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Sanskrit terms glossary

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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a-jāti-vāda (Sanskrit)—doctrine of non-generation (Gaudapada).
a-sat-kārya-vāda (Sanskrit)—(the theory of) the non-existence of the effect in the cause.
abhāva (Sanskrit)—non-occurrence, non-existence, absence.
abhibhava (Sanskrit)—overpowering, powerful, victorious
Abhidharmakośa (Sanskrit)—Treasury of wisdom (title of a work by Vasubandhu).
Abhidharmāmṛta-rāsaśāstra (Sanskrit)—Treatise that give the taste of the nectar of the[highest doctrine/science (title of a work by Ghoṣaka).

abhisamya (Sanskrit);agreement, clear understanding, realization of the truth.
abhutvābhāvitvāt (Sanskrit)—they will not exist
abhyāsa (Sanskrit)—regular constant spiritual practice over a long period of time.
acit (Sanskrit)—world (non-soul)? stupid, ignorant.
ādarśajñāna (Sanskrit)—reflected wisdom.
ādāv ante ca yan nāsti vartamāne ’pi tat tathā (Sanskrit)—what was not at the beginning and not at the end, also cannot existing between the beginning and the end (Gaudapada)
adbhuta (Sanskrit)—astonishing, wonderful, marvelous.
adhama (Sanskrit)—lower
ādhibautika (Sanskrit)—belong or relating to elementary beings, from primordial elements, element (adhi=above, bhu=to become, to be).
ādhidaivika (Sanskrit)—celestial, coming from the devas, supernatural.
adṛṣṭa (Sanskrit)—unseen, no longer seen, invisible.
ādhyātmika (Sanskrit)—spiritual, transcendental (Gaudapada Samkhyanista, internal suffering).
adhyāya (Sanskrit)—lecture, reading.
Adi natha (Sanskrit)—first or original Lord.
āgraha (Sanskrit)—firmness.
ahaṁkāra (Sanskrit)—the original “I”.
ahantā (Sanskrit)—I
ahiṁsā (Devanagari)—non-violence (Gandhi). Original meaning: not doing harm,not killing.
āhlāda, ānanda, āsvāda (Sanskrit)—bliss.
āhnika (Sanskrit)—daily portion or portions?
aiśvarya (Sanskrit)—sovereignty
aja (Sanskrit)—unborn, ungenerated.
ajāti (Sanskrit)—non-birth, non-creation.
ājojanāt (Sanskrit)—connection
akasmāt (Sanskrit)—accidentally, without apparent cause, all at once,
ākṛti (Sanskrit)—system of features (?); form, exterior, appearance, generic form, genus, genre, class, type, son.
akula (Sanskrit)—incorporeal, indefinite
alan˙kāra (Sanskrit)—beautification, embellishment. HTML: alan˙kāra
alaṇkāra-shāstra (Sanskrit)—science of decoration, beautification, aesthetics. alaṇkāra-shāstra
ālan˙kārika (Sanskrit)—critics. HTML: ālan˙kārika
Āloka (Sanskrit)—light. Title of a book by Jaydeva Pakṣdhara. HTML: Āloka
alāta (Sanskrit)—fire, firebrand.
alaukika (Sanskrit)—not from this world, extraordinary; non-everyday cognition.
alokākāsha (Sanskrit)—empty space.
Amitābha (Sanskrit)—the Buddha Amida
aṁśa (Sanskrit)—part. HTML: aṁśa
amūrta (Sanskrit)&nmdash;have no form.
an-ādi (Sanskrit)—without beginning
anaikāntika (Sanskrit)—inclusive (a class of logical fallacies).
ānandajagat (Sanskrit)—the world of bliss.
ananta (Sanskrit)—without end
anatta (Sanskrit)—insubstantiality of one’s own self.
anda (Sanskrit)—egg.
aṇga (Sanskrit)—changing feature(s ?)
anicca (Sanskrit)—impermanence of the world
aṇu (Sanskrit)—atom. HTML: aṇu
anubhāva (Sanskrit)—emotional empathy. HTML: anubhāva
anumāna (Sanskrit)—inference, process of inference; measuring along some other thing.
anumiti (Sanskrit)—inference, implication, conclusion
anumāna (Sanskrit)—inference.
Anumānadīdhiti (Sanskrit?)—Ray of light on “[the question of] inference”. Title of a book. HTML: Anumānadīdhiti
anusvāra (Sanskrit)—a diacritical mark marking nasalization.
ānvīṣikī (Sanskrit)—examination, investigation, philosophy, philosophical analysis. HTML: ānvīṣikī
anyathā-grahaṇa (Sanskrit)—misapprehension or misprojection of reality (an aspect of māyā). HTML: anyathā-grahaṇa
aparā#&347;akti (Sanskrit)—the lowest power
aparatva (Sanskrit)—sequence
apavarga (Sanskrit)—deliverance, final liberation
ap (Sanskrit)—water
apoha (Sanskrit?)—negative designation of a meaning by the exclusion of another meaning. (Buddhist conception).
apekṣayā (Sanskrit)—with respect to, with regard to, concerning
apūrva-krama (Sanskrit)—when the cause follows the effect. HTML: apūrva-krama
arhat (Sanskrit)—monk.
artha (Sanskrit)—wealth, prosperity, objects, goods, end, purpose.
ārya (Sanskrit)—the perfect one (cognate with Gk. aristos?)
asat (Sanskrit)—non-being
asharīratva (Sanskrit)—incorporeality. HTML: asharīratva
āshrama-dharma (Sanskrit)—regulations resulting from age. HTML: āshrama-dharma
āśrama (Sanskrit)—first phase of a model life of a Hindu
āśraya (Sanskrit)—shelter, take shelter. HTML: āśraya.
atala (Sanskrit)—no-place, the first of the talas
ātmakatva (Sanskrit)—essential nature of something
ātman (Sanskrit)—soul. HTML: ā = ā
ātman-brahman (Sanskrit)—the nature of the world? understanding of his own nature and the nature of the world? HTML: ātman-brahman
Ātmatattvavivekadīdhiti (Sanskrit)—Ray of light on “bringing the reality of the soul out into the open" by Uddyotakara. HTML: Ātmatattvavivekadīdhiti
aucitya (Sanskrit)—adequacy, fitness, decorum, suitability.
avacchedaka (Sanskrit)—limiter of a class.
avadhi (Sanskrit)—attention, limit, termination, conclusion.
avasthā (Sanskrit)—state.
āyatana (Sanskrit)—resting place, seat, abode, foundation
avayava (Sanskrit)—part, member, portion, element of a syllogism.
avayavin (Sanskrit)—the whole, that which has parts
avidyā (Sanskrit)—ignorance
avyākṛta (Sanskrit)—indefinite. HTML: avyākṛta
avyakta (Sanskrit)—invisible, unclear, not evident.
bala (Sanskrit)—power, strength, force
bāṭṭa-mīmāṁsa (Sanskrit)—school of logic associated with Kumārila. HTML: bāṭṭa-mīmāṁsa
bhakti (Sanskrit)—devotion; loving dedication to the highest
bhakti-mārga (Sanskrit)—the way of love.
Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (Sanskrit)—ocean of the nektar of the tase of Bhakti (title of a work). HTML: Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu
bhāva (Sanskrit)—emotions. HTML: bhāva
bhāva (Sanskrit)—thing, existence, presence, state, condition, situation, character, nature, essence, disposition, feeling,
bhāva-bhakti (Sanskrit)—emotional devotion
bhaya (Sanskrit)—fear or terror. (cognate with Polish bać się, to fear)
bhayānaka (Sanskrit)—frightening. HTML: ā = ā
bhoga (Sanskrit)—pleasure
bhū (Sanskrit)—to exist, to come into existence. HTML: bhū
bhukti (Sanskrit)—pleasure.
bhur (Sanskrit)—the act of becoming or arising
bhūta-darśanāt (Sanskrit)—(from the) ultimate point of view.
bhuvan (Sanskrit)—earth
bhuvana (Sanskrit)—earth(s)
bhuvas (Sanskrit)—plural of “bhur”—acts of becoming or arising—the atmosphere.
bībhatsa (Sanskrit)—revulsion, disgusting, odious. HTML: ī = ī
bija (Sanskrit)—seed
bija-śakti (Sanskrit)—germinal power
bījamantra (Sanskrit)—seed-syllable
bodhicitta (Sanskrit)—enlightened mind (also “vidyācitta”, and Tibetan &ldquol;rig-pa”, and Tibetan “byang-chub-kyi-sems”).
bodhyaṅga (Sanskrit)—factors of awakening;(from bodhi wisdom + anga limb, portion, division) Limb or division of essential wisdom;
brahmacārin (Sanskrit)—boy devoted to studying to be a guru. HTML: brahmacārin
brahmacārya (Sanskrit)—the period of receiving doctirnes.
brahma-jajñāsā (Sanskrit)—the desire to know Brahma. HTML: ñ = ñ ā = ā
brahmāṇḍa (Sanskrit)—the cosmic egg.
brahma-rūpam-eva (Sanskrit)—Brahma remains in pure form. HTML: brahma-rūpam-eva
brahma-vihāra (Sanskrit)—higher virtues; living in the Brahma-heaven.
Brahman (Sanskrit)—the absolute spirit.
Bṛhad-Bhāgavatāmṛta (Sanskrit)—Extensive lexture on the nectar (of the doctrines) of the Bhāgavatapurāṛna (title of a work). HTML: Bṛhad-Bhāgavatāmṛta
brāhmaṇa (Sanskrit)—commentary on the four Vedas. HTML: brāhmaṇa
buddhasmṛti (Sanskrit)—calling upon the Buddha in memory (Japanese—nembutsu). HTML: buddhasmṛti
buddhi (Sanskrit)—spirit, intelligence, reflection, wisdom, reason (cognate with Polish budzić się=to wake up)
buddhimant (Sanskrit)—conscious being? docile, endowed with understanding, humble, intelligent, learned wise.
buddhimat-kāraṇāādhiṣṭita (Sanskrit)—conscious cause. HTML: buddhimat-kāraṇāādhiṣṭita
caitanya (Sanskrit)—consciousness
caitasika (Sanskrit)—mental things
cakraka (Skr.)—the logical error of the vicious circle (Lat. circulus vitiosus)
cala (Sanskrit)—motion and change (synonym of rajas)
cārvāka (Sanskrit)—myth, name of a quasi-philosophical Indian school of materialists.
catuṣpāt (Sanskrit)—four-legged. HTML: catuṣpāt
catvary āryasatyāni (Sanskrit)—the Four Noble Truths.
chaitanya (Sanskrit)=caitanya (consciousness)
chala (Sanskrit)—fraud, trickery, cunning, fiction, a type of logical error of twisting the intention
cit (Sanskrit)—souls (?). v. to think, thought, thinker,
citta-kāla (Sanskrit)—lasting as long as the mind projects them (dream objects, Gaudapada).
citta-shuddhi (Sanskrit)—means of purifying the mind?—purification of mind?
citta-viprayukta-saṁskāra (Sanskrit)—elements not connected with consciousness
ḍākinī (Sanskrit)—female demon, female yogi. HTML: ḍākinī
dama (Sanskrit)—self-mastery; control of the body and the senses.
darshanika (Sanskrit)—philosophers.
dashā (Sanskrit)—description of a situation? situation?. Acc. to Wikipedia, a planetary period. HTML: dashā
dharma (Sanskrit)—good based on natural law.
dharmadhatu (Sanskrit)—realm of phenomena, realm of truth; the reality of universal sympathy (?), the sphere of dharma.
dharmajagat (Sanskrit)—the world of ethics, ruled by moral laws.
dharmakāya (Skr.)—dharmic buddha-body
dharmaśāstra (also, Dharmajastra, Dharmashastra)]] (Sanskrit)—ancient Indian books of jurisprudence.
dhātu (Sanskrit)—foundation, primordial element, metal; field (s)(as of consciousness).
dhī (Skr.)—consciousness. HTML: dh&#12b;
dhṛteḥ (Sanskrit)—(from) support. HTML: dhṛteḥ
dhvani (Sanskrit)—resonance. (art? suggestion?)
dhyāna (Sanskrit)—meditation, mental contemplation.
dīkṣā (Skr.)—process of initiation. HTML: dīkṣā
dish (Sanskrit)—space.
doṣa (Sanskrit)—fault, defect. HTML: doṣa
doṣa (Sanskrit)— fault, defect. HTML: doṣa
drava (Sanskrit)—fluid
dravatva (Sanskrit)—fluidity
dravya (Skr.)—substance
dravyāśrayita (Skr.)—located in substance (?)
dravyatva (Sanskrit)—substantiality
dṛsh (Sanskrit)—to see, to look, to perceive, to regard, to understand. HTML: dṛsh
dṛṣṭānta (Sanskrit)—example, illustration, analogy. HTML: dṛṣṭānta
duḥkha (Sanskrit)—suffering. HTML: ḥ = ḥ (alternate spelling dukkha)
dūta-kāvaya (Sanskrit)—messenger poem
dvaya-kāla (Sanskrit)—imagined by the mind and also related to the external objects, also imagined (Gaudapada—see citta-kāla).
dvyaṇukavat (Sanskrit)—two against one. HTML:dvyaṇukavat
eka-jīva-vāda (Sanskrit)—the theory of the unity of the individual soul.
ekaghana (Sanskrit? Pali?)—(state of) uniformity; compactness, solidity, massiveness.
ekāgratā (Sanskrit)—perfect concentration (concentration on one point).
ekam (Tamil & Sanskrit)—the supreme oneness.
