Eight great vidyadhara, receivers of the transmissions
བཀའ་བབས་རིག་འཛིན་ཆེན་པོ་བརྒྱད bka' babs rig 'dzin chen po brgyad/ transcription; kabap rindzin chenpogyé
Eight great vidyadhara, receivers of the transmissions The receiver of the transmission of Manjushri was Manjushrimitra ('jam dpal bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Body.
2) The receiver of the transmission of Mighty Padma (pad ma dbang) (Hayagriva) was Nagarjuna (klu sgrub snying po), the vidyadhara of Speech.
3) The receiver of the transmission of Vishuddha (yang dag) was Hungchenkara (hung mdzad), the vidyadhara of Mind.
4) The receiver of the transmission of Amrita Medicine (bdud rtsi sman) was Vimalamitra (dri med bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Qualities.
5) The receiver of the transmission of Kilaya (phur pa) was Prabhahasti ('od kyi glang po), the vidyadhara of Activity.
6) The receiver of the transmission of Bötong (rbod gtong) was Danasanskrit (nor gyi legs sbyar), the vidyadhara of Mamo.
7) The receiver of the transmission of Möpa (dmod pa) was Shintam garbha (zhi ba'i snying po), the vidyadhara of Fierce Mantra (drag sngags).
8) The receiver of the transmission of Loka ('jig rten) was Guhyachandra (gsang ba'i zla ba), the vidyadhara of Worship (mchod bstod)
eight great vidyadhara receivers of the transmissions
Eight great vidyadhara, receivers of the transmissions (bka' babs rig 'dzin chen po brgyad).
The receiver of the transmission of Manjushri was Manjushrimitra ('jam dpal bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Body.
2) The receiver of the transmission of Mighty Padma (pad ma dbang) (Hayagriva) was Nagarjuna (klu sgrub snying po), the vidyadhara of Speech.
3) The receiver of the transmission of Vishuddha (yang dag) was Hungchenkara (hung mdzad), the vidyadhara of Mind.
4) The receiver of the transmission of Amrita Medicine (bdud rtsi sman) was Vimalamitra (dri med bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Qualities.
5) The receiver of the transmission of Kilaya (phur pa) was Prabhahasti ('od kyi glang po), the vidyadhara of Activity.
6) The receiver of the transmission of Bötong (rbod gtong) was Danasanskrit (nor gyi legs sbyar), the vidyadhara of Mamo.
7) The receiver of the transmission of Möpa (dmod pa) was Shintam Garbha (zhi ba'i snying po), the vidyadhara of Fierce Mantra (drag sngags).
8) The receiver of the transmission of Loka ('jig rten) was Guhyachandra (gsang ba'i zla ba), the vidyadhara of Worship (mchod bstod).
bka' brgyad drag po rang byung rang shar - terma revealed by {rgod kyi ldem 'phru can} {gter ston} 1337-1408; terma text in four volumes by {rig 'dzin rgod ldem}. Also bka' brgyad rang shar / sgrub chen bka' brgyad drag po rang byung rang shar
bka' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa - {bka' brgyad bde 'dus}, Kabgye Deshek Düpa, Eight Commands, Union of the Sugatas. Terma in 9 or 13 volumes revealed by {nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer},Nyang Ral Nyima Özer (1124-1192), alias {mnga' bdag myang ral nyi ma 'od zer}
bka' brgyad rnam gsum - the three Eight Sadhana Teachings: {bka' brgyad gsang rdzogs, bka' brgyad bde 'dus, bka' brgyad rang shar}
bka' brgyad gsang ba yongs rdzogs - Terma revealed by Guru Chöwang
bka' brgyad gsang rdzogs - Syn {bka' brgyad gsang ba yongs rdzogs}.
bka' brgyad lha tshogs - the deities of the Eight Sadhana Teachings, the deities of the Eight Transmitted Precepts
sgrub pa bka' brgyad - Eight Sadhana Teachings. Eight chief yidam deities of Mahayoga and their corresponding tantras and sadhanas: Manjushri Body, Lotus Speech, Vishuddha Mind, Nectar Quality, Kilaya Activity, Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities, Maledictory Fierce Mantra, and Mundane Worship. See also under Assemblage of Sugatas and Sadhana Section
sgrub chen bka' brgyad - see {sgrub pa bka' brgyad}
sgrub chen bka' brgyad kyi lha tshogs bdun brgya dang nyer lnga -the 725 deities of the Eight Sadhana Teachings
sgrub pa bka' brgyad - (deities of) Eight Commands of Sadhana Practice cycle, eight classes of Herukas
bla rig 'dzin - a ninth cycle of teaching often added to {sgrub pa bka' brgyad}
ma mo rbod gtong - command of mamo; Matari the Liberating Sorcery;
(worldly deities of inciting and dispatching, see one of {sgrub pa bka' brgyad} Matari the liberating sorcery.
One of {bka' brgyad} one of the {'jig rten pa'i sde gsum} three categories of worldly deities; one of {sgrub pa sde brgyad}
dmod pa drag sngags - one of {sgrub pa sde brgyad}; powerful activity of subjugation; maledictory fierce mantras.
fierce mantras of spells, {sgrub pa bka' brgyad}. maledictory subjugation mantras.
One of {bka' brgyad} one of the {'jig rten pa'i sde gsum} three categories of worldly deities, the worldly deities of exorcism.