfillment-offering", then from here on will suffice.

May the unsurpassable Könchok Chidu,
Who is the essence of all the Buddhas of the three times, be fulfilled!

May the deities of Guru Drakpo,
In the mandala of the subjugation of the eight classes of spirits, be fulfilled!

May Dakini Singhamukha,
Who is the guardian of the unsurpassable Ati teachings, be fulfilled!

May the Mother and Lord, Brother and Sister, Dharma Protectors,
Who are the Guardians of the teaching of all the Buddhas, be fulfilled!

May the entire ocean of the oath-bound ones,
Who have offered up their life-essence, their own insignia, in the presence of the glorious ones, be fulfilled!

May Maharaja Vaishravana ,
Who sends down a rain of siddhis to practitioners, be fulfilled!

May Planet-Mara Rahula ,
Who has fierce power in this billion world universe, be fulfilled!

May Damchen Dorje Lekpa ,
Who has been entrusted with the care of all the Guyhamantra Tantras, be fulfilled!

May all Terma Lords and Terma Guardians,
Who Oddiyana Padma appointed to care for his instructions, be fulfilled!

May the Land-Masters and Land-Guardians,
Who befriend those who practice properly, be fulfilled!


The substances of fulfillment:
The amrita of eight root ingredients with a thousand additions,
The rakta that contains PEMA MAMSA ,
The especially wonderful torma,
The immense pleasures of the ganachakra substances,
May they fulfill your severe samaya!

Your severe samayas having been fulfilled,
May my severe commitments be restored.

I pray that you bestow fulfillment, empowerment and siddhis!


There is no fulfillment: fulfillment within birthlessness.
There is no offering: offering through the enjoyment of non-duality.
There is no union: union in the great unity.
There is no liberation: liberation in the expanse of equality.
There is the fulfillment of the great primordial union, primordial liberation.

The Ganachakra Confession


Könchok Chidu, regard me!
I pay homage to Padma Bhasajvala!

I confess and repent breaking the root vows:
I have not followed correctly the Buddha's teachings and the Guru's transmission,
I have slandered my Master,
I have had negative views about my the Vajra brothers and sisters,
I have felt maliciousness towards them, I have spoken negatively to them,
I have struck and beaten them, causing them actual harm,
I have not had a clear experience of the deity and the mandala,
My mantra repetition has been erroneous, with degenerated pronounciation and afflicted by idleness,
I have spoken about what should have been kept secret and about that which was entrusted to me;
I have told others of the ten secrets and have deceived the guru.

I confess and repent breaking the branch vows:
The five commitments concerning what should be done,
The five concerning what should not be forsaken and the five concerning what should be adopted,
The five concerning what should be known, and the five concerning what should be practiced,

I confess the careless transgressions of commitments,
That I have knowingly or unknowingly done with my body, speech and mind, due to the power of circumstances:
I have forgotten to keep the vows of intensive-practice and samadhi,
I have failed to observe the moon days, the six periods of the day, and special days for offerings,
I have practiced the ganachakra with laziness and miserliness,
I have not made the first and remainder offerings, and have failed to renew the offerings.

I confess with regret all contamination from the fault of impairment and violation of commitments:
Practicing with those who have violated their commitments,
Making fulfillment-offerings with them, giving them Dharma teachings associating with them, and so on,
May they all become be purified!

I confess the violation of mind commitments through the view:
That is the ground bodhicitta,
Realising the view that there is no "is",
Practicing the meditation that there is no "isn't",
Realising the conduct of there being no "is" or "isn't".

With the attainment of enlightenment that is without hope or fear,
All the violations of root and lineage commitments
Are unoriginated, unborn,
So that there is liberation into the non-duality of no one confessing and nothing to be confessed.


The recitation of those first two lines is in accordance with the oral transmission. They are from "The Secret Totally Perfect Tantra".

May all the bad karma and obscurations that I have accumulated throughout beginningless samsara, be cleansed and purified!
May [my commitments] be made complete within the vast expanse of Samantabhadra!
May they be healed within the expanse of great bliss, the 

Scatter the "sky-offering" and recite:


Ocean of Gurus, enjoy the ganachakra!
Ocean of Yidams, enjoy the ganachakra!
Ocean of Dakinis, enjoy the ganachakra!
Dharma Protectors and Guardians, enjoy the ganachakra!
Wealth-Deities and Terma-Lords, enjoy the ganachakra!
The spirits of appearances and existence, enjoy the ganachakra!
Local deities and Land-Masters, enjoy the ganachakra!
The six classes of beings, who are my parents, enjoy the ganachakra!
Karmic creditors and obstacle-makers, enjoy the ganachakra!
Some enjoy the outer ganachakra!
Some enjoy the inner ganachakra!
Some enjoy the secret ganachakra!
Some enjoy the suchness ganachakra!


[Consume the ganachakra offering!]

The karma-vajra recites:

Enjoy the ganachakra offering as an adornment!

The recipient recites:

A La La Ho!

[The practitioners] Take the ganachakra offering and enjoy it as an inner homa offering

The Offering of the Remainder


Arrogant-deities who are empowered to receive the remainder,
Gather as thickly as clouds and greedily rush here!
Consume the ganachakra remainder that is adorned with flesh and blood!
Just as you have promised in the past,
Eat as food, the enemies of the teachings and the breakers of vows!
Reveal swiftly the signs and omens!
Repel the obstacles of practitioners!
Accomplish activity without impediment!

[Consume the remainder torma!]

If you need to do an exhortation related to wrathful activity, add it at this point. It can be learned from other texts.