Ekam evāditīyam (Sanskrit)—He (Brahma) is one without a second.
ekatānatā (Sanskrit)—undisturbed flow of consciousness
ekātma-vāda (Sanskrit)—theory of the unity of Ātman.
gauḍīya vaiṣṇava (Sanskrit)—Bengali Vishnuism. HTML: gauḍīya vaiṣṇava
gauṇa (Sanskrit)—ceremony marking a bride’s departure for the home of her new husband; subordinated (?), subordinated sphere (?). HTML: ṇ = ṇ
gaurava (Sanskrit)—(related to “guru”)weight, gravity, importance (like Latin “gravis”)
gaurava-prasaṅga (Sanskrit)—principle of economy (like Ockham’s razor). HTML: gaurava-prasaṅga
ghaṭa-vāda (Sanskrit)—doctrine of the pot (Gaudapada). HTML: ghaṭa-v&a,p;#257;da
Gorakṣa-śataka (Sanskrit)—One hundred [verses] of Gorakṣa (title of a book). HTML: Gorakṣa-śataka
gṛhastha (Sanskrit)—father of a family. HTML: gṛhastha
guṇa (Sanskrit)—a perfection, feature. HTML: guṇa
guṇa-vrata (Sanskrit)—vow of perfection (a Jainist term). HTML: guṇa-vrata
guṇāpādana (Skr.)—the production of guṇas. HTML: guṇāpādana
guṇaśarīra (Skr.)—body of quality (of qualities?). HTML: guṇaśarīra
guṇāṣṭaka (Sanskrit)—(8?) virtue(s), in Jainist terminology. HTML: guṇāṣṭaka
guṇasthāna (Sanskrit)—(14) stage(s) of perfection, in Jainist terminology. HTML: guṇasthāna
guṇatva (Sanskrit)—qualitativeness, qualityhood. HTML: guṇatva
guru (Skr.)—a spiritual parent or preceptor (weighty, important, worthy of honor). Possibly from “gu-&rdsquo;—darkness, gloom, and “-ru” light, i.e. one who lifts up a light in darkness.
gurutva (Sanskrit)—weight, respectability, dignity
ha (Skr.)—sun
Haṁsadūta (Sanskrit)—Swan-messenger
Hari-bhakti-vilāsa (Sanskrit)—delight of dedication to Krishna (title of a book).
Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa (Sanskrit)—Grammar of names of Krishna (title of a work). HTML: Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa
Harijan (Sanskrit)—son of God (Gandhi’s term for Dalit, or low-caste).
hāsa (Sanskrit)—irony, joy; laugh, derision, merriment. HTML: ā = ā
hāsya (Sanskrit)—comic. HTML: ā = ā
haṭha (Skr.)—force, power, violence, resistance.
haṭhayoga (Skr.)—Indian mystical-philosophical tradition, non-classical yoga. (see “ha”, “hatha”, and “tha”). HTML: haṭhayoga
hetu (Sanskrit)—middle term (in a syllogism); reason
hetucakra (Sanskrit)—diagrams of “hetus” by Dignāga.
hetvābhāsa (Sanskrit)—illusory reasons (?); fallacious argument, logical error, incoherence.
hiṃsā (Sanskrit)—doing harm, injury. HTML: hiṃsā
Hind Swarāj (Sanskrit?)—Indian Independence, Home-Rule, Self-Government.
Hṛdaya-sūtra (Skr)—Heart-sutra. html: Hṛdaya-sūtra
icchā-dveṣa (Sanskrit)—desire and aversion. HTML: icchā-dveṣa
icchāmātra (Sanskrit)—pure will.
ihāmutrārtha-phala-bhoga-virāga (Sanskrit)—indifference to the fruits of deeds in this and that world. HTML: ihāmutrārtha-phala-bhoga-virāga
indriya (Sanskrit)—senses, sense faculties
īshvara-nimittaka (Sanskrit)—It has God as its efficient cause. HTML: ī = ī
Īśvara (Sanskrit)—God. HTML: Īśvara
istadeva (Sanskrit)—indwelling deity.
jaḍa-jagat (Sanskrit)—the lifeless world, the physical world, ruled by the laws of physics (nature)
jāgaritā (Sanskrit)—wakefulness.
jāgaritāvasthā (Sanskrit)—state of wakefulness
jāgrat (Sanskrit)—who is awake
jāgrat-suṣupti (Sanskrit)—vigilance in sleep.
jalpa (Sanskrit)—discussion, convincing or persuasion (?)
janaka (Sanskrit)—analysis
janana (Skr.)—creator, progenitor
jāti (Sanskrit)—false analogy (?), family, caste, genus, species, generality, common trait,
jina (Sanskrit)—a male buddha, a conqueror.
jīva (Sanskrit)—separateness of individual souls? living being, essence of a living being, incarnated ātma.
jīvanmukti (Sanskrit)—state of liberation, the ultimate goal of yoga
jīvātma (Sanskrit)—the individual self, the individual soul, the true self. HTML: jīvātma
jñāna (Sanskrit)—perfect knowledge, wisdom.
jñāna-kāṇḍa (Sanskrit)—the part of the scriptures that provides liberating knowledge. HTML: jñāna-kāṇḍa
jñāna-karma-samuccayaḥ (Sanskrit)—liberating knowledge obtained by a deed. HTML: jñāna-karma-samuccayaḥ
jñāna-mārga (Sanskrit)—way of knowledge. HTML: jñāna-mārga
jīvanmukta (Sanskrit)—spiritually awakened being. HTML: jīvanmukta
jñā dvaitaṁ na vidyate (Sanskrit)—when all duality disappears (the objects of wakefulness and the objects of dreams are equally unreal) (Gaudapada).
jugupsā (Sanskrit)—disgust, danger, aversion. HTML: ā =- ā
kaivalya (Sanskrit)—isolation, detachment from all ties (in yoga, state of beatitude, liberation, and salvation)
kādācitatva (Sanskrit)—contingent existence (?)
kālātita (Sanskrit)—mistimed, after the sixth, the seventh, a type of logical fallacy when an argument is used at the wrong time.
kāma (Sanskrit)—sensual pleasure.
kāmamudrā (Skr)—see karmamudra
[[kañcukaśarīra (Skr)—the body of individual screens or shutters. HTML: kañcukaśarīra
kāraka (Sanskrit)—Agents. HTML: kāraka.
karaṇa (Sanskrit)—instrument relation. HTML: karaṇa
karma-kāṇḍa (Skr)—the part of the scriptures that contains commands and prohibitions. HTML: karma-kāṇḍa
karma-mārga (Sanskrit)—way of the deed. HTML:karma-mārga
karma-mudrā (Sanskrit)—action-seal, tantric yoga involving a physical partner (also called kāmamudrā)
karmatva (Sanskrit)—dynamism, the state or effect of action
kartṛ (Sanskrit)—creator. HTML: kartṛ
karuṇa (Sanskrit)—sympathy. HTML: ṇ = ṇ
kathā (Sanskrit)—explanation, discourse, history explaining how things happen, story, fable,
Kāthavatthu (Sanskrit? Pali?)—disputed points, title of a work of the Pali Buddhist canon.
