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Caṇḍa (east) presiding over the eight Ātman-mātṛs (‘Soul-mothers’) born from Ātmī,

Caṇḍā (चण्डा):—Name of one of the goddesses to be worshipped during Āvaraṇapūjā (“Worship of the Circuit of Goddesses”), according to the Durgāpūjātattva (“The truth concerning Durgā’s ritual”).

They should be worshipped with either the five upācāras or perfume and flowers.

Her mantra is as follows:

    ह्रीं ओं चण्डायै नमः
    hrīṃ oṃ caṇḍāyai namaḥ

Caṇḍa (चण्ड):—One of the eight gatekeepers who are said to embody the eight siddhis (‘yogic powers’).

Caṇḍā (चण्डा):—One of the nine Durgās (navadurgā) that are worshipped for the prosperity of children, according to the Agni-purāṇa.

Her colour is gorocana (red sandal paste).

She has sixteen hands each and holds within her right hands a skull, shield, mirror, bow, flag and pāśa (cord), and in her left hands a rod, iron pounder, Śūla, Vajra, sword, Aṅkuśa (a sticklike weapon), Śara (arrow), Cakra and a śalākā. These nine Durgās are seen as different forms of Pārvatī.

Caṇḍa (चण्ड), a violent and cruel hunter who accidentally worshipped a Śiva liṅga on the night of Śivarātri by staying awake all night without eating and accidentally knocking bilva leaves onto the liṅga while trying to kill a boar.

During the night Caṇḍa became greatly transformed by the performance of these acts; we are told that he was freed from all sins and his heart became pure. (See the Padma-purāṇa, Uttarakhaṇḍa, 154.8–53)

Caṇḍa (चण्ड), one of the fifty Rudras according to the Caryāpāda section of the Makuṭāgama (one of the 28 Saiva Siddhanta Agamas).

Canda,(Vedic candra from *(s)quend to be light or glowing,cp.[[candana sandal (incense) wood,Gr.kάhdaros cinder; Lat.candeo,candidus,incendo; Cymr.cann white; E.candid,candle,incense,cinder) the moon (i.e.the shiner) S.I,196; II,206; M.II,104; A.I,227,II.139 sq.; III,34; Dh.413; Sn.465,569,1016; J.III,52; VI,232; Pv.I,127; II,66; Vv 647 (maṇi° a shiny jewel.or a moonlike jewel,see VvA.278,v.l.°sanda).--puṇṇa° the full moon J.I,149,267; V,215; °mukha with a face like a full moon (of the Buddha) DhA.III,171.

Canda is extremely frequent in similes & comparisens:see list in J.P.T.S.1907,85 sq.In enumerations of heavenly bodies or divine beings Canda always precedes Suriya (the Sun),e.g.D.II,259; A.I,215; II,139; Nd2 308 (under Devatā).Cp.candimant.On quâsi mythol.etym.see Vism.418.

--kanta a gem Miln.118; --(g)gāha a moon-eclipse (lit.seizure, Rāhu) D.I,10 (cp.DA.I,95); --maṇḍala the moon’s disc,the shiny disc,i.e.the moon A.I,283; J.I,253; III,55; IV,378; V,123; Dhs.617; Vism.216 (in compar,); PvA.65; --suriyā (pl.) sun & moon J.IV,61.(Page 261)

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Caṇḍa,(adj.) (Sk.caṇḍa) fierce,violent; quick-tempered,uncontrolled,passionate Vin.II,194 (hatthī); D.I.90 (=māṇa-nissita-kopa-yutta DA.I,256); S.I,176; II,242; A.II,109=Pug.47 (sakagava°); J.I,450; II,210,349; Vism.343,279 (°sota,fierce current),(°hatthi); DhA.IV,9 (goṇa) 104; Sdhp.41,590,598.-- f.caṇḍī M.I,126; J.II,443; III,259; Pv.II,34 (=kodhanā PvA.83).‹-› Compar.caṇḍatara S.II,242.-- In cpds.caṇḍi°,see caṇḍikata & caṇḍitta.(Page 260)

caṇḍa : (adj.) fierce; violent; passionate.

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canda : (m.) the moon.

1. Canda - A king, one of the chief lay supporters of Kondanna Buddha (BuA.114).

2. Canda - Chief lay supporter of Sikhi Buddha. Bu.xxi.122; but BuA. (204) calls him Nanda.

3. Canda - One of the palaces occupied by Sumangala Buddha in his last lay life (Bu.v.22).

4. Canda - A manava, son of a rich brahmin, Sucindara. Canda and his friend, Subhadda, became arahants at the first assembly of Kondanna Buddha. BuA.110f.

5. Canda - The moon; generally spoken of as a deva. See Candima.

6. Canda - The Bodhisatta, born as a kinnara. For details see the Canda kinnara Jataka.

7. Canda - A mountain in Himava. where lived the kinnara, Canda, with his wife (J.iv.283, 288). It is also called Candaka (J.v.162) and Candapassa (J.v.38).

8. Canda - A brahmin, father of Vidhurapandita.

9. Canda - One of the palaces occupied by Sumana Buddha in his last lay life (Bu.xxiv.22).

10. Canda - Younger brother of Sariputta and a member of the Order. DhA.ii.188.

11. Canda - Son of the brahmin Pandula. He later became the chaplain of Pandukabhaya. Mhv.x.25, 79.

12. Canda - See Candakumara.

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1. Canda - Wife of Sudinna and mother of Piyadassi Buddha (J.i.39). In the Buddhavamsa (xiv.15) she is called Sucanda.

2. Canda - One of the two chief women disciples of Vipassi Buddha. J.i.41; Bu.xx.29.

3. Canda - A kinnari, wife of Canda, the Bodhisatta. See the Candakinnara Jataka (J.iv.283ff). She is sometimes called Candi. E.g., J.iv.284.

4. Canda - Wife of Mahapatapa, king of Benares, and mother of Dhammapala. She is identified with Maha Pajapati Gotami. For details see the Culla Dhammapala Jataka. J.iii.178-ff.

5. Canda - Daughter of the Madda king and chief consort of the ruler of Benares. She was the mother of Mugapakkha (Temiya). For details see the Mugapakkha Jataka.

6. Canda - Chief consort of Candakumara. She was the daughter of the Pancala king and the mother of Vasula. It was her saccakiriya which saved her husband from death. She is identified with Rahulamata.

7. Canda - Chief consort of Sutasoma. She is identified with Rahulamata. J.v.177, 182, 192.

8. Canda Theri - An arahant. She belonged to a brahmin family which bad fallen on evil days and she grew up in wretched poverty. Her kinsfolk having all died of plague, she eked out a living by begging from door to door. One day she came across Patacara who had just finished eating. Patacara, seeing her pitiable condition, gave her some food and, when she had eaten, discoursed to her. Delighted by Patacaras sermon, Canda renounced the world and soon afterwards attained arahantship. Thig.vs.122-26; ThigA., p.120f.

9. Canda - The kinnari maiden of whom Brahmadatta became enamoured, preferring her to his own wife,