Second [part of the concluding practices]:

The Protectors' Torma

The Command Torma

Draw in the enemies and obstacle-makers so that they merge into the torma. Imagine that it has become amrita and recite:


In the early, the intermediate and the later times, during the kali yuga of degeneration ,
Within the abodes of devas and humans,
Samantabhadramitabha, Padmasambhava,
Taught Tantras, concealed them as termas which were discovered.
At that time, you worldly deities made your individual promises
In accordance with those commitments, consume this torma-offering and accomplish your activity.

The Rinsing-Water Offering for Protection from the Tenmas

The great Tenmas who protect the land of Tibet,
Who accomplish in particular, the commands of Acharya Padma,
The four Maras, the four Yakshis and the four Menmos,
With your retinues, billowing dresses and beautiful music,
Come to this place and consume the rinsing water of the command-torma.
Establish the land of Tibet in the good Dharma,
Spread these ultimately profound teachings into the ten directions,
And cause all those who see it, hear it, touch it or think of it, to spiritually ripen and be liberated!

The Torma "Horse-Dance"

Even though this is not done in the course of ordinary practice, do this following the practice of wrathful activity and so on:

Drawn in the [Dharma-enemies] whom you are focusing your mind upon, to the underneath of the torma bowl, and recite:


Within the worlds of a thousand billion world universe,
The powerful wrathful deities perform a stamping dance,
Upon the forcefully liberated beings with the ten qualities of an enemy of the Dharma ,
A dance that destroys the enemies into dust,
A dance that grinds obstacle-makers into powder.

Recite "the four HUM mantra":


In conclusion recite:

[[[Hum]] hum Lam lam Paralyse!]


Offerings and Praise

Supplement the offerings and recite:

All that is worthy of being offered, all worlds and beings,
Whether emanated by the mind, or naturally existing,
In the vast equanimity of samadhi,


[[[Offerings]] of offering-water, foot-water, flowers, incense, lights, scent, food, music, ah hum]
[Consume the great five, the rakta and the torma]

Praise with one verse:


I praise and pay homage to all the Jinas, who are one in the expanse of wisdom,
Who in the true nature of phenomena have no distinguishing features,
And yet manifest individual forms, through whatever skilful means are necessary to tame beings,
Emanating, transforming and spreading.

There is no tradition of doing those offerings and praises in the ganachakra offering on a tenth day, and so on.


Receiving Siddhis


As I have made this unsurpassable ganachakra offering,
I pray that you bestow the siddhis of body, speech and mind,
So that all of my and others' bad karma, obscurations and violations will be purified,
We will attain the state of the supreme Vidyadhara within this lifetime,
And possess powerful blessing and mighty brilliance!

[The siddhis of body, speech and mind! Hum]

A confession of errors and a request to remain is not taught in any commentary to the Könchok Chidu text. Therefore they are not practiced in the ganachakra offering on the tenth day, and so on.
However, when doing the intensive group-practice or an empowerment-practice, recite the hundred syllable mantra, a confession of errors, and the request for the ganachakra guests and so on, to remain, as is generally done.


The Wishing Prayer


All these beings who are without refuge, without a protector,
May they swiftly destroy the ground and basis of the whole structure of Samsara,
The twelve links of interdependent origination,
That are like the wheels of the carriage [of Samsara].
May they swiftly attain unsurpassable, complete enlightenment!

The Prayer of Good fortune


May there be the good fortune of the sublime gurus,
The clear understanding of all that is to be known!

May there be the good fortune of the Yidam Deities,
The accomplishment of something by wishing for it!

May there be the good fortune of the Mahamudra,
The  of the Buddha Body Speech and Mind!


The Dissolution and Reappearance
of the Development Phase


All worlds and inhabitants, appearances and beings,
Are absorbed into the illusory body and the inconceivable palace,
From above and below, this melts into light,
And is absorbed into the mantra-circle and gold vajra.
Which, [disappearing] like a rainbow or a bubble,
Enters in the relaxed, expansive, non-referentiality,
The blending of space and awareness, the mother and the son.
The primordial Samantabhadra is seen.


All form and appearances are the clarity and emptiness of the divinity's body.
All sounds are the inexpressible sound of the mantra,
All memory and thought, are spontaneous liberation, beyond identification.
May there be the great, naturally present, infinite, non-duality!

Thus cultivate the three adoptions of the culmination of the practice.

With faith, I have compiled the essence of
The traditions of explanation of many vidyadhara lineages,
The root texts, their commentary and the commentaries to that commentary,
But I confess to the deities of the three roots, all faults due to my stupidity.

Whether practiced elaborately or in brief by those who have received empowerment and textual transmission,
May all those who have a connection with this Dharma teaching achieve true Buddhahood
In a pure realm, in the blending of mind and Guru-mind,
The great infinite light, the naturally existent bindu!

The crown of the Teachings, Lord of all Families, Omniscient Guru Tsokye Gyepa placed, with a golden flower, the crown of his command upon my head, which I have worn with faith.
I, Pema Garwang Trinlay Drondul Tsal , the holder of the wisdom-mantra of this teaching, a pupil of Situ Pema Wangchen , who is the representative of Padmasambhava, composed this [[[sadhana]]] following the offerings on the tenth day of the waxing moon of the Pleiades month (the tenth Tibetan month), in the retreat centre Devikoti of Rinchen Drak, which is similar to Tsari
May this profound Dharma never cease to exist, but spread and increase!

May excellent goodness increase!

Translation Peter Roberts. November 1989 Scotland. Revised slightly November 1990.