kāvya (Sanskrit)—poetry. HTML ā = ā
khaḍḍi (Sanskrit)—production of fabrics by home-methods; home-spun cloth. HTML: khaḍḍi
khalsa (Punjabi)—lit. pure (from Persian), the collective body of all baptized Sikhs
krama (Sanskrit)—gradually, step (cognate to Polish krok=step)
krodha (Sanskrit)—anger, malice.
kṛtyānuṣṭhānajñāna (Sanskrit)—wisdom that achieves everything. HTML: kṛtyānuṣṭhānajñāna
kṣiti (Sanskrit)—habitation, Earth. HTML: kṣiti
kula (Sanskrit)—corporeal, definite, limited.
kuṇḍalinīśatki (Sanskrit)—the mental or psychic power capable of further evolution into concrete macrocosmic and microcosmic forms. HTML: kuṇḍalinīśatki
lāghavatva (Sanskrit)—metaphysical economy (like Ockham’s razor). HTML: lāghavatva
Laghu Bhāgavatāmṛta (Sanskrit)—short lecture on the nectar [of the doctrine] of Bhāgavatapurāṇa (title of a work). HTML: Laghu Bhāgavatāmṛta
lakṣaṅā (see lakṩaṇā). HTML: lak&7779;aṅā
lakṩaṇā (Sanskrit)—implication; distinctive mark, sign, indication, characteristic or designation. HTML: lakṩaṇā
langar (Sanskrit)—common kitchen
laukika (Sanskrit)—everyday [perception].
Lalita-Madhāva (Sanskrit)—amused (merry) Madhāva
leśyā (Sanskrit)— colors (?), Jainist theory of colors of the soul (?).
līlā (Sanskrit)—game. HTML: līlā
līlā-stava (Sanskrit)—praise of game/pastime (title of a work).
liṅga (Sanskrit)—sign. HTML: liṅga
liṅga-parāmarśa (Sanskrit)—recognition of a sign. HTML: liṅga-parāmarśa
liṅgaśarīra (Sanskrit)—subtle body. HTML: liṅgaśarīra
loka (Sanskrit)—world, habitat, realm, plane of existence.
lokadharmin (Sanskrit)—feature belonging to real life.
lokottara (Sanskrit)—transcendent, supermundane.
madhyama-parimāna (Sanskrit)—middle magnitude.
mahābhūta (Sanskrit)—element, gross sensible element. HTML: mahābhūta
mahākāśa (Sanskrit)—ether.
mahāpṛthivī (Sanskrit)—earth that evolves from the Shiva body, elemental earth. HTML: mahāpṛthivī
mahāsalila (Sanskrit)—water that evolves from the Shiva body, elemental water.
mahāsākārapiṇḍa (Sanskrit)—macrocosm, great space. HTML: mahāsākārapiṇḍa
mahāskandha (Sanskrit)—great aggregate.
mahātala (Sanskrit)—the great place (an inferior world).
mahātejas (Sanskrit)—fire that evolves from the body of Śiva, elemental fire.
Mahātma (Sanskrit)—great soul.HTML: ā= ā
mahāvāyu (Sanskrit)—wind or air, which evolves from ether (mahakasa) [elemental wind or air].
Mahāvibhaṣā (Sanskrit)—Great Commentary (title of a work by Katyayaniputra, cf. Ghoṣaka). HTML: Mahāvibhaṣā
mala (Sanskrit)—blemish(es), flaw(s)
manana (Sanskrit)—meditation, recollection
manas (Sanskrit)—mind.
maṇḍala (Sanskrit)—“essence” + “having” or “containing”, circle-circumference, completion. html: maṇḍala
maṅgala (Sanskrit)—invocation. HTML: maṅgala
maṅgalavāda (Sanskrit)—invocation (doctrine of? chapter about?). HTML: maṅgalavāda
Maṇikāra (Sanskrit)—maker of jewels, jeweller. HTML: Maṇikāra
manojagat (Sanskrit)—the mental world, the plane of the mental, ruled by psychic or mental laws.
mantra (Sanskrit)—sound, syllable, group of words capable of transforming something. literally: “man” (to think) + “tra” (instrument of thought).
mantrayāna (Sanskrit)—the way of sound (the practice taught by Śa-mar-pa).
maṭha (Skr.)—monastery, head, temple. HTML: maṭha
māyā (Sanskrit)—illusion. HTML: māyā
māyā-mātram idaṁ dvaitam advaitaṁ paramārthaḥ (Sanskrit)—all duality is only illusion and from the ultimate point of view it is non-duality (Gaudapada). HTML: māyā-mātram idaṁ dvaitam advaitaṁ paramārthaḥ
miliṇḍa-paña (Sanskrit)—(a newborn child and the grown man are)neither identical nor different. HTML: miliṇḍa-paña
mithuna (Skr.)—sexual union in a ritual context; couple; act of coupling.
mithyajñāna (Sanskrit)—false knowledge, wrong knowledge
mīmāṁsa (Sanskrit)—investigation (used in the names of schools of logic). HTML: mīmāṁsa
moha (Skr)—indifference (?); error, delusion, vanishing, folly, madness
mokṣa (Skr)—liberation, absolute freedom. HTML: mokṣa
mokṣa (alternative coding). HTML: mokṣa.
mudrā (Skr)—a symbolic or ritual gesture
Muktivāda (Sanskrit)—discussion of liberation. Title of a book by Gadadhara. HTML: Muktivāda
mukhya (Sanskrit)—fundamental
mūlābhidharma (Sanskrit)—ascribed to the original Abhidharma school or doctrine (?, cf. Ghoṣaka)
mumukṣatva (Sanskrit)—desire for liberation HTML: mumukṣatva
na kaścij jāyate jīvaḥ saṁbhavo ’sya na vidyate (Sanskrit)—No soul is born, coming-into-existence does not exist (Guadapada). HTML: na kaścij jāyate jīvaḥ sa&#7745bhavo ’sya na vidyate
naga (Sanskrit)—to be immobile, mountain, tree, serpent, sun.
nañ-vāda (Sanskrit)—negation in general. HTML: nañ-vāda
Nañvāda (Sanskrit)—theory of negation. (Title of a book). HTML: Nañvāda
naraka (Sanskrit)—hell, purgatory.
nāṭaka (Sanskrit)—drama. HTML: nāṭaka
Nāṭaka-caudrikā (Sanskrit)—treatise on drama (title of a work). HTML: Nāṭaka-caudrikā
nāthá (Sanskrit)—literally, “lord, protector, refuge” the proper name of a “siddha sampradaya” (initiatory tradition).
nāthasampradāya (Sanskrit)—the school of the Nāths.
nāṭyadharmin (Sanskrit)—feature belonging to scenic presentation. HTML: nāṭyadharmin
navīna (Sanskrit)—new school. HTML: &x12b; = ī
navya-nyāya (Sanskrit?)—school of new logic. HTML: navya-nyāya
neti neti (Skr.)—not this, not that; neither this, nor that. Purely negative knowledge of the absolute, comparable to western apophatic theology.
nidhi (Sanskrit)—a place for deposits, receptacle, a store, hoard, treasure, the sea
nidhidhyāsana (Skr.)—meditation on the doctrine of unity, and which is beyond discourse.
nigamana (Sanskrit)—deduction, logical conclusion; conclusion of a syllogism.
nigrahasthāna (Sanskrit)—Loss of an argument (?), a type of logical fallacy; the grounds for defeat.
niḥśreyasa (Sanskrit)—adj. excellent, unsurpassede best, better; n. happiness, beatitude, emancipation, health, salvation. HTML: niḥśreyasa
nija (Sanskrit)—one’s own
nijāśakti (Sanskrit)—the divine power in its original absolute form, immanence, the supreme power of Śiva. HTML: nijāśakti
nimitta (Sanskrit)—mark, sign, presage, augury, efficient cause
nimitta-karaṇa (Sanskrit)—instrument cause. HTML: nimitte-karaṇa
nirguṇa (Skr.)—free of attributes (guṇas). HTML: nirgṇa.
nirguṇa-brahman (Sanskrit)—Brahman free of attributes.
nirmāṇakāya (Skr.)—body of manifestation. HTML: nirmāṇakāya
nirṇaya (Sanskrit)—deduction, inference, conclusion, application of a conclusive argument, discussion, consideration (ascertainment). HTML: nirṇaya
niṣkriyatva (Skr.)—quality of motion (?). HTML: niṣkriyatva
nirvāṇadīkṣa (Skr.)—initiation into nirvana. (see dīkṣā above). HTML: nirvāṇadīkṣa
nitya (Sanskrit)—eternal, permament
nityānitya-vastu-viveka (Sanskrit)—distinction (distinguishing) between what is eternal and what is not eternal. HTML: ā = ā
niyati (Sanskrit)—predestination.
nyāya (Sanskrit)—original nature, method, system, rule, model, axiom, maxim, example, name of a school of Hindu philosophy devoted to logic. HTML: nyāya
Nyāyasāra (Sanskrit)—essence of logic (title of a work)
padya (Sanskrit)—poetry.
padārtha (Skr.)—categories (?)
pakṣa (Sanskrit)—minor term (in a syllogism). HTML: pakṣa
pañcāvayava (Sanskrit)—five-member syllogism
parama-vidya (Skr.)—higher knowledge
paramaguru (Sanskrit)—senior preceptor, the guru of a disciple’s guru.
paramapuruṣa (Sanskrit)—the supreme spirit. HTML: paramapuruṣa
paramārthataḥ (Sanskrit)—ultimate point of view. HTML: paramārthataḥ
parameśvarāśraya (Skr.)—Highest Ruler. HTML: parameśvarāśraya
parāśakti (Sanskrit)—the supreme power.
parāsaṃvit (Sanskrit)—ultimate reality.
paratva (Sanskrit)—a preceding
paricita (Sanskrit)—familiar; increased.
parimāṇa (Sanskrit)—dimension, measure, periphery, property of dimension and weight.
paryāya (Sanskrit)—impermanent form.
pātāla (Sanskrit)—fallen or sinful region.
phala (Sanskrit)—fruit (of a tree), result, effect.
piṇḍa (Sanskrit)—body. HTML: piṇḍa
prācīna (Sanskrit)—old school. HTML: prācīna prāgabhāva]] (Sanskrit)—prior non-being.
pradhāna (Sankrit)— material constituent; potentiality; material cause.
prāgabhāva (Sanskrit)—prior non-existence, non-existence of effect in cause;.
prājña (Sanskrit)—wisdom, discernment
prajñāna-ghana (Sanskrit)—mass of consciousness.
prajñānapāramita (Sanskrit)—perfect wisdom
prakaraṇa (Sanskrit)—chapter, production, creation, subject, occasion, explanation, book, didactic work, introductory chapter, HTML: prakaraṇa
prakaraṇasama (Sanskrit)—leading only to doubt, uncertain (a type of logical fallacy). HTML: prakraṇasama
prakṛti (Sanskrit)—the basic matter of which the universe consists. HTML: prakṛti
pralaya (Sanskrit)—destruction; (period of) abeyance (in which the universe will be destroyed).
pramāna (Sanskrit)—cognitive measure. HTML: pramāna
pramāṇa (Sanskrit)—true cognition. HTML: pramāṇa
pramāṇavāda (Sanskrit)—theory of knowledge. HTML: pramāṇavāda
pramāṇyavāda (Sanskrit)—theory of truth. HTML: pramāṇyavāda
pramāna-vicāra (Sanskrit)—nature of cognitive processes. HTML: pramāna-vicāra
prameya (Sanskrit)—objects of knowledge
praṇa (Sanskrit)—pure life force. HTML: praṇa
praṇajagat or praṇa-jagat (Sanskrit)—the vital world, the world of pure life-force. HTML: praṇajagat
prāṛayāma (Sanskrit)—lengthening of the “prana” (breath, vital energy). Breath control in yoga.
prasanga (Sanskrit)—reductio ad absurdum argument.
prathibhā (Sanskrit)—skill in the practice of the imagination? practice of the imagination?, imagination? ingenuity, intuition, thought. HTML: ā = ā
pratibhā, kaushala (Sanskrit)—theory of creativity? creativity?. HTML: ā = &#257
pratijñā (Sanskrit)—(1) v. to admit, consent, approve, present as a thesis; (2) recognition, promise, affirmation, word, vow, agreement; thesis to demonstrate of a syllogism.
pratītya-samutpada (Sanskrit)—dependent coming-into-being. HTML: pratītya-samutpada
pratyakṣa (Sanskrit)—perception. HTML: pratyakṣa
pratyavekṣanājñāna (Sanskrit)—distinguishing wisdom (wisdom that distinguishes). HTML: pratyavekṣanājñāna
pratyayasarga (Sanskrit)—evolutionary formation or development from buddhi.
pravṛtti (Sanskrit)—forward movement, progress, evolution, effort, activity. HTML: pravṛtti
prayatna (Sanskrit)—effort, will, action
prayojana (Sanskrit)—end-purpose
prayojana-vicāra (Sanskrit)—end-purpose of life.
prema-bhakti (Sanskrit)—devotion explanded by perfect love for God.
prūti (Sanskrit)—(feeling of?) most perfect love.
pṛthaktva (Sanskrit)—individuality. HTML: pṛthaktva
pṛtivī (Sanskrit)—earth. HTML: pṛtivī
pūjā (Sanskrit)—religious sacrifice. HTML: pūjā
purṇa-yoga (Sanskrit)—integral yoga (Ghosh). HTML: purṇa-yoga
puruṣa (Sanskrit)—man. HTML: puruṣa
puruṣa-karmāpekṣa (Sanskrit)—conditioned by man’s karma. HTML: puruṣ-karmāpekṣa
puruṣārtha (Sanskrit)—one of the four noble aims of human life; (values, theory of values?) HTML: puru&7779;ārtha
pūrva (Sanskrit)—previous, formerly, past
pūrva-krama (Sanskrit)—sequence where cause precedes, and effect follows (Gaudapada). HTML: &x016b; = &x016b;
rāgānuga-bhakti (Sanskrit)—spontaneous devotion
rajas (Skr.)—spontaneous motion and change (synomym of &ldqulo;cala”)a guṇa that binds man with the desire for action.
ramaṇīyatā ca lokottarāhlādajanaka-jñānagocaratā (Sanskrit)—joy “not from this world” HTML: ramaṇīyatā ca lokottarāhlādajanaka-jñānagocaratā
rasa (Sanskrit)—(literally) taste
rasajagat (Sanskrit)—the world of aesthetic experiences.
rasasiddha (Sanskrit)—ones who have the power to create and evoke emotions.
rasatala (Sanskrit)—the subterranean region
rati (Sanskrit)—love? rest, pleasure
raudra (Sanskrit)—irate, furious.
ṛta (Sanskrit)—adj. clear, pure, true; n. moral rule, right, justice, divine law, cosmic order, supreme truth. HTML: ṛta.
rūpa (Sanskrit)—form, essence. HTML: rūpa
S, Ś
sa-hṛdaya (Sanskrit)—of one heart. sa-hṛdaya
śabda, shabda (Sanskrit)—sound, speech. aspect? word? aspect of a word? verbal communication. html: ś = ś
[[sac-cid-ānanda (Skr.)—being-consciousness-happiness (description of Brahman).
saddhā (Sanskrit)—initial faith (in Buddhism). HTML: ā = ā
sādhana (Sanskrit)—instrumental; spiritual growth; means for accomplishing something. HTML: ā = āā
sādhana-bhakti (Sanskrit)—devotion in practise
sādhya (Sanskrit)—essential; major term (in a syllogism); what is proven. HTML: sādhya
sādhyasama (Sanskrit)—requiring proof (?); counter-question, (begging the question, petitio principii, a type of logical fallacy).
[[saguṇa (Skr.)—with qualities (guṇas). HTML: saguṇ
[[sahaja (originally from defunct Apabhramsa language)—spontaneous joy of a divine nature
Śaktivāda (Sanskrit)—discussion of the meaning of a word. Title of a work of Gadadhara. HTML: Śaktivāda
śakyatāvaccedaka (Sanskrit)—a limiter of the feature of being designated. Gadadhara’s definition of a word.
sama-krama (Sanskrit)—lit. equal step? the sequence of causality when the cause and the effect are simultaneous (Gaudapada).
samācārāt (Sanskrit)—on the basis of practical application?
samādhāna (Sanskrit)—deep concentrationr concentration.
samādhi (Sanskrit)—union, totality, accomplishment, concentration of spirit, ecstasy, meditation.
sāmānya (Sanskrit)—the universal, common, genus.
sāmānyābhāva (Sanskrit)—non-occurence, general negation, specific absence.
samāpatti (Sanskrit)—higher meditations; the reaching (apatti) of a state of perfect indifference (sams)
samatājñāna (Sanskrit)—wisdom of equality or unity
samavāya (Sanskrit)—inherence. HTML: samavāya
samāvyāpti (Sanskrit)—bilateral, mutual. HTML: samāvyāpti
sambhanda (Sanskrit)—conection
sambhogakāya (Skr)—body of bliss.
Saṁkalpa-kalpa-druma (Sanskrit)—tree of ideas (title of work). HTML: Saṁkalpa-kalpa-druma
sāṁkhya (Sanskrit)—enumeration; the name of one of the six schools of classical Indian philosophy. HTML: sāṁkhya
saṁkhyā (Sanskrit)—number saṁkhyā
saṁmnāsa (Sanskrit)—renunciation, abandonment
sampradaya (Sanskrit)—tradition, religious system
saṁsāra (Sanskrit)—transition, transmigration of souls [in philosophy], this world, life.
saṁnikarṣa (Sanskrit)—specific relation. HTML: saṁnikarṣa
saṁśaya (Sanskrit)—doubt, uncertainty. HTML: saṁśaya
saṁskāra (Sanskrit)—conditioned elements; impression left by a previous thought or action; lit. “making perfect” or “refining”. HTML: saṁskāra
samyagjñāna (Sanskrit)—liberating knowledge.
saṁyoga (Sanskrit)—union, combination, conjunction. HTML: saṁyoga
sandhi (Sanskrit)—various kinds of phonological processes that occur at word boundaries (like elisions and liaisons)
sändhyabhāṭā (Sanskrit)—the secret language spoken by the ḍākinīs (female spirits)—the language of half shadow.
saṅgha (Sanskrit)—community of monks. HTML: saṅgha
saṅghāta (Sanskrit)—composite material substances. HTML: saṅghāta
saḽkoca (Sanskrit)—contraction or retraction—1the separation of Consciousness from its objects and superimposed qualities.
sāṛśya (Sanskrit)—similarity. HTML: sāṛśya
sapakṣa (Sanskrit)—example, a class of individuals that are an analogue of the subject of the conclusion. HTML: sapakṣa
sāra (Sanskrit)—adj. precious, excellent, solid, strong. n. essence
sarga (Sanskrit)—emergence (Pol. wyłonienie); beginning (?) of creation (?)
śarīra (Sanskrit)—the human body, person. HTML: śarīra
sarvaṁ sarvātmakhaṁ (Sanskrit)—everything has the nature of everything
sarvajña (Sanskrit)—he who is omniscient.
sarvajñātva (Sanskrit)—omniscience (of Buddha). HTML: sarvajñātva
sarvodaya (Sanskrit)—common good, universal benefit (Gandhi).
sat (Sanskrit)—being
sat-cit-ānanda (Sanskrit)—being, consciousness, bliss (the experience of cosmic beauty). HTML: sat-cit-ānanda
Sat Gurū (Skr.)—the True Guru (Sikh title for God)
sat-kārya-vāda (Sanskrit)—(theory of) pre-existence of the cause in the effect.
ṣaṭ-sam˙pat (Sanskrit)—six-fold virtues. HTML:ṣaṭ-sam˙pat
Ṡaṭ-saṁdarbha (Sanskrit)—six collections (title of a work). HTML: Ṡaṭ-saṁdarbha
satkāryam (Skr.)—pre-existence of the cause in the effect.
sattva (Sanskrit)—existence; a guṇa that binds man with a desire for happiness and knowledge
satya (Sanskrit)—truth.
satyāgraha (Sanskrit)—perserverance in the truth. HTML: ā = ā
saundara (Sanskrit)—beauty.
saundarya (Sanskrit)—beauty.
sautrāntika-vijñānavāda (Sanskrit)—a Buddhist school of logic. HTML: sautrāntika-vijñānavāda
sa-vastu (Sanskrit)—external objects
savyabhicāra (Sanskrit)—inconclusive (a class of logical fallacies, also called "anaikāntika")
shạbda (Sanskrit)—vehicle of sound, word. HTML: shạbda
shakti (Sanskrit)—female creative power, a goddess.
shama (Sanskrit)—inner peace, feeling of spiritual peace.
shanti (Sanskrit)—tranquillity
sharīrānapekṛa (Sanskrit)—arises independently of the body (?). HTML: sharīrānapekṛa
shilpa (Sanskrit)—that which is differentiated, variegated (closest term for art in general)
shoka (Sanskrit)—pity and sadness
shraddhā (Sanskrit)—faith in the word of a teacher and scripture.
shreyas (Sanskrit)—worthy of desire.
shṛn˙gāra (Sanskrit)—(alternative spelling “shringāra”)—erotic, sensual. HTML: shṛn˙gāra
shtiti (Sanskrit)—inertia
siddha (Sanskrit)—(one who has) succeeded, saint, one who has achieved a higher state of exis tence.
Siddha-siddhānta-paddhati (Sanskrit)—Path of the practice of the Siddhas—title of a book by Goraksanatha.
siddhānta (Sanskrit)—end, conclusion, axiom, dogma
sīla (Sanskrit)—morality
śiṣya (Skr.)—disciple. HTML: &347;iṣya
Śivatva (Skr.)—to be Shiva, divinity, godliness. Like the latin term (from Aquinas), deiformitas.
skandha (Sanskrit)—aggregate (s?).
śleṣa (Sanskrit)—union, junction, double meaning, equivocity, play on words, multiple interpretation of a text. HTML: śleṣa
smṛtyupasthana (Sanskrit)—attentiveness, keeping one thing in the mind.
sneha (Sanskrit)—stickiness, thickness, viscosity.
sopalambha (Sanskrit)—awareness of duality? duality?
śravaṇa (Skr.)—listening (with understanding). HTML: śravaṇa
śruti (Skr.)—hearing, listening: the central canonical texts of Hinduism.
stava-mālā (Sanskrit)—garland of hymns (title of work).
sthāyibhāva (Sanskrit)—emotional states? exemplary presentation of emotional states? (permanent sentiment of love for the Lord) HTML: sthāyibhāva
sthitisthāpaka (Sanskrit)—elasticity
śuddha or suddha (Sanskrit)—pure
śuddha-laukika (Sanskrit)—transcendental (pure-ordinary?)
sukha (Sanskrit)—pleasant feelings.
sukhaduḥkha (Sanskrit)—pleasure and pain (moral recompense). HTML: sukhaduḥkha
śukṣmaśarīra (Sanskrit)—subtle body, subtle body connected with prāna. HTML: śukṣmaśarīra
sukṣmāśakti (Sanskrit)—subtle power
śūnya (Sanskrit)—void. html: śūnya
śunya-vāda (Sanskrit)—Buddhist doctrine of nihilism or voidism, aiming at complete annihilation of the self. HTML: śunya-vāda
suṣupti (Sanskrit)—deep sleep without dreams. HTML: suṣupti
sutala (Sanskrit)—the great depth, the realm of obsessive jealousy and retaliation
svabhāva (Sanskrit)—intrinsic nature.
svadeśī (Sanskrit)—from the native country (Gandhi).
svapna (Sanskrit)—sleep with dreams.
svapnāvasthā (Sanskrit)—state of sleep with dreams
svar (Sanskrit)—heaven, the etherial places, the sky
svarga (Sanskrit)—heaven
svarūpa (Sanskrit)—essence. HTML: svarūpa
svarūpa-lak̋aṇa (Sanskrit)—primary symptom, intrinsic nature, constitutional characteristic, essential description. HTML: svarūpa-lakṣaṇa
svataḥ prāmāṇya (Sanskrit)—internal evidence (self-evidence?). HTML: svataḥ prāmāṇya
svatantra (Sanskrit)—free, independent, autonomous.
svatantra-puruṣa (Sanskrit)—autonomous person. HTML: ṣ= ṣ
svatva (Sanskrit)—property.
swarāj (Sanskrit?)—Home rule, from “swa-”—“one’s own”, “raj”—“rule”.
taijasa (Sanskrit)—state of dreams in sleep.
talātala (Sanskrit)—place no-place (an inferior world)
tamas (Skr.)—darkness; a guṇa that binds man with sloth, confusion, and sleep.
tantra (Sanskrit)—weave, continuity
tapas (Sanskrit)—asceticism.
tārā (Sanskrit) —star, female Buddha, female liberator
tarka (Sanskrit)—supposition, speculation, conjecture; reasoning by way of the absurd, refutation.
tathāta (Sanskrit)—ultimate reality.
tattva (Sanskrit)—reality.
tattva-vicāra (Sanskrit)—nature of reality. HTML: tattva-vicāra
tattva (Sanskrit)—suchness, thusness
Tattvacintāmaṇi (Sanskrit)—Jewel of entering into reality, or The Jewel of Truth that fulfills wishes (title of a book by Gangesha Upadhyaya).
tattvajñnāna (Sanskrit)—true knowledge.
Tattvāloka (Sanskrit)—light of reality (Title of a book)
tattvāpratibodha (Sanskrit)—a non-apprehension or hiding of reality (one aspect of māyā).
tejas (Sanskrit)—fire, radiance.
ṭha (Skr.)—moon HTML: ṭha
titakṣa (Sanskrit)—resignation, patience? HTML: titakṣa
trikāya (Skr)—the Buddha-state in three bodies.
tri-ratna (Sanskrit)—three jewels.
turīya (Sanskrit)—fourth, fourth state of consciousness, which Gauḍapāda identifies with Ātman. HTML: ī = ī
udahāraṇa (Sanskrit)—example, declaration, illustration, example to support a syllogism, example of application of grammatical rule. HTML: udahāraṇa
Uddhava-saṁdeśa (Sanskrit)—delegation of Uddhava (title of work). HTML: Uddhava-saṁdeśa
Ujjval-nilamaṇi (Sanskrit)—brilliant/clear saphhire (title of a work). HTML: Ujjval-milamaṇi
upādāna (Sanskrit)—acquisition, appropriation, material cause,
Upadeśāmṛta (Sanskrit)—nectar of instructions (title of work). HTML: Upadeś&257;mṛta
upādhi (Sanskrit)—limitation, imposition, condition, circumstance. HTML: upāadhi
upalakṣaṇa (Sanskrit)—pointer, indicator. HTML: upalakṣaṇa
upalambhāt (Sanskrit)—on the basis of the perception of them?
upamāna (Sanskrit)—comparison. HTML: upamāna
upanaya (Sanskrit)—procuration, attainment, application of a syllogism.
upanayana (Sanskrit)—rite of initiation into mature life (?), mature life (?)
uparati (Sanskrit)—renunciation of sensual pleasures.
[[upaṣṭambkha (Skr.)—stimulating, exciting. HTML: upaṣṭambkha
utkṛṣṭa (Sanskrit)—perfect. HTML: utkrŃṣṭa
utpatti (Sanskrit)—generalization.
utpattimattvāt (Sanskrit)—they have arisen.
utsāha (Sanskrit)—courage, power? cheerfulness, enthusiasm?. HTML: ā = ā
uttama (Sanskrit)—best
vāc (Sanskrit)—voice, word, sound
vācakatva (Sanskrit)—denotation. HTML: ā = ā
vacana (Sanskrit)—verbal expression; a thing said.
vācya (Sanskrit)—words? in words? expressed in words?. HTML: ā = ā
vācyārtha (Sanskrit)—literal meaning. HTML: vācyārtha
vāda (Sanskrit)—he who speaks, he who proclaims, word, declaration, discussion, controversy,
Vāda-cakra-cāḍamaṇi (Sanskrit)—Jewel of the circle of discussion : an epithet for the philosopher and logician Guṇaratna Gaṇi. HTML: Vāda-cakra-cāḍamaṇi
vādavidyā (Sanskrit)—debate? theory of debate?.
vāg-vyavahāra (Sanskrit)—the use of words.
vaidhi-bhakti (Sanskrit)—devotion apprehended in rules.
vairāgya (Sanskrit)—uncolouredness, dispassion, detachment.
vaiśeṣika (Sanskrit)—the name of one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. HTML: vaiśeṣika
Vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇī (Sanskrit)—Vishnuite delight. HTML: Vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇ&#12b;
vanaprastha (Sanskrit)—hermit who dwells in a forest.
vant (Sanskrit)—past active participle ending; vehicle? possessor?
varaṇakra (Sanskrit)—concealing, surrounding, enveloping,
varṇa (Skr.)—caste, class. HTML: varṇa
varṇa-dharma (Sanskrit)—ethical system proper to a state of life (a caste). HTML: varṇa-dharma
vāśastra (Sanskrit)—doctrine of debate
vastu (Sanskrit)—nature, surrounding, environment; objects
vāyu (Sanskrit)—wind.
vedānthārtha-sāra-saṁgraha-bhūtam (Sanskrit)—? it summarizes in a nutshell the entire philosophy of advaita-vedanta (Gaudapada, on the Mandukyo upanishad). vedānthārtha-sāra-saṁgraha-bh&x16b;tam
vega (Sanskrit)—force, impetus
vibhu (Skr.)—opulent, powerful, omnipresent,
vibhāga (Sanskrit)—disconnection (?); distribution, separation, difference.
Vidhaga-Madhāva (Sanskrit)—dexterous Madhāva (title of work).
Vidhisvarūpavādārtha (Sanskrit)—discussion of the meaning of a command. Title of a work by Gadadhara. HTML: Vidhisvarūpavādārtha.
Vidyā (Sanskrit)—knowledge
Vidyācitta (Sanskrit)—enlightened mind (also “bodhicitta”, and Tibetan “rig-pa”)
vidyadhara (Sanskrit)—possessor of perfect knowledge, awareness holder
vijñānajagat (Sanskrit)—the world of the reason, ruled by the laws of logic, the world of Buddhi.
vikāśa (Sanskrit)—immanence, (expansion?)
vilāsa (Sanskrit)—play of the absolute (?); playing.
vināshyam (Sanskrit)—is to be destroyed.
vipakṣa (Sanskrit)—counter-example. HTML: vipakṣa
viphala (Sanskrit)—fruitless, sterile, vain, useless.
vīra (Sanskrit)—heroic. HTML: ī = &#012b;
vīrya (Skr.)—courage.
viṣayatāvacchedaka (Sanskrit)—limiter of the feature of being being an object of cognition (understanding). HTML: viṣayatāvacchedaka
viśeṣaṇa (Sanskrit)—defining quality. HTML: viśeṣaṇa
Viṣayatavāda (Sanskrit)—discussion of objectivity. Title of a work by Gadadhara. HTML: Viṣayatavāda
visheṣa (Sanskrit)—feature. HTML: visheṣa
viśeṣābhāva (Sanskrit)—concrete non-occurrence. HTML: viśeṣābhāva
viśeṣadharma (Sanskrit)—defining feature. HTML: viśeṣadharma
viśeṣaṇa (Sanskrit)—relation of definition. HTML: viśeṣaṇa
vishvavṛtti (Sanskrit)—universality?
viśiṣṭa (Sanskrit) defined individual?. HTML: viśiṣṭa
vismaya (Sanskrit)—enchantment, amazement, astonishment.
viśva, vishwa (Sanskrit)—state of wakefulness. HTML: viśva
vitala (Sanskrit)the region of negation, region of raging anger and viciousness.
vitaṇḍā (Sanskrit)—sophistry (?), counter-arguments. HTML: vitaṇḍā
Vivāhavādārtha (Sanskrit)—disussion of the meaning of marriage. Title of a work by Gadadhara. HTML: Vivāhavādārtha
viveka (Sanskrit)—separation, distinction, discernment, reasoning
vivekakhyāti (Sanskrit)—discriminative discernment.
vṛddha (Sanskrit)—augmented, enlarged, old, aged, wise, learned, expert. HTML: vṛddha
vṛtti (Skr.)—they coexist (?); activities, sustenance, maintenance, function(s, -ing)
vṛ-vyavahāra (Sanskrit)—passed down by the elders. HTML: vṛ-vyavaāra
vyākṛta (Sanskrit)—described.
vyakta (Sanskrit)—clear, evident, visible perceptible.
vyakti (Sanskrit)—an individual (?);manifestation, evidence, singularity, particularity, distinction, difference
vyaṅga (Sanskrit)—bodiless, crippled, deficient. HTML: vyaṅga
vyaṇgyārtha (Sanskrit)—the meaning to be manifested, suggested meaning. HTML: vyaṇgyārtha
vyañjakatva (Sanskrit)—suggestivity; suggestive resonance of analytic discourse, suggestion.
vyāpti (Sanskrit)—penetration, pervasion. HTML: vyāpti.
vyavahāra (Sanskrit)—action, use, activity, affair, custom.
vyavahārārthataḥ (Sanskrit)— (at the level of..?) practical knowledge. HTML: vyavahā&r#257;rthataḥ
Vyutpattivāda (Sanskrit)—discussion of the meaning of a proposition. Title of a work by Gaddadhara. Vyutpattivāda
yacca tenāpekṣaṇīya (Sanskrit)—conditions God. HTML: yacca tenāpekṣaṇīya
yajña (Sanskrit)—sacrifice (Gandhi).
yoga (Sanskrit)—discipline
yukti-darśanāt (Sanskrit)—reasoning based on practical experience.
yukti-yukta (Sanskrit)—logically coherent; rigid reasoning; well-established; demonstrated.
